It is autumn, which is the most beautiful season of Qixia Mountain. The red maple leaves all over the mountain set off the whole Qixia Mountain like a burning mountain.

This season is the most prosperous time for tourists and pilgrims in Qixia Mountain, but a strange thing happened today. The Qixia Temple on Qixia Mountain, which is full of incense, is all under the help of the imperial army today. order to prevent tourists and pilgrims from going up the mountain.

Although it was strange, but they didn't have the heart to break through, so the pilgrims lit the candles in their hands at the foot of the mountain, and prayed and worshiped in the direction of Qixia Temple.

But the large-scale Qixia Temple was empty at this time, and the more than 200 monks in the temple seemed to have disappeared overnight, and none of them could be seen!

swing! !The heavy bells echoed throughout Qixia Mountain, sacred and peaceful.

The place where the bell sounded was in the most beautiful red leaves of Qixia Mountain, but there was a cliff about [-] feet high deep in the red leaves, and there were densely packed monks sitting on the cliff. There are countless people, and all of them have solid Buddha power, and they must all have at least a hundred years of hard work!

The tools are all concentrated and closed eyes, meditating in meditation, and following the sound of the wooden fish, they murmured scriptures and Sanskrit songs.

In the front of the monks, five monks sat side by side on the edge of the cliff, and when they lowered their heads, they could take in the scenery of the entire cliff.

The five people also held a wooden fish each, and the voices of those who struck were uniform, leading the group of monks behind them, chanting scriptures and singing.

On the cliff under the five people, you can see potholes from a distance. When you go in and out, you can see what kind of potholes are there. The entire cliff wall is covered with statues of Buddha, big and small.

The one in the middle is lying sideways on the lotus platform, with a painful face, and there are small worlds vaguely held in the palm of the Buddha. The carvings are exquisite and lifelike. The Bodhisattva and the fighting power.

Surrounding the three Buddha sculptures, the whole face is from bottom to top, from big to small, there are neatly arranged Buddha statues, there may be as many as a thousand Buddha statues!

Presumably, here is the Thousand Buddha Cliff that Hui Bu said, it is such a magnificent and divine horse.

As the sun gradually rose, amidst the singing, the entire cliff seemed to be slowly covered with a layer of golden clouds.

Among the fiery red mountains, a golden Buddha statue appeared on the cliff, and everything in the mountains was quiet except for the sound of the sacred Sanskrit singing.

As the sun rose and stood at the mid-heaven, the five monks sitting cross-legged on the cliff suddenly opened their eyes at the same time, and shouted urgently, "Please make meritorious deeds!"

"Please pay attention to the meritorious stupa!" Behind the five monks, the monks all over the mountain shouted along with the Buddha at the same time, like the thundercloud billowing, the mountains shouted together, and there was such a loud noise in the mountain that no one seemed to hear the people who worshiped and played at the foot of the mountain Ordinary, as usual.

But above the group of monks, one after another golden Buddha lights emerged, thousands of them condensed into one strand, rushed into the clouds and disappeared!

And in that monastery, the huge Buddhist pagoda where Lin Sen was imprisoned, suddenly burst out the light of the ten thousand zhang Buddha. Into the golden pagoda.

After the Buddha's light entered the body, the golden pagoda was more practical as if it had come to life. It slowly rotated on the spot, and the golden bell on the cornice of the animal head made crisp sounds with the breeze.

"Get up..." The five members of Hui Bu opened their eyes and shouted loudly at the same time, behind them all slowly appeared golden phantoms, and the Buddha fingers in their hands seemed to be holding a thousand jun, and slowly pushed forward.

Following the movements of the five people, the huge golden pagoda that was slowly rotating on the spot rose from the ground, turned into a stream of light and went straight to the direction of Qianfo Cliff!

The giant golden pagoda flew towards the sky, and the five monks on the Thousand Buddha Cliff pointed at the Buddha finger in their hands at the same time, and the five Buddha lights shot out at the same time, pointing on the giant pagoda.

Immediately, the huge tower stood in the air, spinning continuously!

"Falling..." The Buddha fingers in the hands of the five people slowly lowered down, and the giant golden pagoda also slowly fell down, standing silently in front of the thousand Buddha statues on the Thousand Buddha Cliff.

They seem to echo each other, and the golden Buddha light on them is getting more and more vigorous!

When the pagoda fell down safely, Hui Bu and the other five on Qianfo Cliff, whose foreheads were sweating, breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but smile at each other.

After calming down, the five monks closed their eyes and folded their palms together. Although their mouths were murmuring in a low voice, their voices were the highest, loudest, and even the far-reaching Sanskrit singing did not suppress the voices of the five monks. "My Buddha is merciful... Pursue sentient beings..."

After this sound, the five people uttered silent or long or short Sanskrit singing, which was very different from the voices of the surrounding monks, complementing each other, but seemed to be superior to the monks.

As the five monks chanted, the revolving merit stupa slowly stopped, while the Buddha statues on the rock wall seemed to come alive.

The golden light on each seat became more and more vigorous, and the Buddha spirit on it became more sacred. For a while, the entire Thousand Buddha Rock was like the Western Paradise, the Buddha Kingdom of the Heavens.

It wasn't until the brilliance of the Buddhas on the Thousand Buddha Cliff shone down, covering the entire cliff, that the five monks on the cliff stopped singing and looked at each other. The holy hand pinching mantra "come out..."

Following the mantra, on the relic merit tower, the doors and windows on each floor suddenly opened, and pieces of gold thread flew out rapidly from it. The relic merit tower is exactly the same exquisite small tower, no more, no less, exactly 360 five.

From under the base of the 360 ​​five pagodas, a golden light suddenly shot out, and the 360 ​​five golden lights gathered in one place, and the golden light shone under the Thousand Buddha Cliff, just like a pavement of gold.

The golden light slowly dissipated under the Qianfo Cliff, and what appeared beneath it were pieces of sleeping objects trapped by golden Sanskrit characters, such as birds and beasts, scaled hogs, and various types, densely packed in a large area, and the number was as high as three thousand. , big and small, with strange shapes, and Lin Sen's half-human, half-centipede figure is also hiding in the crowd of demons without a trace!

Although the crowd was sleeping, even if they were suppressed by those golden Sanskrit scripts, there was a soaring demonic aura immediately below the Thousand Buddha Cliff.

360 The five monasteries started at the same time to clean up all kinds of monsters in Nanchen. The outside world seemed to be eliminating demons and defending the way, but secretly they gathered all kinds of tyrannical monsters in Nanchen on the Thousand Buddha Cliff Down!

With the appearance of all these monsters, the faces of Hui Bu and the others became more serious and cautious. There are so many tyrannical monsters gathered here. Destroyed once!


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