On one side is the burning flames, on the other side is the biting cold, the snake spirit sacrifices a jeweled golden Ruyi, which floats in the air, and the seven pearls on the Ruyi keep swaying the cool breath, trying to block the burning flames outside.

"Shouldn't...shouldn't...shouldn't be like this..." Scorpion spirit murmured blankly. It is doomed to be burned to ashes!

"Your Majesty... let the little demon lead the way, even if the little demon desperately wants to save the king!" Lin Sen hastily stepped forward to express his loyalty, and if he remembers correctly, the fire baby and the water baby are coming soon up!

"Woo..." Xie Zijing was moved to tears immediately, and said, "Commander Centipede is really loyal, if I can go out today, I will definitely not treat my virtuous brother badly!"

With this excitement, Xie Zijing no longer cared about her status, and even called out the title "Xiandi".

"My lord, please come with the little demon!" Lin Sen showed his original shape after speaking, ready to rush out of the flames.

But at this moment, all the little demons suddenly felt cool water dripping on their faces, and when they looked up, they saw raindrops swaying all over the sky.

I don't know what this rain is, but it is able to extinguish the real fire of Sanwei that is all over the mountain.

"It's really a good rain! The sky is endless!! Hahaha!!" Scorpion looked up to the sky and laughed loudly as he looked at the cool rain.

But at this moment, a heart-piercing cold current surged out, without the suppression of the three flavors of real fire, the cold air of the thousand-foot cold pool burst out immediately.

"Help..." Chong Yao's terrified cry hadn't come out, but he saw a blaze of fire falling from the sky, flying down to the top of the thousand-foot cold pool and burning blazingly.

The raging flames were gradually extinguished, and the cold air coming out of the Qianchi Cold Pool became more and more subtle. When the raging flames were completely extinguished, the water in the Qianchi Cold Pool was no different from normal.

The sky is clear, if it is not for the burnt black rocks, nothing seems to have happened. The snake spirit looked up at the sky and smiled coquettishly, "It's really amazing that the water and fire come and go!!"

"Yes! Yes!" Scorpion also laughed, "It was really a good rain!"

Although he knew it would be like this, Lin Sen still couldn't help being shocked. This is the real fire of Sanwei, which is full of mountains, and it is not a mortal flame, but it was extinguished like this?

What is the origin of these kids?

"Hey! You goblins! What kind of tricks are you playing here..." Two shadows with charming smiles appeared on the mountain peak, one of them pointed at the heavy monster and shouted, and then one turned over and fell from the air, standing on the top of the heavy monster. The demon body said, "You dare to set fire to the mountain, don't you know that you will let go of your heinous crime?"

Looking at these two pink little babies, all the little monsters were so scared that their calf softened immediately. This is why the enemies are so jealous when they meet each other. A trace of coldness faintly flashed in the charming eyes of the snake spirit.

A coquettish smile suddenly appeared on his face and said, "The two little celestial beings sprayed water to turn off the flames. They are amazing. Only the little demon is in dire straits. The little demon is really grateful...Thank you..."

"Yes! I'm grateful! I'm really grateful!" The scorpion spirit and the snake spirit have been couples for thousands of years, and they still don't understand, so they hurried to help.

"Hmph!" Huo Wa snorted coldly, "If I knew you were here, young master, I should have added another fire to roast you until you are charred on the outside and tender on the inside!"

As much as he regretted that appearance, he regretted it as much as he wanted, but Lin Sen, who was among the monsters, felt faintly that these two children seemed to come here just for them.

"Oh...look at what you said..." The snake spirit was not angry, and said coquettishly, "The things in this world are wrong and right, who can tell clearly! The two little celestial beings today If I wait for my life, it is better to be on the verge of a humble house, and let the little demon wait for a little bit of thin wine to express his gratitude!"

"Yes, yes, yes... to express my thanks... to express my thanks!!" The scorpion spirit was far worse than the snake spirit, so he could only nod in agreement beside him.

Seeing that the gourd baby did not object, the snake spirit hurried forward to pull it away, and the two gourd babies were also bold and skilled, so they followed along halfway.

Seeing the two kids following him and leaving, the snake spirit quietly winked at the scorpion spirit, how could the scorpion spirit not understand!Hastily said, "There is chaos in the cave, little demon, I will go first, go back to the cave to clean up, prepare wine and food, and welcome the two little Shangxians who are approaching..."

After the scorpion spirit finished speaking, she hurried back with her big head, and all the little demons also hurriedly followed.

"Centipede..." As soon as he entered the cave, Xie Zijing took out a small pill from his bosom, pointed to the rock above his head and ordered, "You take someone to penetrate this rock, let the mountain spring stay, and wait for the two After the baby comes, put this pill into the water!"

"Yes! This subordinate will do it now!" Lin Sen took the pill respectfully and said.

"Be careful! Don't touch the pill after it's in the water!" Just now, Lin Sen's loyal, death-defying attitude was still in front of his eyes, but the scorpion spirit now completely regarded Lin Sen as his confidant, and told him worriedly.

"Small demon!" Seeing the cautious look of the scorpion, it's not hard to imagine what the consequences will be if this thing gets on it!

"Spiders...bats..." After Lin Sen led the men to dig the hole, the scorpion spirit sent an order, "You take the elites of all races and hide in the dark. If the kid is not dead after being poisoned, you should rush up and give him to him." I'll take it!"

"Deling..." The two demons stepped forward, hurriedly leading the figure to hide.

"Wasp...you bring people to prepare fruit wine..." Scorpion said in a deep voice after hesitating for a moment.

"Your Majesty! Why are you still preparing the food and drink!" Wasp asked suspiciously, since they were already preparing to kill the two children here, why did they go to the extra effort to prepare the food and drink.

"Just in case, lay an ambush around the banquet..." Xie Zijing said in a deep voice, "If the two kids can't be taken here, we have to hold them back first, and then find another way!"

"The little demon has to order..." Hornet said with a sense of enlightenment, and rushed to the depths of the cave with an attitude of being taught.

"Cockroach..." Scorpion hesitated for a while, and finally took out a delicate golden key from his bosom in pain and said, "You go... take out that bottle of Ice Heart Brew, Empress!"

"Your Majesty!! That bottle of wine..." The cockroach wondered, that bottle of wine is so precious, is it just used like this?

"Okay! Don't procrastinate! Hurry up and get ready!" The scorpion shoved the key into the cockroach's hand in pain.

"Yes! This subordinate will do it now!" Now that the scorpion spirit had said everything, the cockroach no longer hesitated, and ran into the cave with the key!

In the dark passage, there is silence, as long as the spring water left on the zenith flows "哗啦啦..."...

"Shangxian arrives..." With the loud shout of the little demon guarding the gate, one after another of the huge stone gates opened with "click...".

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