Lin Sen was running fast on the steep mountain road with jagged rocks, but he also wanted to walk slowly so as to find a solution.

It's just that there was a pair of hidden eyes silently staring at him behind his back, presumably the snake spirit sent the cockroach leader to stare at him all the way.

What should I do!Lin Sen's eyes were faintly anxious. According to his own speed, he would reach the mountain where the gourd vine is located in a while. Is it true that he is going to cut off the root of the gourd vine today?

"Hey! You are the little monster that the elder brother has taken a fancy to, right?" Lin Sen was in a state of anxiety when a small child's voice suddenly came from beside him.

Lin Sen was startled suddenly, the voice was right next to him, and he didn't realize how others approached him, and then suddenly remembered, the sixth child is invisible!

My heart suddenly rejoiced, it seems that there is finally a solution to today's matter!

"I don't know which immortal it is, please come out and see it!" Lin Sen didn't dare to look around, and he didn't even dare to stop.

"Hey!! Who do you think I am?" The laughing child's voice was full of ridicule.

Lin Sen suddenly smiled bitterly and said, "Master Liu, stop molesting the little demon, the little demon is dying of anxiety!"

"Huh?" A doll in a blue gown suddenly appeared beside Lin Sen, looking at him with a smile, "How do you know it's me?"

When he came out suddenly, Lin Sen was taken aback, not because of the sudden appearance of Liu Wa, don't forget that there are still a pair of eyes staring at him behind him, "I said Master Liu! Hurry up...quick... hide Type, someone is following me..."

"Look at your cowardice...haha!!" Liu Wa patted her belly and laughed at Lin Sen's frightened appearance, "Don't worry, the people behind can't see me, and can't hear me! You How did you know it was me before you said it? I really don’t know how the boss and the second fell in love with you!"

"Master Liu laughed at me! Isn't your voice obvious? As for why you guessed six, Xiao Yao just guessed at random! I don't know if Second Master has something to tell Xiao Yao!"

Lin Sen thought to himself, these seven gourd babies really have distinct surnames, although they look exactly the same in appearance, but their surnames have their own characteristics. The sixth child is so naughty, but he doesn't know what the last seven babies look like!

"The little monster is quite smart! The second child said..." Liu Wa looked at Lin Sen and nodded seriously, and then imitated Er Wa's wise tone and said, "If you dig the gourd vine, just dig it! Just cut it. You must have hurt Grandpa and Lao Qi!"

This is the truth that there must be a road before the mountain. Lin Sen immediately said in surprise, "Really? The little demon really doesn't know how to thank the second master!"

"Are you only thanking the second brother?" Liu Wa asked back with a smile, watching Lin Sen turn around with both eyes.

"Thank you, Master Six, too..." Lin Sen hastily added.

"That's about the same," Liu Wa looked very proud, raised her head with her hips akimbo and said, "Okay, I'll bring you the words, I have something else to do, young master, let's go first!"

After speaking, a few streaks of light flashed across his body, and then disappeared without a trace, and the silver bell-like laughter drifted towards the cave.

Now that he had Erba, the big stone in Lin Sen's heart finally fell to the ground, and he rushed towards the mountain peak at an even faster speed.

"Who are you?" Before Lin Sen showed up, the little purple gourd that was left on the gourd vine started to work, asking vigilantly.

The old man who was watering the gourd vines also grabbed the iron tongs on the ground vigilantly, and shouted at the place where Lin Sen was, "Who is it? Come out!"

"Old man! It's been a long time!" Lin Sen walked out from behind the rock with a smile, while secretly gesturing to the old man that there was someone behind him.

The old man was getting older, how could he not understand Lin Sen's gesture, and shouted angrily, "Fairy, get off the mountain!"

The little gourd on the vine also shouted angrily, "Damn fairy, get out of here quickly, or don't blame me for turning you into pus!"

Lin Sen appeared behind the old man in a flash, and slashed the back of the old man's neck with his hand.

Lin Sen's strength is well controlled, it will only make the old man unconscious for a while, and it will definitely not cause any early harm.

"Damn monster, you actually hurt my grandpa!" Qiwa shouted angrily and wanted to break free from the vine, but unfortunately he was far from mature, no matter how much he shook, he still couldn't break free.

He casually picked up the shovel from the ground and said, "Little boy, I've offended you."

After speaking, he inserted the shovel into the rock and started digging.

"Damn monster, what do you want!!" Qiwa began to struggle violently. He hadn't been born yet, so he could only rely on the aura of heaven and earth supplied by the gourd vine. Once the aura was cut off, he would be dead in the womb.

"Don't move around! Otherwise, little demon, I'm afraid you won't accidentally shovel something wrong!"

Lin Sen was shoveling without stopping. It looked like earth and rocks were splashing everywhere, but in fact he was very measured. Lin Sen was always careful to avoid the roots of the gourd vines, and took out the gourd vines as completely as possible.

"Bastard goblin...Brother...Grandpa..." As Lin Sen pulled out the gourd vine from the ground, Qiwa's shouting became weaker and weaker, until finally it fell completely silent.

As soon as the gourd vine leaves the ground, it shrinks sharply, but in a short while, it shrinks from the thickness of the thigh before to the small vine about the thickness of a thumb, in order to reduce its own consumption and supply the remaining nutrients to keep Qiwa alive.

For this sake, how could Lin Sen dare to stay? Using the spell of lightening his body and raising his energy, Sa Yazi ran back. If he ran slower, the seven children might die in his hands. Before that time All your efforts are in vain!

For such a distance, Lin Sen abruptly finished running in half a stick of incense time, and rushed into the cave mansion out of breath. Lin Sen held the gourd vine in both hands and raised it over his head, saying, "My lord, empress, the little demon has fulfilled his mission, this is The gourd vine on the top of the mountain!"

"This spiritual name is indeed the spiritual root that can give birth to gourd babies..." The snake demon took the gourd vine with his slender hands regardless of the soil, and said greedily while looking at the little gourd on it.

With a slight tap of Su Shou, a stream tube shot out, and a gap was slowly opened on the cliff wall on the left side of the main hall. Inside was a huge stone basin, which was filled with pitch-black soil.

The snake demon gently put the gourd vine into the black soil, and the gourd vine Jiuhan held the last trace of vitality with only a breath of aura. At this moment, he felt the soil immediately sprout roots and insert them into the soil.

The snake demon took a small pot and sprinkled the blood-red juice down. The snake demon smiled coquettishly, "Just see what I can grow after watering it! Haha..."

As the gourd vine opened its branches and leaves, the aura around it almost rolled up like a substance, and submerged into the little purple gourd.

Looking at this scene, Lin Sen finally kicked his heart into his stomach, and a relaxed breath came from the void beside him.

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