This sound was obviously made by Liu Wa in a relaxed mood. Obviously, Liu Wa did not go back to the cave as mentioned before, but followed Lin Sen secretly. Obviously, he was also worried about himself, the youngest younger brother!

"You boy, not bad..." Liuwa obviously realized that Lin Sen had spotted him, and slowly appeared beside Lin Sen and said, "You did a good job this time, and there is one more thing I have to trouble you... "

Compared with before, the tone at this time is obviously much more polite!

"Master Liu, but it's okay to say it!" Lin Sen replied with a smile, and he suddenly felt that there was a shadow of the second child on the sixth child.

"I want to steal Ruyi, but the femme fatale is very strict, so I want you to help me create some opportunities!" Liu Wa said, his eyes rolled again, and he returned to his previous mischievous appearance.

Lin Sen smiled slightly, made a gesture of reassurance, and several people rushed forward and said, "Your Majesty... Your Majesty, from now on, we will eliminate the serious trouble forever. Congratulations!"

"Haha!! It's all thanks to my sage! My sire's loyalty can be learned! Come to the banquet!!" Scorpion Jing laughed loudly and shouted, "I invite all the commanders to come over and welcome the sage centipede together! Haha. ..."

With one order, within a short moment, drinks, melons, fruits, and wild game all rushed up one after another, and the cave immediately boiled up.

"Little demon wishing the king, immortality will last forever, evergreen!" During the banquet, Lin Sen stood up, raised his wine glass and toasted the scorpion spirit.

"Good! Good!! Drink this wine! Drink it! Haha!" The scorpion spirit opened his mouth wide and drank the wine in his glass. Today is undoubtedly the happiest day since he got out of trouble, and he has been hanging on his head. The sharp sword on the ground was finally solved!

Seeing that the scorpion spirit was so happy, under the leadership of Lin Sen, several commanders kept pouring wine into the femme fatale, pushing and changing cups. Even though the scorpion spirit had an amazing amount of alcohol, they drank until their faces turned red and their tongues rolled!

At the end of the banquet, when all the leaders including Lin Sen were carried out, a sneer sneered on the corner of Lin Sen's mouth. What Liu Wa asked him to do must be considered a success!

The banquet was withdrawn one after another, and the femme fatale was lying on the cloud bed, sleeping soundly. At this moment, there was a flicker of flow pipes, and a little doll appeared sitting on the back of the cloud bed. It was Liu Wa.

After confirming that the snake and scorpion were asleep, Liu Wa jumped up and down in front of the ghost's face, pinched several spells with both hands, and murmured spells in his mouth.

A ray of light flashed from his hand, and the grimace "squeaked..." slashed open, and a gleaming golden Ruyi was quietly placed in the stone folder.

"Little darling, come to the young master..." Liuwa thief smiled and stepped forward, carefully took out Ruyi, looked at the snake and scorpion on the cloud bed with a smile, and then turned into a streamer and disappeared.

"Second Brother...Second Brother...I stole Ruyi!" In the cave, Liu Wa ran up to Er Wa's side, shaking Jin Ruyi in his hand as if offering a treasure.

"Okay! Don't play tricks, let me go!" Erwa seemed to be in a good mood, and said with a smile.

"Ruyi..Ruyi..Follow my heart..." Liuwa shook Ruyi's little hand, muttering softly, the rope tied to Erwa's body was immediately loosened, and even the dim eyes immediately became bright again.

"Second Brother, Second Brother... Take a quick look!!" Erwa was out of trouble, and Sixth Baby hurriedly stuffed Ruyi into Erwa's hand, staring at him nervously.

In the meantime, Erwa held Ruyi in her hand and played with it left and right, and then two pale golden lights appeared in her eyes, which shot directly at the gemstone on the top of Ruyi.

But as soon as he touched it, a layer of crystal light film appeared on the gem immediately, pushing back Erwa's strange divine light. "Ouch..." Erwa immediately cried out in pain, and hurriedly covered her eyes with her hands.

"Second brother, are you okay!" Liu Wa shouted worriedly, and hurried forward.

"It's okay!" Erwa shook her head slightly, the light in her eyes flashed, and she recovered after a while, but the expression on her face was very serious and she said, "The things have been confirmed inside, but with my strength, I can't get them out now." !"

"Then I'll go and call the other brothers!" Liu Wa immediately shouted, "We brothers work together, we will definitely be able to handle this thing!"

But Erwa shook her head and frowned and said, "Even if the seven of us are together, we may not be able to break it. Now let's see if Lao Qi's gourd can be condensed successfully! If the gourd can be condensed, with the seven of us Strength, I think it can almost break through Qibao Ruyi's defense, now I am worried about Lao Qi! The aura he needs for birth is really too big..."

"Don't worry!" Liu Wa said with a sneer, "Second brother guessed right, the two snakes and scorpions are ruthless enough. In order for the seventh child to be born smoothly, he forcibly extracted the spirit energy of the thousands of miles of Calabash Mountain. Sinful karma...I don't think it will take long before Lao Qi's gourd will be condensed!"

"That's good!" Erwa nodded and said, "You go over now, go and release them all, and when the seventh child is born, we will put on a good show!"

"Okay!" After Liu Wa finished speaking, she took Ruyi, bouncing around in her body, and ran to the rest of the children's prison.

Watching Liu Wa leave, with Er Wa's calmness, there was a hint of nervousness in his eyes.

"Second Brother!" "Second Brother!" After about a stick of incense, several gourd babies of different colors appeared in the cave where the second baby was.

"Second..." The eldest child patted the second child on the shoulder, and there were tears in his eyes.

Turning to look at the other children, there were tears in their eyes as well. The second child glanced at his elder brother and younger brother and said softly, "It's been so many years, I can't even remember the year and month. Our brothers finally... Finally got through it... "

There was even a slight tremor in his tone.

"It's still short of the last scene!" Erwa wiped away the tears from her eyes and said, "Let go of the trouble, the bigger the trouble, the better!"

"That's cool!" A few babies replied with a smile at the same time, the hearty and childish laughter echoed for a long time in this dark and gloomy cave.

I saw that the big baby's body grew suddenly like a giant, and between waving his hands and throwing his feet, he was so powerful that the rocky cave shattered like paper!

The third baby rushed out straight, like a cannonball, nothing could stop him at all, the fourth baby and the fifth baby spit fire and water, flooded with fire, thunder and lightning.

Liuwa holds Ruyi in her hand, and every time she swipes it, the destructive power is even more terrifying.

The mountains were shaken in an instant, the sky fell and the earth cracked, and the femme fatale was awakened in an instant no matter how deeply he slept.

But I saw a little demon running in embarrassingly, "My lord... my's not good... those gourd babies... gourd babies... all ran out..."

"Not good!" The scorpion spirit exclaimed, and the snake spirit immediately thought of something, and hurriedly looked at the ghost face behind the cloud bed.

But he only saw an empty stone folder, as if he was really laughing at her. "My wish..." The snake spirit exclaimed, she couldn't stand still for a while, and fell dizzily on the cloud bed.

"Madam! Let's run for our lives!" the scorpion spirit said anxiously.

Suddenly, only heard "Fairy, take your life!"

But at this time, a child's voice suddenly came to mind in the hall, "Where did you come from, you dare to act wild in my house!"

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