Everything starts from the gourd baby

Chapter 222 Wind and Thunder

Staring at Lin Sen's tiny figure under the sledgehammer, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth dryly, arrogant person, can't move!Prepare to be smashed into meatloaf by my wind and thunder hammer!

Although Qian Chen is impulsive and reckless, but the monks in the world can become a celestial being, and all of them are one of a kind in a hundred. If Gan Chen is really that reckless, how can he achieve the status of a celestial being!

In order to increase the destructive power of his giant hammer blow, he always goes straight and straight without much change. If he meets someone who is as tough as him and can still hit him, if he meets someone who is quick and nimble, he will No matter how powerful the hammer is, it's useless if it can't hit anyone!

But he is an immortal, how could this blow be so simple, the sharp wind pressure on the hammer is not for deterrent purposes, but has its own mysterious effect.

Under the extremely strong wind pressure, like Mount Tai pressing down on the top, it is difficult to move even half a step, not to mention dodging, even if you are hit by the wind pressure, you can still dodge and move. Silently, a tornado cage emerged around the target, and by the time the target found out, the cage was already too late.

If you want to rush out, you must rush out of the cage over there. The boundless invisible wind blade may not be safer than the giant hammer. It only takes a moment to grind people into minced meat!

Unless the opponent has reached the level where he can cut through the space and come out in an instant, no matter how fast he is, he can only stay in this cage at this time, waiting for the coming of the wind and thunder hammer. way!

No matter how strong Lin Sen's physical body is, he will never be able to withstand the impact of the wind and thunder hammer with the force of Wanjun. With a ruthless smile, he cursed in his heart that you are an arrogant person, insulting Kunlun, you are ready to die!

What does Lin Sen want to do!Why don't you hide!After the group of monks retreated to a safe distance, even the huge wind and thunder hammer looked like a small dot the size of a sesame seed, but everyone had their own methods, even though the distance was farther, But he could still see clearly what happened, seeing that the wind and thunder hammer was about to hit!How could Lin Sen not dodge or dodge!Could it be that he wants to use his physical body to harden the hammer!Could it be crazy!

Just as everyone was suspicious and under the attention of everyone, Qian Chen's wind and thunder hammer suddenly collided with Lin Sen. Such a giant hammer struck with such force that some monks even closed their eyes. Can't bear to wait for the scene of blood and flesh flying everywhere!

coax!The crimson sky fire produced by the friction of the hammer surface suddenly covered Lin Sen. The giant hammer seemed to hit an extremely hard object, and suddenly stopped in the air. The ripples spread to all directions, and the monks were already far away, but the remaining power still caused everyone to sway left and right, stand still, and even let out a scream from time to time, obviously someone Unlucky guy, the protection penetrated by the wind blade that has not completely dissipated, resulting in injury!

After the hurricane passed, the monks didn't have time to assess the injuries or the messy ground that was swept up, but they immediately looked at the place where Lin Sen was standing!

It was not smashed away at all!All the cultivators looked at the raging sky fire floating in the air, and they probably had only one thought in their minds. Such a sharp blow did not take a step back. Even if Lin Sen died, he was worthy of pride. It was just such a shining The new star, but it disappeared like a shooting star in a flash!

"Big...brother..." Qing Ling let out a stern scream, like a cuckoo weeping blood, she flew out, but was held tightly by Qin Wei and the two of them. As far as Qingling's cultivation level is concerned, the moment he stepped out, he would be shaken by the aura above the giant hammer to the point of crying blood to death!

With a single blow from the sledgehammer, Qian Chen, who was supposed to be very excited, now had a serious face, and even the face full of evil spirits showed surprise at this time, and a pair of big eyes stared at the The raging fire was burning, and he subconsciously murmured, "Impossible...absolutely impossible..." He stretched out his hand and wanted to call back the wind and thunder hammer, but it doesn't matter if he fishes it. My heart immediately turned cold.

The wind and thunder hammer that has been with him for many years has lost control at this time, and no matter how he drives the summon, it is as if there is a huge suction cup that sucks him tightly. No matter how hard he tries, it is actually motionless Paused in the air, this wind and thunder hammer has been tempered by him for many years, it already seems to be a part of his body, how could he not panic when this happens!

When the raging sky fire slowly dissipated, the astonished eyeballs of all the cultivators almost fell out. For a moment, they felt that the amazing things they had seen for thousands of years were not as many as today, and even completely It reversed the concepts that had been instilled in their hearts!

Under such a mighty blow, some people among the cultivators thought that maybe Lin Sen could take the blow, but even if Lin Sen took the thunder blow again with one punch, there is a precedent after all. Never before, would it have brought such a shock to everyone!

