"Seeing that you are so curious, brother, let Qingling tell you about the magical effect of this money!" Jin Ning said with a smile.

"If this Qiantongshen is used to defeat the enemy, although there are mysteries, it is just a small use of this Qiantongshen!" Qingling smiled and held the golden coin in his palm and said, "It has a supernatural power, but it is divination and divination. Ask the lucky ones!"

"Divination and divination!" Lin Sen was slightly amazed at once. The fortune-telling tools such as Ziwei Doushu and Fuxi Bagua are handed down from the same line, and even those who practice are not all destined to be able to learn it, even if they learn it. It's just a superficial technique, so this kind of magical technique is extremely precious, but I never thought that this Qiantongshen has a function, it is really a rare treasure!

Seeing this Qiantongshen at this moment, Lin Sen remembered that in the animation, the green snake also had two rare treasures, the brocade pouch and the hairpin. Lin Sen couldn't help being curious about the ancestor of this snake spirit, what kind of person it was that was able to pass down so many treasures.

It's just that it's really a family matter, if others don't say it, even he is not easy to ask.

"My sister figured out that Senior Long is in this direction, so we came here, but it's so strange, my sister's Qian Tongshen can't figure out Senior Lin!" Little Butterfly said after seeing Lin Sen's strange expression.

This little butterfly has a simple mind, but she doesn't know how to hide like others, she just has something to ask in her heart, but when she asks, even Lin Sen doesn't know how to answer, and secretly thinks, this money can be counted to the elder brother, But it can't be counted as me, is it because I'm a latecomer?If this is the case, there is trouble over there!

After Lin Sen paused, Green Snake hurriedly stepped forward and patted Little Butterfly on the head and said dotingly, "Your senior Lin's cultivation level is too high, it's normal for my sister to not be able to figure it out!"

"But, Senior Long is also very good..." Little Butterfly hadn't finished her questioning words with her mouth pouted, then Jin Ningnian walked to her side with a smile and said, "Sister Butterfly's dance just now is so beautiful! Teach me!" How is Sister Jin?"

Little Butterfly was a child, and she didn't think about anything else at this time. When she saw Jin Ning complimenting her for dancing well, she immediately showed a flowery smile on her little face and said excitedly, "Where is it! Sister Jin dances beautifully!"

Seeing that Little Butterfly was diverted by her sister so easily, the Green Snake immediately smiled apologetically at Lin Sen and said, "Little Butterfly has been by my side since she was born sane. I hope Brother Lin won't see you because of my child's heart." Excuse me!" After all, in this practice world, it is extremely taboo to inquire about other people's questions!

"Qing Ling misunderstood!" Lin Sen hurriedly explained, "Little Butterfly is innocent, Lin Sen will not be angry, the reason why he is distracted is because this question has caught me, Lin Sen doesn't know why What's the reason!" Although it may be because of time travel, such things must be rotten in the stomach for a lifetime and must not be mentioned to anyone!

"It's Qingling's villain's heart!" Hearing what Lin Sen said, Qingling understood that he was thinking too much, smiled for a moment and then asked, "Listen to my sister, Brother Lin is very good at that nothingness!" The technique of divine sense?"

Seeing that Lin Sen didn't deny it, his cold face showed an anxious look for the first time and said, "Little sister has something to ask!"

"Qing Ling is too far-fetched!" Seeing this, Lin Sen immediately smiled and said, "Since you and I are already brothers and sisters, why do you need to use this begging word? It doesn't matter if there is anything, as long as I can help, I will certainly not Hands off!"

"Little sister thanked Brother Lin in advance!" Qingling still greeted with a blessing first, and then waved slightly. The red giant crocodile, which was lying lazily on the ground, suddenly stood up and ran to Beside Qingling, he was circling around Qingling like a puppy, but to the people around him, how could it be Lin Senxianglong? Shouting intimidatingly.

Qingling looked at the giant crocodile beside him with sadness in his eyes and said, "He was my general, and he has always been very loyal. After being captured by the old thief who can repair, he was beaten back to his original form, and his mind was completely lost. , I think that since Big Brother Lin is good at the technique of divine sense, can he be awakened with his own divine sense."

Seeing Lin Sen's troubled expression, Qingling hastily bowed down and said, "Qingling knows that such things consume a lot of spiritual power, but he is all caused by me now, if the senior wakes him up, Qingling must be wearing a grass ring to repay senior's great favor!"

Damaged spiritual sense is the most troublesome thing. Some people with strong spiritual sense seldom use their own spiritual sense to heal others. Not only is it very dangerous, but if one is not careful, it is easy to cause trauma to one's own spiritual sense.

Qing Ling knew this, after all, it was the first time they met, but relying on the familiarity of her sister and her husband, she said that such a request was too unreasonable.

But every time he sees the crocodile who is driven by his surname and has no intention of having an affair with the beast but firmly protects himself behind him, Qingling can't stop the pain in his heart, and finally makes a request to Lin Sen as a last resort .

"Brother! Your spiritual sense is unmatched, you are as powerful as a god, and you are always enthusiastic, so you can save this crocodile commander!" Jin Ning felt distressed when he saw his sister's behavior, and hurried forward to help intercede. .

Seeing this, Lin Sen gave a wry smile, but these people were misunderstood again, he hurriedly helped the Qing Ling up, and smiled wryly at Jin Ning, "How can I stand by and watch some things, but my sister-in-law doesn't know, brother, I am now But it’s hard to protect yourself, if it weren’t for the fact that there was still some foundation in divine sense before, I’m afraid that at this time, I’m as good as the crocodile commander!”

"It's so serious? Let me see!" Jin Ning's face changed suddenly when he heard that, and he grabbed Lin Sen's arm. She knew Lin Sen was a man, so she wouldn't deceive her for these things, it's not In order to confirm, it is just that she has learned alchemy with the ancestor of Gourd, and she has little research on this.

Although I heard Little Butterfly and the others say that Lin Sen was injured, firstly, Little Butterfly and the others didn't know very well, and secondly, Jin Ning and the others also knew that Lin Sen's divine sense was tyrannical, and they didn't take it seriously. Sen made the bloody noise when he went into battle with his own hands. He thought Lin Sen's injuries were alright!But now it seems that it is already serious.

"Ma'am, how is my brother's injury?" Na Ding Xie also stepped forward quickly, looking at Lin Sen with concern.

Before Lin Sen could speak, Xianglong paced up and said with a sad and resentful face, "Brother Lin's current injury, not to mention awakening the soul of this crocodile, even slightly touching his own divine sense, I am afraid that he would faint. In the past! Now this is just a little bit of meditation and breath adjustment." (To be continued.)

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