Surrounded by purple thunder, it completely covered Lin Sentian's real body in an instant, forming a huge purple thunder ball with unparalleled brilliance and the sound of thunder and lightning rolling in.

coax!With a loud noise, he flew up, and Lin Sen brought thousands of divine thunders to hit the group of relic merit pagodas. With such a powerful impact, the Buddha light, the hub of the connection between the 360 ​​five pagodas, immediately appeared , kept vibrating, breaking.

The pagodas shook violently, amidst the sound of thunder and thunder, there were bursts of pleasant and light bells.

Ren Huibu and the other five invited the five great Ming kings to help out. At this time, when they were hit by Lin Sen's real body of the sky demon with the power of ten thousand thunders, they immediately lost their footing. When he came out, there was a group of monks sitting cross-legged behind him, all of them fell down in disarray.

Without the control of the five people, the 360 ​​five small relic merit pagodas were scattered in all directions.

The big formation was broken, and the Sanskrit chains on the monster clans suddenly disappeared. The monster clans who were able to wake up in the first time were all tyrannical people with cultivation bases, each of them let out a sky-shattering ferocious roar, and the huge monster cloud Rising up, the sound of shouting made the entire holy land of Qixia Mountain infiltrate like a hundred ghosts howling at night.

After breaking through the formation covering the top of his head, Lin Sen's expression was not relaxed, but became more and more anxious, and the aura that made him tremble became clearer and clearer!

For a moment, he turned into a human body, picked up Zhu Le beside him and flew into the air, and grabbed the Vajra King and Little Butterfly with one hand. As for the black tiger, it had already been transformed by the Buddha's light. It's too late to go!

The Vajra King turned into a mighty Wuwu son with a height of two feet, his eagle eyes were full of anger and he shouted, "Brothers, kill these bald donkeys and let them pay for their lives!"

With a flying leap, he rose into the sky and was about to charge towards the group of monks, but just as his feet left the ground, the Vajra King felt an incomparable force coming from him, and his huge figure shook violently. It was fixed in the air.

How can this be!His eyes were full of horror and disbelief, King Kong roared in his heart, no matter what he is, he is also a demon king, how could the strength of an earth immortal be restrained by such a lifeless person!

Before he was terrified, he discovered in horror that his body flew uncontrollably towards a black-clothed Taoist in the sky. Fortunately, he saw Zhu Le in his hand and kept winking at him, so he was relieved!

The figure was like electricity, Lin Sen dragged King Kong and Little Butterfly with his spiritual thoughts, not daring to stay for a moment, and sank into the clouds like burning tails. The wind pressure brought by the huge impact left a hole on the clouds in the sky. A huge vortex, and then the sound of roaring thunder as he ran rapidly, and a terrified roar of "Run..."

The angry monsters shouting under Qianfo Cliff were still trying to realize what this tyrannical senior had said, so they just felt an tyrannical and simple aura pouring down from the cliff.

A skinny figure seemed to have just woken up, and slowly sat up from the palm of the Buddha carving, it had no power, no divine thoughts, just the aura emitted by the person after waking up, like a mountain with infinite weight Press on the heavy demon.

The cliff where ghosts were crying and howling wolves was silent for a moment, and the huge and incomparable rising monster cloud disappeared without a sound. Why did Pi's predecessors flee in embarrassment?

It's just that it's too late to understand now, they want to run too, but their bodies are completely out of their control, they are so stiff that they can't move at all!

The skinny old monk on the Buddha's palm never even looked at Chong Yao under the cliff, his pair of dim eyes looked more interested in the whirlpool of white clouds left by Lin Sen in the sky, and said softly, "The little guy ran quite fast! "

Following the words on his mouth, a faint Buddha light on a small palace held in his palm disappeared in a flash, and the thin body floated up without warning, and fell on the Thousand Buddha Cliff.

Hui Bu and the others who were knocked away by Lin Sen didn't care about their own injuries, they ran over excitedly, stood respectfully in front of the old monk, and said anxiously in unison, "Master..."

"Pursue all sentient are too careless!" The skinny old monk glanced at the five people lightly, feeling the old monk's gaze, and Hui Bu's five people became more and more anxious, but fortunately, the gaze did not last long Stay, and slowly cast down the Thousand Buddha Cliff.

Although he felt the gaze of the old monk, the pagoda in front of Qianfo Cliff suddenly radiated ten thousand pieces of brilliance, which was much brighter than before. Phases, one after another quickly emerged on top of a large array of small pagodas.

Then, on the Thousand Buddha Cliff, a gentle and peaceful Buddha light slowly emerged, and even bursts of Sanskrit singing and reverberating sounds of bells and drums were spontaneously emitted.

The group of monsters under the Thousand Buddha Cliff, without any resistance, was suppressed by the almost condensed Buddha's light and turned into their original form. The terrified eyes were washed into confusion by the brilliance on the Thousand Buddha Cliff after a short time. Then came deep piety.

Looking at the scattered monks on the cliff, the brilliance of the palace in their hands flashed, and above the heads of the monks, a golden Buddha cloud condensed. Under the light rain, the monks only felt that the injuries in their bodies healed rapidly. Even the Huibu five monks, whose cultivation had been greatly damaged, began to show a slight blush on their pale face.

"Thank you, Master..." The five members of Hui Bu bowed down together, leading all the monks behind them to pay their respects.

Then Hui Bu lowered his head and said apologetically, "Master, Hui Bu is not good at doing things, disturbing Master's retreat, please punish Master!" The long-standing Purdue matter has come to naught, and he himself is a sinner.

"It's not bad for so many monster races to have such achievements!" The old monk smiled slightly and said, "You guys are meritorious people, what's wrong with you! As for the retreat... if it wasn't for the completion of the retreat, I wouldn't have done it." from!"

As soon as the old monk finished speaking, the Huibu five monks were filled with surprise and couldn't bear it, and said in disbelief, "Master, could it be...?"

But seeing that old monk nodded with a smile on his face, he held the palace on his hand lovingly and said, "That's right, this Wuliang Palace, I finally refined it!"

"Congratulations, master, you are a treasure of refinement!" The Huibu five knew what the Wuliang Hall represented, and immediately congratulated with great surprise.

From now on, in this world, there will be no one who can be his master's opponent, and there will be three thousand demon clans who have transformed, and from now on, the road to the prosperity of Buddhism will be smooth.

The old monk was congratulated by the disciples with a smile on his face, his face suddenly froze, a pair of dim eyes stared at the clouds in the sky, and said with a slight smile, "Little thing, but I underestimated you!"

Then he said to Hui Bu and the other five with a smile on his face, "Order the monasteries to closely monitor them. Once you find those monsters just now, report them immediately!"

"Yes, Master!" Just now, the monster's cultivation is so powerful that even the five of them can't deal with it together. How can the rest of the monastery find their traces? Although the five monks are puzzled, they still respectfully lead their mouths. Fate, the master is so and so, there is a reason for it!

I want to see, what are you?The old monk looked at the vortex clouds in the sky, and said quietly in his heart! (To be continued.)

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