Everything starts from the gourd baby

Chapter 13 Out of the Water

"Big brother must be having a hard time going here. Little brother here is a elixir made from honey that has been brewed for a hundred years. It is considered a yang energy thing. After taking it, brother will make it less difficult!" Then he glanced at Lin Sen and said through a voice transmission, "Here is the centipede, I won't say much, I just hope Brother Ha will say more good things in front of the king in the future!"

"Farewell, little brother!!" After saying that, he chased Lin Sen without looking back.

Chi Toad just watched Lin Sen and the two swim up, until they were almost the size of peanuts.

"Hum..." Chi Toad snorted coldly, and raised his hand to throw away the yellow pill, but when he raised his hand, he didn't throw it away.

After hesitating for a moment, he finally put the pill on the tip of his nose and smelled it. A sweet and delicate fragrance of honey floated into his nasal cavity, and his icy body felt slightly relieved.

The red toad carefully tapped it with the tip of its tongue, washed it and tasted it, checked carefully for a long time to make sure there was no problem, and then swallowed the pill.

Immediately, I only felt a heat flow from the abdomen, and the stiffness was slowly relieved by the warmth.

Feeling that the medicine is as effective as what the hornet said, the red toad chuckled, buried his head and plunged deeper.

"Are you so sure that that toad will take that pill?" Hornet finally couldn't help it all the way, and asked with his mouth open.

"Don't you know the power of your pill? Although Toad has the blood of the Red Fire Toad, it will definitely not be comfortable swimming in the cold pool like this, or he wouldn't be like that before, so He will definitely eat it!" Lin Sen said with a smile as if he knew that you couldn't hold back.

"Are you not afraid that he will find out what you mixed in?" Hornet said worriedly. Lin Sen's accident had nothing to do with him, but this time he was involved, and if something happened to him, he would not be able to escape.

"Don't worry! Although that guy Toad's poison technique is equally good, what I added in it is not poison, but something to calm the mind and sleep!" Lin Sen smiled and thought to himself, Red Toad, this time it's you If you want to die, don't blame me!

"Hmph!" Hornet snorted coldly, "I don't care about the matter between you and Toad, and I don't bother to care about it, but you must not go back on what you promised me, or I will turn my face against you."

"Don't worry! Brother Hornet, as soon as I get the release of the Heart-Eating Curse, I will definitely share it with Brother Hornet! This time, thank you Centipede!" Lin Sen cupped his hands and thanked Hornet. The two rushed out of the water with a "crash..." and hurriedly meditated with their legs crossed to the side to recover.

But it said that the red toad swam to the depths of the cold pool, and the deeper it went, the more intense the surrounding cold air became.

Before reaching the lower end of the cold pool, the red toad saw the legendary alchemy furnace at a glance.

It was also the alchemy furnace that was too conspicuous. The tripod-shaped alchemy furnace with a diameter of about two feet high glowed with colorful light in the pitch-black water. The soft light made people feel warm in the cold.

"There really is such a thing!" Chi Toad looked obsessively at the Great Pill Stove in front of him, but at last he was still a little rational, knowing that this matter was not a time for greed, and he would never want to get involved with this thing.

Immediately, he took out a small wooden barrel from his bosom and poured demon power into it.

Between the mouths of the wooden barrel, a gust of air rushed straight up.

"Gululu..." The heavy demon on the shore waited anxiously, when suddenly the little demon who was guarding next to him saw the bubbles constantly rising on the water surface, and immediately shouted excitedly, "My lord...signal Here comes... Your Majesty...the signal is coming..."

Hearing the words, Scorpion Jing hurried to the water's edge to make sure for herself. After seeing the splash, she immediately shouted excitedly, "God help me...God help me too... The legend of the pill furnace is indeed true... Hahaha...God help me too!!"

The crimson tail protruded from the back and plunged straight into the water, as if it could grow infinitely, continuously extending and getting longer.

In the deep water, the red toad circled the alchemy furnace, constantly turning back and forth, using exercise to ensure the circulation of its own blood, so as not to freeze itself.

When the crimson scorpion tail appeared in the darkness, for the first time, Chi Toad felt the murderous weapon he was deeply afraid of. This ruthless and vicious scorpion tail was so kind.

"Damn it, I'm finally free!" Chi Toad cursed secretly, and quickly swam towards the scorpion's tail, carefully grasping the scorpion's tail, hooking the tail above Pill Stove's ear, and then tugged vigorously, signaling to the scorpion to The essence can be pulled up!

Finally finished the character, Chi Toad's tense mood suddenly relaxed, it didn't matter if he relaxed, he just felt a strong sense of drowsiness gushing out, and he felt a little drowsy for an instant .

As the scorpion spirit's tail kept wriggling back, the sweat on that rough face became more and more dense, and in the end it was even covered in sweat, and he gritted his teeth hard.

Seeing how difficult the scorpion spirit was, the snake spirit hurried forward and poured her demon power into the scorpion tail to help him.

"Give me up..." The closer the pill furnace got to the water surface, the heavier it became, the scorpion spirit roared angrily, and flicked its tail with all its strength, only to see the colorful pill furnace flying out of the air and rushing out of the water.

With a loud sound of "coaxing...", the three tripod legs slammed on the ground fiercely, and the huge rocks smashed out dense cracks one by one.

"Good baby!! Good baby!! Haha!!" The scorpion spirit, regardless of the serious consumption, circled the pill furnace with the heavy demon.

The colorful light was so dazzling that Scorpion couldn't help laughing out loud.

But at this time, a cold current that seemed to be able to penetrate the soul gushed out from the thousand-foot cold pool, and dense hoarfrost instantly appeared on the surrounding pitch-black mountains and rocks.

The cold air here is so strong, let alone in the water, Lin Sen withdraws a sneer from the corner of his mouth, Red Toad, dare to threaten me, you are destined to end up today.

The medicine he gave was not a toxin that hurt the body, but the medicine that calmed the nerves and helped sleep. Toad completed the task, relaxed his mind, and fell in Lin Sen's way immediately.

Although with his mana, these medicines can only make him sleep for a moment, but this moment is enough!As soon as the pill furnace leaves the water and the cold air in the water breaks out, it will help him get rid of the red toad!

"Not good!!" The snake spirit exclaimed, "The cold air broke out, open the lid quickly, open the lid quickly!!"

Seeing that the scorpion spirit hadn't reacted yet, the snake spirit roared anxiously, "Open the lid of the alchemy furnace quickly, or we will all die here!"

The scorpion spirit is not stupid either, and immediately grasped the calm top cover with two big hands, immediately green smoke was everywhere, and the air was also full of burnt smell.

"Give me up!" Scorpion Jing roared with his blue veins exposed, resisting the bone-piercing pain, and hugged the top cover of the pill furnace.

In an instant, the sky was full of flames, and endless flames spewed out from the alchemy furnace, and the entire mountain peak was instantly ablaze.

One side is covered with snow, and the other side is full of heat. With the sound of "clusters...", steam rises into the sky.

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