"No!" Xianglong was the first to stop the opposition loudly, not to mention the dangers in the Southern Dynasty, even the southern border is not an easy place, Lin Sen is now seriously injured to go to such a place, how can Xianglong rest assured He said, "If you don't worry, I'll go back to the fire to take care of myself, let them go with you!"

"Big brother, no!" Lin Sen shook his head and said, "Although big brother was born in that earth fire, he has long been used to it, but the power of that earth fire is manic and domineering. If big brother uses it to heal his wounds, he may leave hidden wounds, so we should go back to the mountain." Jin Ning's sister-in-law will give you alchemy to take care of you! Besides..." Lin Sen pointed to the green snake and King Kong and said, "And they are with me, even in danger, they are enough to deal with it!"

"Yes! Big brother!" Jin Ning also echoed, "King Kong's speed is extremely fast, it is really not easy to catch up with him in the sky, plus there is my sister with me, big brother, you can rest assured and go back to the mountain with me to recover from your injuries! "

"Alas! Alright!" After thinking for a while, Xianglong nodded. He was very aware of his injuries. If he hadn't been on the verge of being unstoppable, he would definitely go with Lin Sen, and then Then he took out a few things from his bosom, which were the treasures he got in the Xiangguo Mansion, handed them to Lin Sen and said, "I never like these kinds of things, you keep them for self-defense!"

But the censer and jade flute specifically instructed, "You take this censer with you. It is good for your soul injury. Although it cannot be refined like the jade flute, it is also good. It doesn't need mana. You just need to play it." Can."

"Brother, don't worry!" Seeing Xianglong's appearance, Lin Sen immediately smiled and said, "You still don't know my strength. Even now, I'm not easy to mess with. Big brother, just go back and recuperate at ease!"

"That's true!" The so-called caring is chaotic, and Xianglong is laughing loudly. Lin Sen's current strength is mana, and he can't use his divine sense at all. His demon body alone is enough to sweep away most of the people. Immortal!

Seeing this, the green snake suddenly laughed and said, "My little sister suddenly remembered that before coming here, my little sister prepared a treasure to thank Brother Lin for saving his life, but there was a moment of confusion just now, but I almost forgot about it!"

After speaking, he stretched out his little hand, and the colorful kit flew out, and four solid pearls spewed out from the pocket, each of which was the size of a fist.

"No, no, this can't be taken away!" Lin Sen hastily refused, if it was an ordinary thing, it would be taken away if taken away, but these four beads are as smooth and firm as real substance, and the spiritual power inside is like an abyss. It is unfathomable, even if Lin Sen has no mana or divine sense at this time, he can still feel the majestic aura within it, and there is also an innate aura hidden in it.

These four beads are probably not less precious than his big green toad seal, and even far above it, and they are also a set of four, and they can feel the four spirits in their invisibility. The power interweaves and merges with each other, how can Lin Sen take such a precious thing!

"Brother Lin, don't decline now, listen to my little sister first!" Green Snake had already calculated that Lin Sen would decline, so this speech was already prepared, with a pretty face smiling like a flower, "These four jewels are named The so-called four spirit beads are formed by the condensed essence of the four spirits of the day and the earth, and they are innate things generated by the heaven and the earth, and they are self-contained, and they can be called a group of treasures!"

"Of course I know it!" It really is an innate thing, Lin Sen thought to himself, then nodded and said, "This kind of innate thing, if you get it, it is destined for you, how can I accept it! No! Absolutely not!" !"

If this treasure had been born elsewhere, Lin Sen would have set up a sleight of hand to make it difficult for him to get his hands on this treasure, but now that this treasure is in the hands of Qing Ling, he is absolutely determined not to accept it!

"Brother Lin, don't worry! My little sister hasn't finished yet!" Qingling's eyes were slit into slits, and he said with a smile, "I was trapped by that Nengxiu that day, and that old bald donkey wanted to use me for four The spirit of the Human Demon Pill forcibly broke the restrictions within the four spirit beads! Commander Crocodile was injured by these beads and became what he is now...."

As soon as the crocodile was mentioned, Qingling's face was full of sadness, and he looked to his side, and then suppressed the sadness in his heart, and then said, "Brother and a few people came to rescue that day, and the four spirit beads were only one step away. It can be refined, and then the younger sister put the four spirit beads into the seminal vesicle without resentment, but fortunately, the four spirit beads are unowned, and the younger sister successfully received this congenital object..."

"In this case, it means that this treasure is destined for you, why not refine it, and also have an extra self-defense treasure!" Lin Sen continued, the green snake is also good luck, and the seminal vesicle is also unknown. Such a precious treasure, even this innate thing can be taken in!

"Little sister, why didn't you think about it!" Green Snake said with a playful wink, "I have tried it several times since I got out of trouble, even my sister and brother-in-law have tried it, but the only remaining restriction is that I don't care about it at all. Move, I think it’s because our cultivation base is too low, and it’s useless to think about it before, so it’s better to be a favor and send it to the eldest brother, and we should repay the life-saving grace!”

At this time, the green snake did not regard Lin Sen as an outsider at all, and even confessed the thoughts in his heart.

"Then keep it. Innate things are hard to come by. Polish them every day, and there will always be a day when they can be refined." Lin Sen still shook his head unmoved and refused. If the green snake was a human, Lin Sen might be It is accepted, but at this time he has already regarded the green snake as his own, such a treasure can't accept anything!

"Brother doesn't know!" Green Snake smiled wryly and said, "In addition to the Qiantongshen, I also have two ancestral treasures. Although I have held these two treasures for thousands of years, it is still some time before I can fully control them." Said, I still need to polish them every day, how can I still have time to polish these four spirit beads!"

Even though the Green Snake had already said this to this point, Lin Sen still shook his head stubbornly and refused to accept the four spirit beads.

But seeing a sly look in the green snake's eyes, seeing this look, Jin Ning, who was familiar with her, secretly glanced at Lin Sen and secretly covered his mouth and laughed.

However, Qing Ling lowered her head slightly and said with a shy expression on her face, "Qing Ling once said that if anyone saves Qing Ling's life, he will promise him with his body. Commit yourself to Big Brother, and let Big Brother drive you around as a slave and handmaid!"

Lin Sen was instantly stunned by this look of being willing to do anything. He turned his eyes to Jin Ning and the others asking for help, but it only evoked a burst of laughter.

It wasn't until now that Lin Sen was finally sure that this Qing Ling was indeed Jin Ning's biological sister. Although she was a little colder, she had the same essence in her bones!

After all, King Kong had already learned from the past, so Lin Sen had no choice but to take the four spirit beads and said, "In this case, I will accept the four spirit beads, and I would like to thank Sister Qingling for the gift!" (To be continued. )

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