Everything starts from the gourd baby

Chapter 110 The Buddha's Light

Yuan Lang's roar made Lin Sen wake up, and the dragon energy in his body burst out suddenly. He thought that Emperor Gouchen was one of the six emperors, the lord who ruled ten thousand thunders, and the emperor's dragon energy left behind by him, even if it was weak Piao Miao, also will not allow anyone to provoke.

Taking this opportunity, Lin Sen raised his head to the sky and let out an angry roar. He felt crackling inside his body, but the sound was not real. The sound came from his blood, from his soul. Without the constraints of the blood in his body, this kind of fear from racial nature has no effect on him anymore.

Seeing that Lin Sen was able to break free from the shackles of the race, a look of astonishment suddenly appeared on the unchanging face of Nadala's golden body. It would be a pity to really kill you!"

The heart of cherishing materials that had just been extinguished is rising again at this time. Those who are waiting to break free from the shackles of blood with their hearts are all people with a tough heart and a stable heart. above yourself.

Thinking of this, the eight arms on the golden body of Tuoluo move together, and they are placed on the chest. The eight seals are united, and the eight dragons surrounded by the eight parts of the body suddenly glow with golden light, and eight golden Buddha lights shoot out. , on the handprint of Yuduoluo, and then solidified into an arm-thick shining light that seemed to be shining like gold, and shot straight at Lin Sen.

When the eight dragons were shining, Lin Sen felt that something was wrong, and when the golden light condensed on Tuo Luo's hands, he was even more shocked. Such power must not be something simple.

Although he was not timid to break free from the shackles, Lin Sen was not a fool, he must not forcefully connect this kind of thing, and flew out in the form of a long rainbow.

Although Lin Sen's reaction was fast, the golden light didn't know why. Plus the trend of being followed.

"Om...well...well...ba...me...hum..." The unison was loud and clear, like the sound of bells and drums, slowly echoing in the cave, echoing the seal in the hand of Tuo Luo, these six characters As soon as the Guangming Mantra flew out of his mouth, it turned into an infinite vastness, the words shone with golden light, surrounded by Buddha's aura, blocking Lin Sen like a mountain.

Even with Lin Sen's cultivation level, surrounded by the six-character light mantra, and under the mutual reflection of the breath, he suddenly felt as if he was stuck in a quagmire. No matter how he tried to break free, he only got deeper and deeper.

When he was trapped, the golden Buddha's light was very slow. After a slowdown, the golden Buddha's light appeared in front of Lin Sen almost instantly.

He wanted to dodge, but he was trapped in the six-character light spell. No matter how he broke free, he returned with a stronger counter force.

But at this time, a bright white light suddenly shot out, fixing the Buddha's light in front of Lin Sen, but it was the white-browed man who saw Lin Sen was in danger, and didn't care about adding injury to injury, and shot out a divine light from the Haotian mirror in his hand, fixing the Buddha's light , It's just that Cui Shi's mana, the injury that had been stabilized by taking the elixir, broke out again, and a mouthful of blood flowed out of his mouth.

Lin Sen is the last support of the group, and there is no room for loss, but seeing the herring face tangled for a moment, he finally handed over the Shark King to Mrs. Xuan and Mrs. Xuan, and flew up to Lin Sen with a spear in his hand. Rushed around the trapped six-character light mantra.

There was the herring in the lead, and then several figures rushed out, the disciples of Confucianism and Taoism merged together, freeing up their hands and rushing forward to help.

It's a pity that these Confucian and Taoist earth immortals, the great monsters of the East China Sea, are usually high above them. Except for a few heavenly immortals, they are the most powerful forces in the world and are admired by thousands of people. That's right, it's Dora who is transformed into a six-foot-gold body.

Seeing this group of people swarming up, Tuo Luo sneered slightly indifferently, and saw that the six-character radiance mantra suddenly became radiant, emitting thousands of golden lights, rolling in the Buddhist Yuan Power, from the six mountain-like characters. erupted like a volcano.

The crowd of earth immortals who swarmed up were all experts from various schools, but how could they withstand the blow of this angel, and they were scattered from the air before they could perform any feats.

Herring was already injured, and was suppressed by Buddhist exercises. Although he persisted for a while, he couldn't resist the endlessly rolling down Buddhist energy, and was so shocked that he flew back nearly a hundred sheets. Stand still shaking.

And Baimei was even more desolate, the purple and green swords were restrained, the soul was severely injured, and there was no one to protect the law. At this time, he was shocked by the surge of Yuan force, not to mention standing still, even the Haotian Mirror in his hand was blown away Going out, if the Confucian disciples hadn't seen the opportunity very quickly, they would have died if they had protected him into the formation.

"Ah~~~" With a terrifying roar, even Lin Sen's loose black Taoist robe couldn't block the surging and tumbling muscles underneath.

Although the group of Earth Immortals hadn't done any meritorious deeds, they shared a lot of the Buddha's power of the Six-Syllable Bright Mantra. Taking advantage of this gap, Lin Sen suddenly circulated the Dharma Aspects of Heaven and Earth, shooting out seemingly endless power.

boom!boom! !With six loud bangs in succession, Lin Sen, who had turned into a towering giant, propped up the six big characters like mountains, and the golden chains formed by the Buddha's light suddenly shattered and disappeared in all directions.

"Die me!" After being teased by Tuo Luo for so long, Lin Sen had already been holding a bad breath in his chest, and now he broke free suddenly, how could he be polite, and he didn't care whether it would provoke a counterattack from the eight dragons? , The big purple stick in his hand that seemed to be able to run through the north and south suddenly swept across, and went straight to the golden body of Tuo Luo.

Facing such an attack, Nadala turned a blind eye to it, neither evading nor dodging, but looked at Lin Sen with a smile on his face.

not good!Seeing the smile, Lin Sen's heart turned cold, and he scolded himself for being confused. Then he suddenly remembered that he had forgotten something just now.

But it was the golden Buddha's light fixed in mid-air by the Haotian mirror. If the ordinary Buddha's light had been under the divine light of the Haotian mirror, it would have disappeared in smoke. How can it dissipate so easily.

Bai Mei was seriously injured and fell into a coma, and no one could control the Haotian Mirror that was blown away. As soon as the divine light disappeared, the golden Buddha light broke free and went straight to Lin Sen!

Thinking about how Lin Sen's body is so huge when he activates his Dharma Aspect Heaven and Earth, how can he be more than a small Buddha's light that suddenly appeared after he passed by.

As soon as the Buddha's light touched his body, it disappeared without a trace. It didn't hurt or itch. Lin Sen was wondering, but he just felt that the mana power was running slightly slowly, and then the mana power that was originally like a rushing river was like a stubborn rock in a mountain stream. , completely stopped, even if he let Lin Sen drive him, he didn't respond in the slightest.

Then, he suddenly discovered that even the golden elixir in his belly could not be contacted, and disappeared without a trace. Lin Senfang was terrified, and felt a wave of ecstasy and trance. Sleeping normally, that feeling of drowsiness is a major event of heaven and earth, and it cannot be stopped.


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