Nine-leaf green orchid, one leaf for a thousand years, the flower blooms for one breath!

That is to say, it takes a thousand years for each leaf of Jiuye Qinglan to grow, and it takes ten thousand years to produce nine leaves and flower buds, but its mature flowers bloom only in a breath. If they are not picked, It will wither and dissipate.

"Nine-leaf Qinglan actually grows in this kind of place? No wonder why the Yin Corpse King doesn't go out!" Qingling looked at the white orchid and said softly. Maybe it will be in full bloom, the Yin Corpse King will stay here every step of the way, if the buds are in full bloom when he goes out, the zombie may vomit blood and die in anger.

"Quack's pretty, right!!" Seeing that Lin Sen and the others found the orchid, the Yin Corpse King also tried to cover it up, but laughed complacently with that strange voice, his eyes full of carbon fiery eyes. Excitedly said, "The person who intruded into the lungs unintentionally back then was also stunned by its beauty, Jiuye Qinglan! God-sent, this is God's blessing for me...hahaha..."

"You are a zombie, you want to temper your soul like this..." Before Qing Ling finished speaking, she stopped by herself, with a look of astonishment in her eyes, and stared straight at the Yin Corpse King. Bar!Did he want to!

"Did you find out too? Haha!" Yin Corpse King looked up to the sky and laughed excitedly. This was the first time he mentioned his plan to others in hundreds of years. Even Jinya King didn't know much about it. Ling's gaze really made him very useful, and he was not in a hurry to make a move under the complacent heart. Anyway, these two people will never get out, so it doesn't matter if they live a little longer.

bump!bump!The Yin Corpse King slapped his chest vigorously a few times, but the ferocious sharp claws were only on the chest, and a trace of undetectable white marks were drawn out of his mouth, saying, "The world only knows that the zombie's body is tyrannical, but they have forgotten the tyrannical body." It’s basically a cage that locks our souls, even if it turns into a drought, it’s just a harder cage!”

There is deep resentment and resentment in the voice of the corpse king. Although the zombies are immortal, they are abandoned by all living beings. With more evolution, the mind will become clearer, but when he is fully awakened, the physical body has already been formed, and it is completely impossible to integrate his small spirit and soul into the physical body!

"But now is the opportunity that God bestowed on me...hahaha..." Yin Corpse King pointed at the Nine-leaf Qinglan proudly and said, "With this Nine-leaf Qinglan, the power of this spirit grass can temper my soul, When my spiritual sense is strong, I can become one with the flesh and become the first zombie in the world, the soul and the flesh are one... Hahaha!!!"

"You have turned into a flying corpse, and you are only one step away from the corpse king Hanba. Even with the power of Nine-leaf Qinglan, I am afraid it will be difficult to break your body!" Lin Sen saw the ecstasy of the corpse king, Immediately said faintly, it was not a deliberate attack, but the fact that even if this Nine-leaf Qinglan is miraculous, it may be difficult to strengthen her soul to the extent that it can resist the body that has been tempered for thousands of years.

The excited Yin Corpse King suddenly turned his head when he heard Lin Sen's words that poured cold water on him, staring at Lin Sen with his red eyes. After a while, a stiff smile appeared from the corner of his mouth and said, "Did you say that?" Wrong, if I only rely on Jiuye Qinglan, it is really difficult to achieve my Dao, but there is one more thing that you have not discovered!"

When the Yin Corpse King said this, Lin Sen immediately frowned slightly.A pair of eyes searched back and forth in this cave, but this cave is not very big, it is almost completely occupied by the earth's turbid air pool, and you can see everything at a glance.

Except for the nine-leaf green orchid on the boulder, Lin Sen really didn't notice anything strange, and suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind!boulder?That's right, this boulder!Lin Sen couldn't help scolding himself for being stupid, how could it be a simple stone that could float in the turbid air of the earth like this.

What's more, the phoenix does not fall without the phoenix tree. Since the nine-leaf green orchid grows on this stone, then this stone is definitely not a simple thing.

"The reaction is quick!" Seeing that he had just finished speaking for a while, Lin Sen fixed his gaze on the boulder below him, and immediately smiled proudly, "Have you ever wondered why this Jiuye Qinglan was born?" In this place without aura?" Without waiting for Lin Sen and the two to answer, he smiled and said, "I was also very surprised at the beginning, but after some inspections, I discovered the mystery of this stone!"

It is said that although the Yin Corpse King has a stiff face here, he can still see the expression of admiration on his face and said, "This world is indeed the most miraculous thing. In the turbid air of this earth, there is actually a positive and harmonious thing." The Wannian Wenyu, the Wannian Wenyu and the Nine-leaf Green Orchid complement each other and temper each other. If you have this thing, can my Dao be achieved? Hahaha!!"

"Big brother will be able to unite soul and body, and achieve the supreme road!" Gold Tooth King congratulated excitedly, the stronger this Yin Corpse King is, the bigger his backing will be.

"Haha... As long as this Nine-leaf Green Orchid matures, I will be able to unite my soul and flesh, and even with the power of this ten-thousand-year-old gentle jade, I can turn yin into yang, and become the unique body of a drought in this world... Hahaha. ..." Receiving the praise of King Jinya, the Yin Corpse King looked up to the sky and laughed wildly as if the road had been completed. The huge sound wave made the crypt tremble slightly.

Looking at the Yin Corpse King who was laughing wildly, Lin Sen's gaze slowly settled down. For thousands of years, Wen Yuwen has nourished his stiff body and tempered his soul with Jiuye Qinglan. If there is no accident, this Yin Corpse King can still become this It's a pity that the first zombie with body and soul in the world...Lin Sen secretly withdrew a sneer from the corner of his mouth, looked at the ecstatic Infernal Corpse King, and thought to himself, I can only blame you for your lack of luck. Today will be mine!

After laughing wildly up to the sky for a while, the Yin Corpse King gradually calmed down, staring at Lin Sen and the two with blood-red eyes and said, "Since you have heard my way, you two can die now! Hehe..." The whole body was black The breath was beating, and bursts of dead, dark and tyrannical corpse aura emerged on the body, like dark red mysterious lines like human blood vessels slowly appearing on the tall body in armor.

A pair of huge claws have completely turned into black and red, and the Yin Corpse King looked at Lin Sen with a grinning face and said, "It was just the beginning, and now is the main course, Gold Tooth, the banshee is handed over to you, if you are as good as before I'll take you down with my own hands!" Although the Infernal Corpse King is arrogant, he is an old zombie who has lived for thousands of years. He has fought countless battles and will never make the mistake of underestimating the enemy. After a while, this opponent is not weak, and he must not let the banshee make trouble from the side, so let King Jinya fight with him. (To be continued.)

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