Sure enough, just as Lin Sen guessed, the young man was indeed leading the way for the two of them. Looking at the dozens of simple two-story buildings built with bamboo and thatch, it was obvious that this was the tribe of this barbarian youth.

This group of small buildings stands on the hillside, forming a semicircle, surrounded by the kind of simple two-story small buildings, the lower floor is empty, and the upper floor is inhabited. Curious heads stick out from the upper floors to watch. The Queen of the Green Snake behind Mori couldn't help but stare in astonishment in her eyes as she slumped down and paid homage by the side of the muddy path.

However, they were full of fear towards the ferocious giant crocodile behind Qing Ling. Although they lived in this mountain with ferocious beasts, when had they ever seen such a ferocious giant crocodile!

In the middle of the tribal group is a relatively gorgeous large two-story attic, backed by the mountain tower, with thick thatch on the top of the attic, and the cornices on both sides pointing obliquely at the sky like two horns.

At this time, the young man was also pointing at the large attic, gesturing non-stop, always letting Lin Sen and the others pass.

There are monks!Suddenly Lin Sen's heart moved, and he felt a monk's breath, and the green snake looked at each other, and then looked up the attic one after another.

A moment later, a rickety figure walked down tremblingly on crutches from the attic. His beard and hair were all white, and his thin body was covered with a thick skeleton. He left a hideous scar, and the animal skin clothes on his body were much more gorgeous than the rest of the people, and his body was covered with all kinds of silver ornaments!

As soon as the old man appeared, the surroundings became quiet instantly. The villagers surrounded the old man devoutly to worship, and the young man hurriedly stepped forward to kowtow, pointed at the green snake, and then said something excitedly!

But the old man had a gloomy face when he heard it, and his tone was very serious, as if he was reprimanding the young man, and after drinking the young man away, he walked tremblingly in front of Lin Sen and the others on crutches, with a pair of The dim eyes looked at Lin Sen and the others cautiously, and then said, "Old Chamuduo. I don't know where the seniors come from?"

The words spoken in the mouth were actually well-spoken Chinese, but it was a little awkward, probably because it hadn't been spoken for many years!

"You're being polite, old man, Lin Sen the poor, this is my sister Qingling, Butterfly! But I didn't expect that there was a monk in this barbarian tribe. If it weren't for your injuries, I'm afraid I should have Check out the tribulation!" Lin Sen introduced Qingling and Little Butterfly one by one, then stared at the barbarian old man and said with a smile on his face.

Lin Sen spoke lightly, but the old man's trembling body suddenly trembled unnaturally, and his eyes couldn't help but glared fiercely at the young man behind him with an aggrieved face. This is what he said with a little respect "Seniors, please go upstairs and discuss in detail!"

His injury can be easily seen, but one can see his cultivation level before the injury at a glance. This kind of monk is just looking up to him before the injury.

He deliberately refused to welcome him, but at this time the young man had already brought him back. If he refused the door, wouldn't he lose his face for nothing? If so, he would offend him severely. Mu Duo had no choice but to invite these people upstairs, but his heart became more and more frightened.

In this group of people, he couldn't see the cultivation of any one of them, even the curious and innocent little girl, he looked like a fog, even the pet-like ferocious crocodile and the The little bird standing on the back of the crocodile also made him feel a wave of fright.

Lin Sen and the others were not polite, and walked towards the attic.

The first floor of the attic is the same as other buildings, it is open on all sides, only supported by bamboo poles, obviously to prevent poisonous snakes and scorpions, as soon as you go up the stairs to the second floor, you can only feel a bright light in front of your eyes.

The space inside is much larger than it looks from the outside, and the bamboo poles paving the floor are polished smooth.The inside is almost completely empty, only in the place directly facing the door, there is a sculpture that is not obvious, from the shape, it should be a woman.

At the bottom of the statue, there are futons woven from dried grass leaves.

"Sit down, everyone!" Chamuduo gestured with his hand, and invited them to sit down, and then Duo Na said something in barbaric language, and after a while, there was the young man with a few bamboo tubes on a wooden tray, handing them over respectfully Lin Sen and the others stood respectfully behind the old man, but secretly looked at Qing Ling with suspicious eyes from time to time, then shook their heads quietly, and then looked at the statue in the room.

Although his movements were subtle, how could he escape the eyes of everyone present.

"There is nothing good in the mountains and fields, only the clear springs in the mountains, I hope you guys don't dislike them!" Chamuduo secretly gave the young man a look, and when the latter hurriedly took over the Shenzhizhou, he smiled and drank it first. After a mouthful of gestures, he followed up and said, "There are few monks in the southern border. I wonder if a few seniors came here for...?"

"Hehe!" Lin Sen smiled slightly, looked at the clear spring water among the green pillars, it was extremely bright, and was very gratifying, he took a sip of the clear spring in his hand and smiled at Qingling and the others, "The clear spring in this mountain is really sweet. , but you have to taste it!"

Then he said to Chamuduo, "Mr. Cha, there is no need to be suspicious. I came to the southern border just to find a spiritual herb. As for coming to this cottage, it is because of the guidance of this little brother..." Lin Sendun After a pause, he pointed to the barbarian youth and said, "It seems that this little brother mistook my companion for someone, but Lin is interested..."

"This..." Chamuduo looked at Lin Sen's embarrassed expression, and finally sighed deeply under the curious eyes of Lin Sen and the others, and slowly took a sip of the clear spring in his hand.

A pair of dim eyes looked at Lin Sen and the others quietly.

Before Chamuduo could speak, he suddenly saw Lin Sen frowned slightly and said, "Mr. Cha, we have never had any hatred, why did you treat me like this!" And the green snake and little butterfly behind him also frowned, Clutching his stomach seemed to be extremely uncomfortable, and hurriedly sat cross-legged in meditation.

"Chamuduo is sorry for the seniors!" Chamuduo got up and bowed slightly, slapped the skin on his waist, and a puff of pink red smoke came out, which was just like the condensed miasma that the young man had released just now, but I don't know how many times it needs to be condensed, and the faint aroma will only make people feel dizzy once it enters the nose.

Pink clouds filled the entire attic, and Chamuduo said apologetically after Lin Sen and the others softened up, "Zha is hiding here, the news must not be leaked, the blame can only be blamed for the bad luck of the few people." !” (To be continued.)

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