Kunlun has been the hometown of immortals since ancient times. In ancient times, it was Tianzhu Buzhou Mountain. Later, due to the collision of Gonggong, the remaining half was Kunlun. Since ancient times, East Kunlun has been the cave of Sanqing. At the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, Tianzun set up Yuxu Palace and opened an altar to preach here.

After conferring the gods, the human world was separated, so the Kunlun Taoist Temple was run by Jiang Ziya, who enshrined Yuanshi Tianzun as the patriarch, established the Kunlun School here, and governed the Taoism of the world!

To say that Taoist sects in the world are avoiding at this time, Kunlun was supposed to be a clean place outside the world, but today it is a paradise place, and the Piaomiao Mountain of Xianjia is very lively.

There are hundreds of monks in the open and in the dark. These immortals who were supposed to belong to the family of Huawai Immortals, not the fireworks of the world, but now they all look like they are watching a show.

It's okay if there are some decent monks or casual cultivators, but for the sake of face, I always hide my figure a little bit.

And those demons, evil cultivators, these monks who were originally at odds with Kunlun, are extremely domineering with dark clouds and ghost aura, skeleton magic sails, and their internal features are howling ghosts, howling ghosts and howling wolves, anyway, there are so many of them Even if the situation is not good for Kunlun, they might step in and make this Kunlun fairyland look like a ghost land.

Kunlun Mountain, Yuxu Palace, there are more than 20 Taoists meditating here, the first three futons, the middle one is empty, and the person sitting cross-legged on the left is wearing a sloppy Taoist robe, with a dirty wine gourd hanging from his waist, Unkempt, half-drunk and half-awake, he was the real Qianyuan who had met Lin Sen in the East China Sea.

The right hand is a tall and strong man, wearing a wide Taoist robe, which is also stretched tightly, with a fierce face and a big beard. He doesn't look like a Taoist, but a general who wants to fight in all directions!

At this moment, there was a fairy boy who ran into the hall and knelt in front of Qian Yuan and said, "Return to Master Uncle, I have already counted, the total number of light and dark monks outside is 130!!"

"En! I got it!" Qian Yuan didn't even open his eyes, and said softly as if he was dreaming, "Thank you for your hard work, go down and rest!"

"130 people! I'm afraid that the entire cultivation world has sent their eyeliner, I don't know how Master Qianyuan plans to deal with this matter!!" Among the next group of people, the leader is the long eyebrow Ren Shou, the real person, saw that after the fairy boy retreated, Qian Yuan seemed to be fast asleep, so he couldn't help asking, with those 130 pairs of eyes staring outside, as long as there is a slight movement here in Kunlun, it will be there in an instant. It has spread all over the world, and everyone knows it!

"How else can I deal with it..." Before Qian Yuan could speak, Gao Daoren, who was full of anger, said in a stern voice, "A group of ignorant young people are actually challenging me Kunlun head-on, no matter who they come How many, they were all killed..." Even though he closed his eyes and sat down and spoke normally, the voice was like rolling thunder, making people's brains buzzing!

"Gan Chen..." Qian Yuan, who seemed to be sleeping soundly, made the burly Taoist named Gan Chen stop suddenly, but Qian Yuan then said, "I have already asked Senior Brother Qian Kong I mean, let them go! Don't worry about it! As long as the time passes, they will disperse!"

"But brother..." Na Ganan seemed to be extremely afraid of Qianyuan, and although his face was full of displeasure, he still asked cautiously, "If they stay there, wouldn't it be embarrassing for Kunlun if it spreads?" clean.."

"Then what do you do?" Qian Yuan slowly opened his eyes, and his hazy eyes were also full of displeasure, "Rush out to fight, just like that monkey on the street, let the monks all over the world watch the show?" Blocking the door to watch, Qian Yuan is also very hot-tempered. If he hadn't said nothing and cared about Kunlun, he would have rushed out to kill those gangsters!

Kunlun has not been moved for a long time. Although it is a wonderful land of fairy mountains, it will get tired after looking at it for a long time. The people outside originally came here to watch the excitement, and all of them are sitting idle in boredom. Even the acquaintances are whispering to each other. Let's chat.

"Here we come..." I don't know who shouted such a voice, and the more peaceful Kunlun Mountain suddenly boiled again, and only a distant sky, a towering mountain-like fairy city in the clouds, covered with rays of light, flew to the sky, slowly come!

Since all the people present dared to come to see the excitement of Kunlun, how could there be a simple person, all of whom were old fritters who had lived for an unknown amount of time, and they immediately recognized what the flying object was!

Xianfu!And judging from the aura, it is still an ancient fairy mansion!The ebullient monks immediately calmed down, and looked at each other familiarly, and they could see the astonishment in each other's eyes.

