Although the four of Qin Wei are all celestial beings with profound magic power and profound morality, facing this Buddhist guardian formation, even if it is just the phantom of the eight dragons, it is not possible to break through in a short time.

However, under the protection of the eight dragons of Tuoluo, the mind is the same. As the arms on both sides of the body become more numerous, the breath on the body also rises more rapidly.

The six-foot-long golden body sat cross-legged in the middle of a group of monks and nuns, and the aura of the hundreds of monks was all condensed towards Tuoluo, and under the shining light of the six-foot-long golden body of Tuoluo, the whole body of the monks was like a golden paintbrush body.

Sanskrit singing filled the sky, the light of Buddha shone, golden lotus bloomed, and the golden Sanskrit characters on the four walls of the cave glowed alternately. For a while, it was almost like a Western Buddhist country.

"This is..." Qin Wei and the others finally understood why this Tuoluo had the confidence to take them down once, and suddenly smiled wryly in their hearts. For this moment, Tuoluo must have prepared for at least a year, so that he could not hold such a large formation in this cave.

The golden Buddha's light filled the air, and the colorful auspicious clouds rose. As more and more seals were condensed around Tuo Luo's body, the four angels were still able to persevere.

The Xuanyin Patriarch and the Blood God Son uttered strange screams again and again, the black silk blood energy gushed out all over their bodies, and the Blood God Son had already turned into a blur of bloody light, fearing that it might dissipate, the crying was full of regret , why come to this muddy water, this is such a good cultivation base that there is no one in ten!

Ow!Roar!Suddenly there was a dragon chant and a tiger roar, the sound was very sacred and majestic under the muttering Sanskrit singing, I saw a monk on the left and right sides of the six-foot-long golden body of Tuoluo, although the body moved, the body suddenly grew to about three feet , Capture the golden dragon with one hand, and ride the white tiger with the other.

Under the golden light around Nadala, it turned into the shape of the arhat subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger. Once the two arhats appeared, although they only closed their eyes, the aura around Nadala suddenly increased.

The movement of the whole body's seal is also getting faster and faster.

"It's really such a ghost..." Qian Yuan snorted angrily with a face full of fear, and the sun essence wheel in his hand shot out thousands of sun essences, shooting directly at Nadara's golden body, but before it arrived, he was shot again by those eight All the dragons blocked it.

Knowing that Tuo Luo can't stay in the big formation, knowing that this moment is the most critical period, but with the eight dragons and the guardians around him, Qin Wei and the others have nothing to do!

Ha ha! !A hearty laughter resounded throughout the world, and two Arhats appeared beside Tuo Luo, with cloth bags on their backs, wide smiles, long eyebrows reaching shoulders, and an old look.

"We can't let him keep preparing like this!" Zha Nongying said slightly anxiously, "If he really transforms into eighteen arhats and sets up a large array of arhats, taking me down would be like throwing the palm of our hand!"

What he practiced was the Heavenly Demon One, and the magic method aimed at the soul was restrained by this Buddhist sect most. He had an injury in his body. After hasty treatment, although the injury was suppressed, his cultivation was only about six levels. At this moment, he was even suppressed by this Buddhist arhat. If the eighteen arhats gathered together, he wouldn't have to beat him, he would just let him go!

Looking at the towering six-foot golden body, Zha Nongying gritted his teeth secretly, clasped his hands together in front of him, and pointed his fingers to the left and right, or forward and backward, forming a strange pattern. Extremely, extremely awkward spell gestures.

Dressed in white gauze, Zha Nongying knelt down softly on her knees, her eyes were slightly closed, and the charming look on her face faded away, but she had a holy and pious face, just like that fairy who had attained the Tao, praying to God, and muttering in her mouth with compassion Said, "With my pious god, pull the body of the demon, attract the evil in the heart, feed the true spirit of the demon, and reveal..."

With a sound of galloping, the closed eyes suddenly opened, there was no white in the eyes, and the dark and deep pupils seemed to be filled with all the evil obsessions in this world.

Above the void, it seems that an invisible crack in space is torn open, and the invisible and substanceless demon souls, like the waves of the raging sea, swarm out, and Cha Nongying uses himself as a guide to pull them into this world between.

The Buddhist chanting all over the sky is the most feared nemesis of the celestial demons. Just as the pieces of celestial demons burst out, they were illuminated by the golden light of the Buddhist gate, screaming in horror and retreating quickly.

Seeing this, Zha Nongying's face not only did not intersect, but became more and more eerie and charming, and the invisible space crack was slightly quiet for a moment.

Suddenly another celestial demon flew out of it, different from the celestial demons who dodged in fear just now, this celestial demon regarded the Buddha light all over the sky as nothing, and went straight to the monks and nuns who were meditating above the clouds.

After this demon appeared, a fierce smile flashed on Zha Nongying's face. After that demon, dozens of demons rushed out of it intermittently. Although compared with the endless demons that swarmed in before, The number is very rare, but they are all tyrannical people who have lived in the outer void for many years.

After no demons showed up, Zha Nongying stopped the spell, her white veil was almost soaked, and her body couldn't stop shaking.

"Old Monster Cha! You're crazy!" Qian Yuan yelled angrily, and was about to step forward to reason. After being stopped by Qin Wei, who also had an angry face, he just roared angrily, "You have recruited so many tyrannical extraterrestrial demons, once you lose control Escape, do you know how much disaster it will cause to the world!"

"Human world?" Cha Nongying snorted coldly and said, "Tuoluo made it clear that he wanted to keep us all here, and disasters in the world are also his Buddhist affairs! If you want to keep me, Cha Nongying, you must pay enough price !" Staring at the golden body of Tuoluo guarded by the eight dragons, and at the group of demons from outside the territory who were heading towards the monks and nuns, Zha Nongying gritted his teeth and said viciously, "If I die, let it be a flood!"

The invisible demons quickly selected their prey. As the most deceptive thing, one can see that among this group of monks, the weak-minded ones uttered a cry around the selected monks and nuns. There was a sharp and strange laugh, and then suddenly drilled in from the zenith.

As a cultivator of the Heavenly Demon Dao, he knows the tyranny of this extraterritorial Heavenly Demon, even if it is only a sliver of his divine sense that enters the human world, although he cannot stay in the human world for a long time with an invisible body, as long as one of them succeeds in seizing people's will, Although it can't be seen from the outside, it will definitely set off a bloody storm in the world.

"Well said!!" The Shark King laughed and praised, "Brother Zha's words, you and I deserve a full drink, hahaha!" The big mouth was split open, revealing two rows of sharp teeth, the Shark King stared at Looking at the monks and nuns around Nadala, there were ferocious smiles on their faces.

Although Tuo Luo saw the movement of Zha Nongying, but at this critical moment, he couldn't tolerate his clone, so he had to speed up his pace, and suddenly four golden arhats appeared next to him.

At the same time, Qian Yuan and Qin Wei, who looked angry, met each other with a helpless wry smile, and then as if they had made some decision, they stared at Nadala's six-foot-old golden body, with determination in their eyes!


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