With the pure breath from the star fruit tree, new white and tender granulation sprouted from the dense wounds on Lin Sen's body, and his broken body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. Although his face was pale due to severe blood loss, his eyes The look in his eyes has not weakened by half.

"Quack... Without the murderous aura that has accumulated for hundreds of years, you are also bound to die..." The Yin Corpse King smiled darkly. He knew that this was the perfect time to kill Lin Sen. It looked like he was standing with a sword in his hand, but in fact he was suffering from self-knowledge, and he never thought that the murderous aura in this sword would be so strong after a hundred years of accumulation.

The century-old murderous aura burst out, and the sword in his hand almost broke out of his control. People are kings, and swords are ministers. But if the ministers are strong and the masters are weak, this situation will be reversed.

The soul of the zombie is far inferior to the physical body. If it wasn't for the sword that was carried by the corpse king just now, I'm afraid it would have been restrained by the murderous aura just now. Even if the corpse king forcibly controlled it, it would Lin Sen was injured, but his body was also violently turbulent.

It seems to be standing with a sword, but in fact it is to stabilize one's own aura. The best chance to kill this powerful enemy has slipped away in vain. It is a pity, it is impossible, but the corpse king is also extraordinary. It's a pity that I gave up after that, and thought to myself, even if I can hurt you once, I can also hurt you a second time.

When the vibrating breath in his body calmed down, Yin Corpse King suddenly shot out the priest from his bloody eyes, raised his sword and pointed at Lin Sen, "This is your last time, prepare to die!"

With the matter just now, even if Qing Ling was worried, she knew that she would only be a burden here. After seeing Lin Sen showing her a reassuring smile, this is the 24th Bridge Mingyue to protect the whole body and hurriedly retreat , his eyes quietly glanced at King Jinya.

She can't intervene in Lin Sen's battle at all, but there is more than one way to help, first solve this Golden Tooth King!Qing Ling looked at the pale but fanatical King Jinya who was staring at the battle, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Dense black corpse energy permeated the air, and cold murderous aura rose to the sky. Although there was no murderous intent from the sword energy accumulated over a hundred years ago, the Yin Corpse King was completely integrated with this sword at this moment, and the breath blended with each other. Suddenly, a slight sneer emerged from the corner of Yin Corpse King's mouth, and Lin Sen secretly laughed in his heart. Without the murderous aura accumulated over a hundred years, the sword in his hand is completely under his control at this time, and he is now at his strongest state.

Under this mutual integration, the Yin Corpse King was a military general in his previous life, and after his death he fought as a corpse for thousands of years. At this time, with the sword in his hand, he rose up with a bloody killing momentum all over his body, and a peerless general loomed in the air behind him. , Reading force in the sea of ​​corpses and blood.

Impulsive things are illusory and unpredictable. He is not compared to mana or physical body. Even the mysterious divine sense can be tempered, but only this momentum is invisible and qualityless. It is not something that can be tempered. Objects are the portrayal of his heart and surname. The confidence in his heart is self-sustaining. It is purely spiritual oppression of the enemy. It can be said to be the method of defeating others without fighting.

The Yin Corpse King's sword power lasted for a lifetime, and Lin Sen immediately reacted in his heart. He only felt a boundless sense of oppression like a mountain and a sea, so that he felt that the breath around his body became sticky, and his breathing began to be difficult. Lin Sen Although he hurriedly controlled his calmness, he still couldn't bear the faster beating of his heart.

If Lin Sen's divine sense is still there, it may still be able to resist with his tyrannical and unparalleled spiritual power, but at the moment Lin Sen's spiritual sense is chaotic. All gone!

Everyone, please don't forget that Lin Sen possesses the dragon aura and the appearance of an emperor. After several times of training, the dragon aura has already been completely integrated into Lin Sen's blood. Although it is not visible on weekdays, But at this moment, under the oppression of this tyrannical aura, the dragon aura that hadn't moved for a long time finally reacted.

That Gou Chen is one of the six emperors, the Supreme Emperor, even if he is in trouble at this time, the overbearing emperor will never allow the aura of a little general to be presumptuous in front of his eyes.

"Ang..." There was a faint high-pitched call from the cave, Lin Sen closed his eyes slowly, as if he had a clear understanding, as if he had realized it, and there seemed to be a golden dragon in his heart called soaring into the sky , savoring the magical power in his body carefully.

With the waking dragon energy as a guide, Lin Sen's domineering and ferocious aura brought by his avatar from cultivating the sky demon also woke up.

For a moment, Lin Sen Zijin's aura was like a nine-day dragon overlooking all living beings, or an ancient giant monster tyrannizing the world, like the mysterious and gorgeous stars in the sky.

With the change of Lin Sen's aura, the Yin Corpse King's bloody eyes burst into a look of astonishment. This demon talent is so powerful. His own aura is accumulated from fighting for thousands of years, but this demon uses such After a while, he has begun to comprehend the three flavors, and the aura rising from his body is becoming more and more terrifying and tyrannical. Although it is a newborn momentum, it actually makes him feel a sense of surrender to the aura that has been honed for thousands of years.

Who is this monster?Why never heard of it?I can't wait any longer, if this goes on, I'm afraid this monster will come up with something!The Yin Corpse King thought inwardly, holding the sword in both hands, and with the dancing of his arms, the huge sword the size of a door panel carried the black corpse gas and dust billowing, and slashed Huashan Mountain with a simple stroke, cutting straight to the top of Lin Sen's head. The boundless power seems to cut off all obstacles in front of him.

be cheated!On Lin Sen's face, it seemed that he suddenly realized it carefully, but he laughed secretly in his heart. This aura is so mysterious, it's just that the aura in his body was aroused by the aura of the Yin Corpse King, but he had some understanding at the beginning. No matter how smart you are, it takes a long time to understand carefully. The reason why you close your eyes and look like you understand the mind of heaven is purely a trick to attract the Yin corpse king.

The Yin Corpse King came from the sky with boundless corpse energy. Although he didn't know Lin Sen's plan, how could his thousand years of fighting experience be in vain? It seemed that he had an absolute advantage at this time, but he didn't see it in the thousand years. How many times have you lost your life if you slack off when you have the greatest advantage.

Therefore, at any time, it has almost become a habit to reserve a killer move.

The closer the attack was, when the huge sword the size of a door panel was about to hit Lin Sen, Lin Sen suddenly opened his closed eyes. Laughing secretly, it really is tricky, but fortunately I was prepared, and then I activated the spell silently!

"Not good!" The words of astonishment suddenly came out of Lin Sen's mouth. (To be continued.)

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