At first, I just thought it was just a few casual cultivators who didn't know how to live or die, and they dared to show Kunlun's tiger whiskers in a moment of heat, but now it seems that these people who came to provoke are not simple. At that time, he followed his master to the fairy world, but most of the masters who did not leave had already fallen, and few of them were born. The orthodox tradition of an ancient great power in the world?

After all, Lin Sen's Immortal Mansion, which is like a city fortress, has too much impact on people!

Although this kind of arrogance and domineering is not in line with Lin Sen's original intention of acting in a low-key way, but since it has been publicized with great fanfare, Suo's surname is also overbearing to the end, and he has not hidden the appearance of the fairy mansion, just driving the fairy mansion like this Come straight to Kunlun!

"Brother, there are more and more monks following us! There are nearly 200 people!" Qingling outside the main hall said happily to Lin Sen, so many monks from all over the world gathered here.As long as Qing Ling thinks that this matter is from her own hands, she can't help being extremely excited!

Originally, Lin Sen planned to let Qingling stay in the Cuihua Mountain Cave Mansion like a little butterfly Zhu Le, but how could Qingling miss such a rare prosperity in the world of practice for thousands of years, entangled so hard, without It looks like she came by herself!

"With so many pairs of eyes, I think Qianyuan's old bull-nosed man can still be a turtle!" Zha Nongying immediately smiled coquettishly, Qianyuan's angry face seemed to have appeared in his mind, and the smile couldn't help but She sang more and more, looked at Qingling with beautiful eyes and said, "You little girl, you really have some tricks. If you can go back this time, I will give you some benefits!"

"Then Qingling thanked my sister in advance!" Qingling smiled and said playfully, but this kind of laughter and slapstick completely wiped out the dignified atmosphere before the war!

"Benefactor...we are here..." At this moment King Kong stepped forward and whispered, pointing to Kunlun Mountain which was already in sight.

Looking at the majestic fairyland in front of him, overlooking the world, Lin Sen tidied up his luggage slightly, then smiled and asked Qin Wei and the two beside him, "Both of you, are you ready?"

"Don't worry, brother, everything is already ready...haha..." Qin Wei immediately laughed with confidence.

"Sister, I can't wait!" Zha Nongying's beautiful eyes became more and more charming, and her bright red lips drew a charming arc. She couldn't wait to see Qian Yuan's angry old face!

"That's it.. Let's go.. Haha..." Standing in front of this majestic fairy mountain, thinking that he is about to challenge it, Lin Sen couldn't help but feel a sense of arrogance, and he laughed heartily In the middle, it floated up and down on the back of King Kong!

Lin Sen's fairy mansion, which looks like a city, is still a bit small in front of Kunlun, which is soaring into the sky, but as the fairy mansion stagnates, between the two behemoths, the practitioners who watched immediately whispered, " Stop it... people are coming out!"

Then it was completely quiet. Kunlun Mountain, which was still boiling like a disturbance a second ago, suddenly fell into silence, and there was no sound, only the whistling sound of the breeze on Kunlun Mountain, and all eyes were fixed on him at this moment. Looking at the Immortal Mansion floating in the air facing Kunlun Mountain, I want to see the true face of those who dare to challenge Kunlun!

Quiet, dead still, everything in the world seems to be suspended at this moment, only the wind is moving, the clouds are moving...

hold your breath... hold your breath...

It seems like a moment... and it seems like a long time later..

"Aw..." "Yo..." "Ang..." "Hey..." People arrived before they could show their power, and they saw the fairy mansion glowing in the glow, surrounded by four spiritual mountains , suddenly there were four screams that resounded through the world. Although the voices were different, they were all as mighty as the sea, dominating the world!

Following these four calls, Kunlun's quiet and thick aura suddenly boiled up, and four spirits suddenly appeared on the four spirit hills around the Immortal Mansion. If real!

The group of practitioners who were waiting by the side were startled suddenly, no matter if they were immortals, demons or ghosts, their eyes were full of frightened expressions, and they all retreated hastily, fearing that the distance was too tight and they would be dragged into this big formation.

In the blink of an eye, only these four living things are left standing on the sacred beasts of heaven and earth. What is this great formation of the fairy mountain?It was able to manifest the true form of the holy beast!

And after that burst of chirping, the four sacred beasts did not dissipate. Instead, they stood still in the air, all eyes staring at the Kunlun Mountain, silently, as if they were waiting for something!

With such a big battle going on, the practitioners who were onlookers became more and more curious about the identity of the master of the Immortal Mansion under the shock of their minds!

What kind of person dares to act so domineeringly and openly provoke before Kunlun Mountain!

It seems that there will be a good show in Kunlun today! !Seeing the power of the four spirits, all the practitioners couldn't help saying secretly! (To be continued.)

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