"Qing Ling, you don't have much confidence in big brother! I'm full of confidence!" Amidst the slowly dissipating sky fire, Lin Sen teased with a slight smile, which immediately filled his face with sadness and despair. Qingling laughed through tears!

Such a result, even Qin Wei and Zha Nongying did not expect it, and the expression of astonishment could not help but appear on their faces.

"The younger generation is awesome, the younger generation is awesome!! I'm old!! I'm old!!!" Qin Wei stroked the three strands of his beard in front of him, and sighed softly, as if sighing and praising!

And Zha Nongying's frown, which was frowned under serious eyes, finally loosened slowly, and finally turned into a look of praise, and nodded slightly!

From the perspective of the few of them, they could only see Lin Sen's back. Looking at it like this, the sledgehammer that stopped in the space seemed to have hit Lin Sen directly!

But if you look at it from the side, you can easily find that the sledgehammer is still a few inches away from Lin Sen. The sledgehammer is surrounded by purple thunder, and the breath is violent, but it is just like that. In front of him, the mighty momentum seems to have not been completely offset, but it is like an invisible wall in front of the giant hammer. Under the strong impact of the wind and thunder hammer, it will bring boundless and shining wind pressure around, but it will eventually It is half a point that cannot be advanced, and half a step cannot be retreated!

This scene is no wonder that all the cultivators present were so surprised, this incident subverted their concept, Gan Chen is a god!The Celestial Immortal, who represents the strength of the will in the world, is such a strong man standing at the pinnacle of the world. Under a full-strength attack, Lin Sen was so casually pinned down.

Pairs of eyes stared in astonishment at the young man they thought was extremely arrogant and reckless. To what extent is this Lin Sen so tyrannical? How could such a character still stay in the world?Could it be the reincarnation of some ancient great god?

"Impossible..." Gan An murmured in disbelief, and after several times of driving the spell, the wind and thunder hammer did not fly back. He felt that there was a vortex-like force that was swallowing the Fenglei hammer inward. Not only did the force on the hammer gradually fade away, but the giant hammer itself was also slowly disconnecting from him!

Shocked, he said several impossibilities one after another!Although he couldn't see Lin Sen's cultivation base, he didn't feel the aura that had been tempered by the Celestial Tribulation on his body. He was just a small Earth Immortal, how could he have such a tyrannical divine power.

With a ruthless heart, he bit the tip of his tongue, and a line of blood shot out, straight to the top of the wind and thunder hammer. With the addition of that essence of blood, the brilliance on the wind and thunder hammer suddenly shone, in the dazzling luster, There were even bursts of thunder!

This front = dry anger can be regarded as hard work, Lin Sen's attack at the beginning was only physically tyrannical, and then he used all his strength to attack, not only did not hurt the enemy, but even let the opponent take his own body without checking. Things hold.

If this Fenglei hammer is really lost, the loss of the treasure and the loss of his strength are secondary, and Kunlun's face will be completely damaged, but it is spread like this, saying that he is a Kunlun immortal, and he killed it with all his strength. Not only did he not hurt the enemy, but he let the other party take away his treasure. If the news spread, Kunlun would really lose face!

No matter what, this wind and thunder hammer must be taken back, so Qian Chen was so anxious that he would not hesitate to spit out his own blood!

"This wind and thunder hammer is such a treasure! It is something that senior cherishes, but I dare not take it! Senior is so eager to take it back, then Lin Sen will not stop him anymore!" Lin Sen stood with his hands behind his back as if he was wandering freely. , said softly with a smile on his face, but his voice rang in everyone's ears, telling everyone brightly, this treasure was returned to you by me, Lin Sen!

This time Gan Chen was overwhelmed by the anger of anger, his face was flushed, and he opened his mouth to curse, but before he could utter a word, he suddenly felt that the huge suction force holding the wind and thunder hammer disappeared suddenly!

Immediately, he felt light in his hand, and the wind and thunder hammer turned into a shooting star and came straight towards him.

What a tyrannical retreat force he did with all his strength that day, coupled with the stimulation of the essence and blood, at this moment the obstructing suction force suddenly disappeared, and the force that flew back to the giant hammer was so strong that he couldn't resist it even if he was angry Stop, after pinching the handle of the hammer, I was shocked back three steps by my own strength on it!

thump!thump!thump!His face was flushed, his eyes spewed fire, and then there was a sound of "Wow...", a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Gan Chen is controlled by others for a while, and being played by a junior earth fairy in front of the world's cultivation, and even pulling back with all his strength, it is like a boxing in the air, and the unbearable feeling in my heart is unspeakable. Under the coincidence, a mouthful of blood was actually inspired! (To be continued.)

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