Qingling stood up suddenly, felt a white light in front of her eyes, felt dizzy and almost fell down, the spurts of blood just now made her so weak.

"Sister..." Little Butterfly screamed and hurriedly stepped forward to help her.

Suddenly, Lin Sen, who was meditating and adjusting her breath, appeared beside Qingling at some point and helped her to sit down, scolding her softly, "You! You are so foolish, the essence and blood are your own essence, how can you not?" This kind of indiscriminate use... Hurry up and eat it!" As he spoke, he stretched out his palms, and there was a yellow pill in it, with a divine light looming on it, and the luster flowed, as if there was a spiritual energy flowing, it was that Jin Ningliu The next Yun Ling Dan.

"Brother, this is for you to warm and nourish your meridians. I'll be fine after I rest for a while..." Qing Ling hurriedly rejected the pill when she saw it. One, how could she be wasted like this!

"If you tell you to eat it, you will eat it!" Lin Sen said, ignoring the Qingling's refusal to stuff the pill into his mouth. His pale face immediately turned slightly rosy. Although he was still a little weak, he was not so unstable that he couldn't even stand up.

Sitting down slowly with the support of Little Butterfly, Qingling was weak but excited and said, "Brother, I have just calculated that Jiuye Qinglan may be in the cave of Yinxie King. There must also be a heaven and earth spirit that can heal elder brother!"

"I know..I know..I heard everything just now..You should rest first!" Seeing Qing Ling talking like this, Lin Sen started to pant. Sound of consolation.

After Qing Ling calmed down, he said slowly, "Regardless of whether there is this heaven and earth spirit thing or not, we must go to the Yinfeng Cave. Today we hurt the Golden Tooth King and let him escape. It was okay when we were here." , if we don't solve it completely, after we leave, this barbarian village may suffer because of it..."

Before Lin Sen could finish his words, he was stunned!With a sound, Chamuduo knelt down on both knees, bowed to Lin Sen again and again, and said gratefully, "Senior virtuous...senior virtuous...if senior can get rid of these two evils, my southern border is full of barbarians. I will always remember the great kindness of my predecessors!"

Boom boom boom!Nine ringings in succession, Chamuduo's kowtowing was indeed sincere, not to mention whether the evil king and demon could be eliminated, Lin Sen's thought alone was enough to make him kneel down like this, so For practitioners, mortals are like ants. You and I have seen people who think about the safety of ants.

"Mr. Cha, please get up quickly~." Lin Sen hastily stretched out his hand to help Chamuduo up, Chamuduo's tearful appearance made Lin Sen feel a little embarrassed and said, "This matter is If we meet, we will not ignore it, not to mention you are still a disciple of the leader of Cha, so I can't just sit idly by, but I still need to trouble Mr. Cha to guide us!"

"No problem! How can a little trouble be troublesome! Don't worry, senior, I will leave the matter of leading the way to me!" At this time, Chamuduo was full of excitement that the second evil was about to be eliminated. Suppressing his fear, he patted his chest and said proudly.

"That's good!" Lin Sen chuckled, he was really worried that Chamuduo would be the same as before, and would not dare to take them there because of the shadow of the King of Erosion, and then said, "We will set off when the sun rises tomorrow." Will meet that eclipse king!"

"Brother, after we get there, we'll take care of everything, you're not doing anything!" Qing Ling asked worriedly. Although Lin Sen still has that tyrannical physical body, if he does, he will If you accidentally affect the injury, it will be troublesome.

Seeing Lin Sen opened his mouth to say something, he pouted pretending to be angry and said, "Brother doesn't believe in my sister's strength. Although that stupid elephant has a lot of strength, it's just a simple-minded man with well-developed limbs. Little sister is more than enough to deal with him!" Just now when Golden Tooth King Yu Linsen made a move, she saw clearly that such a reckless man, she was confident enough to beat him around.

"I know Qingling's strength!" Seeing Qingling's mouth pouted, Lin Sen hurriedly laughed and said, "It's not easy to deal with a Golden Tooth King!" Then he said with a serious face, "What I'm worried about is that Evil King..." Lin Sen was a little worried about this Evil King who had appeared once in hundreds of years. Such a retreat must be a person with a tough heart, and no one of this kind is better than of.

"Even though that Evil King's supernatural power is stronger than mine, he is not a god after all, even if he is strong, there is a limit. I am confident that with these two ancestral treasures, I will not be weaker than him..." Qing Ling suddenly laughed He got up, pulled the little butterfly beside him and said, "What's more, there is sister Butterfly! Even if I am not the opponent alone, the two of us will be able to win it together!"

Anyway, the implication is that Lin Sen must not be allowed to do anything again. The injury on the soul is not always so lucky to be able to suppress it!

"Don't worry! Even if they are not opponents, there is still me!" King Kong who squatted on the back of the crocodile and pretended to sleep suddenly said. Although the voice was frosty, it was obviously Yu Qingling's idea, and Lin Sen could not make a move.

Chamuduo was taken aback when he spoke with his mouth. When the Vajra King entered the stronghold, he restrained his body and looked bigger than ordinary eagles. Although he was covered in shining blue iron feathers, He is extremely handsome, but apart from eating this night, he just sleeps. Chamuduo has always regarded him as Lin Sen's pet.

At this time, not only did he speak suddenly, but also listening to the meaning behind his words, his strength was actually a bit stronger than that of Fairy Qingling.

"Dead bird, what do you mean!" Qing Ling raised her brows immediately, glared at the King Kong and said, "You mean that my girl and I are not as strong as you?" She will do it immediately.

Fortunately, King Kong didn't know her for the first time, so he knew her temperament well, so he simply closed his eyes again and pretended to be asleep, Qing Ling couldn't help him for a while!

Lin Sen looked funny, and he knew that these two people did it deliberately, and he was moved and said with a smile, "In that case, then I will listen to you! I will sit back and enjoy it for a while! Haha!" If they can solve their problems It's a good thing, he will follow anyway, and if something happens, he won't just stand by and watch.

"Brother, you can rest assured and leave it to me!" Qingling said with a smile, and even the little butterfly nodded seriously! (To be continued.)

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