When Lin Sen saw the worried look on Xiao Yang Lin's face, he immediately smiled, pinched Yang Lin's face and said, "Your master is so powerful, how can there be any trouble! They are just out on business!"

Hearing what Lin Sen said, Xiao Yanglin nodded seriously like a young adult and said, "That's right, the master is so powerful, how can something happen!"

This appearance almost made several people laugh, and then Lin Sen laughed and said, "Lin'er, we are moving to a new house!" After speaking, under Yang Lin's expectant eyes, he wrapped him in his arms, and then signaled to Dongfang Ming.

With a flick of the big sleeve, the extremely strong spiritual sense immediately picked up all the objects in the cave, and flew straight into the air with Lin Sen.

Yuan Lang was prepared to be calm and composed, but Dongfang Ming and Yang Lin didn't know anything. They just felt that as Lin Sen seemed to penetrate a layer of membrane, they seemed to have come to another world. The [-] pores all over his body couldn't help but open up, breathing greedily!

"Uncle Master is amazing! Uncle Master, there is a big mountain that can fly!" Yang Lin, in Lin Sen's arms, yelled happily, pointing at the Immortal Mansion floating in the air.

Compared with Yang Lin's joy, Dongfang Ming was stunned. He was not an ignorant boy who knew nothing. He knew what the hanging mountain in front of him represented. His eyes could not help but stare at Lin Sen in a daze. It is to snatch the Donghai Immortal Mansion robbed by these strong players.

"This will be our new home from now on! How is it?" Seeing Yang Lin's joyful look, Lin Sen asked softly with a smile on his face.

"Good! Good! Lin'er is going to live in a flying mountain!" Yang Lin waved his little hands excitedly. If he wasn't in the air, he might have already broken free from Lin Sen's embrace and ran to the fairy mansion. up!

"Brother Lin is so powerful, Ming is hard to beat!" Dongfang Ming marveled for a moment, then said to Lin Sen with a wry smile, but the person in front of him threw him further and further away, and he was no longer comparable to him!

"Brother Dongfang, don't underestimate yourself!" Lin Sen smiled slightly, his figure suddenly accelerated, and he entered the Immortal Mansion, Dongfang Ming and the others quickly followed!

As soon as they entered the Immortal Mansion, the crowd controlled by Lin Sen's spiritual thoughts flew into several side halls respectively. Lin Sen put Yang Lin, who had been impatient for a long time, on the ground, and then said to Yuan Lang, "You take Lin'er in Go around the mountain and pick a house to live with him!"

"Yes, master!" Yuan Lang replied respectfully, and chased after Yang Lin who had already gone to play.

After Yang Lin and Yuan Lang walked away, Dongfang Ming said slowly, "Brother Lin wants to ask me how long they have been away! Could something really happen?" This Dongfang Ming is a delicate person. He couldn't believe what Lin Sen said just now to comfort the child!

"Brother Dongfang, do you know about Xiaomao Mountain?" Lin Sen asked suspiciously. The name of Xiaomao Mountain was really unfamiliar to him, and a Confucian student who had studied ancient and modern times happened to ask.

"Xiaomao Mountain?" Dongfang Ming exclaimed instantly, seeing Lin Sen's expression hurriedly explained, "This Xiaomao Mountain is not very famous, but the place where it sits is very famous. Chen's hinterland!"

Lin Sen naturally understood what Dongfang Ming meant. Buddhism in Nanchen was flourishing and there were many monasteries. It was a dangerous journey for the three of them to go deep into the hinterland of Nanchen.

"How long have they been gone!" Lin Sen frowned.

"January and another three days!" Dongfang Ming's face became more and more serious. Although Xiaomao Mountain is located in Nanchen, there are only a few people who are cultivators. In more than a month, these journeys are enough to go back and forth several times. Ten times!

Lin Sen's heart skipped a beat when he heard this, something must have happened, otherwise with the footsteps of Xianglong and the others, he should have come back, but with the strength of Xianglong and the others, who could cause them trouble? !

"It seems that Lin'er needs to be taken care of by Brother Dongfang for a while!" No matter how much you think about it at this time, there will be no results, so I just have to go and have a look. Anyway, with his current strength, there are still people who can cause trouble to him. There are really not many, but luckily I went to Nanchen to play!

"Brother Lin, what are you talking about!" Dongfang Ming laughed hastily, "Lin'er is smart and smart, and Ming likes it very much, but Brother Lin is going to Nanchen, where there are many monks, so you have to be more careful!"

"Haha! Brother Dongfang, don't worry, it's not so easy to accept me, Lin Sen!" Lin Sen laughed loudly, and Yuan Lang brought Yang Lin over not far away.

But Lin Sen said with a smile, "Lin'er, my uncle is going on a long trip, you have to listen to Teacher Dongfang carefully! Do you understand?"

Although Yang Lin had a look of reluctance, he finally nodded and said, "Lin'er knows!"

"Master, I'll go with you!" Seeing that Lin Sen was about to leave again, Yuan Lang stepped forward and said anxiously. It was a novelty for the first time in this Immortal Mansion, but after staying for a while, it became boring. At this time As soon as I heard that I was going out, I couldn't sit still for a while!

"No, you stay!" Lin Sen refused without mercy, and then said with a smile, "Brother Dongfang, my apprentice has been used to being wild since he was a child, and I need to trouble you to teach him to read and write, and take care of him Take it easy!"

Although Yuan Lang's cultivation is good, his surname is hard to get rid of, but he still needs to hone it!

"Reading and writing!?" Before Dongfang Ming could speak, Yuan Lang stared straight at him, jumped up on the spot, told him to sit down honestly, learning to read and write is such a boring thing, it would be better to kill him happy.

Glancing at Yuan Lang with a smile, Immortal Dongfang Ming showed his aura and said with a smile, "Don't worry! I will definitely teach Brother Lin well!"

As soon as Dongfang Ming's momentum came out, Yuan Lang was stupefied. He had hoped to escape after Lin Sen left. Anyway, the master would at most tidy up himself when he came back, which was better than learning to read and write, but he discovered that this thin The sour scholar who is not familiar with the wind is actually an earth fairy, but now the hope of escape is gone!

Seeing Yuan Lang's pitiful look, Lin Sen couldn't help laughing secretly, and said, "I'm going now, this trip shouldn't take long!"

After saying that, he turned into a stream of light and sank into the air, and was about to fly out of the fairy mansion, but the red divine light suddenly changed direction and went straight to the conspicuous pink cloud above the fairy mountain!

Flying in front of that cloud, Lin Sen cupped his hands slightly and said, "Lin Sen, please see Master Zha!"

"Hee hee..." Cha Nongying's light laughter came from the red mist, and then he said with a smile, "Little brother, I knew you would come to me, don't worry, after you go out, I will Help you take care of your home!"

With Zha Nongying's words, Lin Sen was completely relieved. After all, the Immortal Mansion's restrictions were not perfect at this time. If something happened while he was away, Dongfang Ming and the others might not be able to deal with it.

And although Cha Nongying is weird, he is a person with clear grievances and grievances, a person who says what he says, and he can do what he says!


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