Everything starts from the gourd baby

Chapter 135 Qixia Mountain

The Qixia Mountain is located in the southeast of Jiankang City, South Chendu City, and it is not too far away from Yangzhou. For the four-horse cart that Lin Sen was looking at, it took only half a day to get there.

"My lord, masters, Qixia Mountain is here!" At the foot of Qixia Mountain, the handlebar stopped the carriage and shouted to the inside of the carriage.

But Ben Yin saw a few people coming out in a file, and smiled at the car handlebar, "The benefactor drove us here. It's been a hard journey, and we will surely be blessed by the Buddha! Amitabha!"

After speaking, several people gave Buddhist rituals, and then rushed towards Qixia Mountain in big strides.

"Young master...Young master..." The carriage waited for a while, but Lin Sen still did not come out. He opened the curtain with a strange cry, but the carriage was empty, and Lin Sen was nowhere to be seen.

Although the style of the handlebars was strange, he didn't take it to heart, anyway, the money for the car had already been paid, so he was happy and easy, and he drove the carriage and walked towards the return road.

But it is said that Benyin and others, although hindered by the broad daylight and the many pilgrims coming and going, are still flying in the clouds, but they are still dancing in monk's robes, striding like shooting stars, and walking like flying!

It didn't take long to see a crescent moon lake, in which white lotus bloomed, the small lake passed by, the red walls and golden tiles and the rolling mountains, the grandeur was very grand, countless pilgrims went to worship in it, sandalwood in the temple, Buddha sang, The sound of bells and drums made people couldn't help admiring, what a Buddhist holy place!

There are four gold lacquered characters written on the lacquered temple gate—Qixia Ancient Temple, which is majestic and full of Buddha spirit!

As soon as Benyin and others walked in, several middle-aged monks who were full of Buddhist power rushed out to greet them, walked up to Benyin and the others and said, "The host asked me to come here to meet Master Benyin Drive! Please..."

"It's time to thank you! Please!" Benyin returned the Buddha's salute, and walked quickly into the Qixia Temple following the other party's pace.

As soon as he entered the temple gate, there were even more pilgrims, but the monks who greeted them did not take Benyin and others to the main hall, but deliberately bypassed the pilgrims and walked towards Qixia Mountain from the path.

There was no doubt on the face of Benyin and others, they just followed quickly, and the surrounding vegetation gradually flourished, as if the ancient path led to a secluded place, and the traces of tourists and pilgrims around them were also cut off.

After doing this for about a few incense sticks, the eyes suddenly opened up, and outside the dense forest, a stupa about ten feet high stood in front of everyone.

The pagoda has eight sides, divided into eight phases of Sakyamuni, Manjusri, Puxian, Avalokitesvara, and four Bodhisattvas in the southeast and northwest. There are four heavenly kings engraved with seals on the four gates to protect them, animal heads and horn beams, lotus flowers on the top, and the end of the tower. It is a solemn treasure.

If you take a closer look, you will find that the golden stupa in your hand and the stupa in front of you look exactly the same from the outside!

In front of the pagoda, there are five monks wearing cassocks. Although they are of different ages and appearances, they are all solemn treasures, with golden Buddha light looming all over their bodies. They are obviously eminent Buddhist monks with spiritual power.

Seeing these people standing at the foot of the tower with smiles on their faces, Benyin hastily stepped forward to salute, "Benyin has met Senior Brother Huibu, Senior Brother Falang, Senior Brother Zhibian, Senior Brother Huiyong, Senior Brother Nengxiu!"

"It's because you don't need to be polite!" Among the five monks, there was a white and fat man in the middle, with a smile on his face, he stretched out his hand and lifted the cause and said, "Your brother has worked hard this time." !"

"This time is a matter of merit and virtue, why is it so hard to say!" Ben Yin felt that there was a piece of iron under his body, no matter how he tried to use the Buddha's power, he couldn't get rid of it, his face changed slightly and he had to give up, and then put the pagoda in his hand Lifting it up to the fat monk, he said, "Fajue Temple's origin, come and return the stupa to Senior Brother Huibu!"

"Thank you, Brother Amitabha!!" The fat monk called out the Buddha's name, and the golden stupa in Benyin's hand flew up spontaneously, spinning and zooming in and out.

Under Hui Bu's smile, the slowly rotating pagoda gradually merged with the pagoda behind them!

"Amitabha..." Seeing this grand occasion, all the monks couldn't help clasping their hands together and singing the Buddha's name!

After the pagoda was fully integrated, the smile on Hui Bu's face became even more vigorous, and he said to the monk who received the guests, "Take Master Benyin to the meditation room to rest!"

"Yes, host!" A middle-aged monk came out to salute, and made a gesture of invitation to Ben Yin and the others.

"Ben is resigning!" Ben Yin respectfully bowed to the five monks present before leaving with the middle-aged monks.

"Fajue Temple Benyin's cultivation level is not as good as that of the Earth Immortal, so it's not bad to be able to recover six monsters with good cultivation levels!" After Benyin left, Master Huibu said with a brighter smile on his face.

"It's not bad!" The middle-aged monk with a serious face among them nodded, and then looked at the ten-foot-tall stupa and sighed, "Today there is another stupa, and there are still three stupas. The 360 ​​five pagodas that spread out can all return to their places!"

"Why is Senior Brother Nengxiu sighing?" Hui Bu asked with a smile when he saw this. Hearing what he said, the serious-looking middle-aged monk in front of him was compared to Master Nengxiu of the Daming Temple, who was also the master of hunting snakes and scorpions. people.

"It's just that I suddenly don't know if it's right for us to do this!" Na Nengxiu was stunned for a while, and something seemed to appear in front of his eyes, with a look of unbearable expression on his face, and he sighed in a long voice!

"How can senior brother Nengxiu think so suddenly? There is absolutely no doubt about this matter, what do you say!" Hui Bu was taken aback by Nengxiu's words, and then smiled brilliantly.

"It's right for me to promote the Great Teaching!" A tall monk replied without thinking.

"Does Brother Huiyong think it's right to mutilate living beings in order to promote the Great Teaching?" Nengxiu suddenly turned his head, the serious look in his eyes startled the tall monk, and he didn't answer in a daze.

"Senior Brother Nengxiu, I am waiting for this trip to promote my Buddhist aspirations! Some sacrifices are inevitable, and besides, it is inevitable for these monsters to flow in the world and harm people's lives. It is also a merit for us to get rid of them! "Hui Bu hastily stepped forward to refute, and looked at the other two monks.

"The matter has come to this, there is no room for debate about right and wrong!" Another skinny old monk said slowly.

"Brother Zhibian, don't you think we did something wrong this time?" Hui Bu asked the skinny old monk with a slightly stiff smile on his face.

"Ah~~" Being questioned by Hui Bu, Zhibian remained silent, and finally just let out a long sigh.

But seeing that Hui Bu's face became brighter, he said to the last handsome young monk, "Master often said, among the five of us, Junior Brother Falang is the most intelligent. I wonder what Brother Falang thinks?"

"All of you are brothers, how can there be Falang who expresses his opinion? Falang only knows this great wish of Buddhism!" Seeing that Falang stretched out his finger and pointed to the ground, he said with a slight smile!

"Amitabha..." Hui Bu and the others were stunned for a moment, then suddenly shouted the Buddha's name.

The Great Vow, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, what Falang said is, if it is to promote the great teaching, what's the harm in going to this Avici Hell!


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