Looking at the sea of ​​swords and swords in front of him, Lin Sen couldn't help but secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva. This shark king is indeed a thousand-year-old demon king. Whether it is his grasp of timing or his strength, he is worthy of the name of a fairy!

The sea waves completely composed of sword lights swarmed from the front, Lin Sen only felt chills on his back. Although the light was dense and divided in many numbers, its power was absolutely not even though the number was huge and weak. How much, although it is not comparable to the incomparable power of Shark King's Sea Breaking Style, which cut off the Xuanwu Dharma, but the power of each sword light is probably not weaker than the flying sword magic weapon.

Even if Lin Sen's real body of Tianyao is incomparably tyrannical at this time, Lin Sen absolutely believes that after being washed by the waves of the knife light, every piece of flesh on his body will definitely be shaved off by the knife light!

Compared with the light, what frightened Lin Sen even more was the sword rain. Although the green sword rain was not as dense as the sword wave, its sword energy was like a gossamer, and the sword energy was hidden in it. It's really like the spring rain curtain, not at all arrogant and domineering like the sea of ​​knives.

At this time, Lin Sen's divine sense was dragging Qian Kong with all his strength, and he felt very guilty about being able to withstand the sword rain and knife sea, so he had to fight hard, feeling the growing power of Qian Kong's magic whip. The four spirits can't resist for a long time. Once the four spirits are annihilated, the four spirits will no longer be able to stop Qian Kong's pace, and the overall situation must be settled before Qian Kong rushes out!

"Ang..." Lin Sen raised his head, his eyes were red, and there was a low and hoarse roar from his belly, which was neither a bird nor a beast.

Following this roar, Lin Sen's body changed suddenly, and the purple-gold color spread rapidly all over his body. His originally thin body grew rapidly, and dozens of arms grew out from under his ribs, and his lower body turned into the shape of a centipede, like a dragon. A flick of the tail!

Just in an instant, the black-robed Taoist standing in the void turned into a five-foot-tall 24-armed demon god roaring up to the sky, bursts of ferocious aura that seemed to come from the ancient wilderness scattered in all directions.

This is the most exciting scene today, even if it was only then that he could unseal his twelve mana seals, it was not as amazing as this scene!

Not to mention what is the 24-armed magic form of the demon god that Lin Sen transformed into, but as for the tyrannical aura billowing from it, everyone felt it clearly, and opened their eyes wide. The owner, Lin Sen, is already a monster?Just now they didn't see it at all?

"Do you think you can resist it by showing your real body? You are doomed to die today!" The Shark King's sinister voice came from the void, as if the sky and the earth were singing together, and it was impossible to tell where the Shark King was!

"Change..." Lin Sen didn't pay attention to it at all, and let out a light slap in the mouth. Among the many arms on both sides, it immediately appeared that the sword, gun, sword, halberd, axe, hook and fork were exactly what the wishful golden hairpin wanted. With [-] kinds of weapons, a pair of gold-plated red eyes stared at Jian Yu Dao Haidao, who was already close in front of him, "Whether you can block it or not, you have to try it to know!"

The rain of swords and swords swarmed down, just like the downpour of the sea mountain, the infinite water connected the sky and the earth, filling the world, but at this moment, it is full of swords, lights and swords!

Lin Sen's 24 arms waved together, and the [-] kinds of golden blades in his hands danced a golden circular light curtain around his body. If Lin Sen could use his divine sense to investigate at this time, no matter how many swords, lights and swords there are at this moment, he could still With a block, you can even fight back in the shadow of the sword!

But at this moment, not to mention using divine sense to investigate, but also to focus on two purposes, the formation on the Siling Mountain that traps the dry sky, and even every blow of the magic whip, Lin Sen's eyes are blackened, and his eyes are darkened. Read a burst of trembling!

At this time, Lin Sen was attacking the two tyrannical gods Qiankong and Shark King at the same time. Under his strong self-support, from time to time, the shadow of the sword, light and sword would rush into Lin Sen, and the golden light would dance out rapidly. In the curtain, a deep and visible bone wound was left on his body!

Amidst the Shark King's sinister smiles coming from all directions, although Lin Sen's physical body recovered rapidly, it still couldn't withstand the multiple wounds or even dozens of wounds from time to time. Under the blood loss, Lin Sen Mori's already pale face was even more ugly!

Lin Sen's predicament here, Zha Nongying and the other two were also aware of it, but now the two don't say that they quickly took Qianyuan and rescued each other, even if they were self-protecting, it was a bit difficult. Those who are capable, although everyone's cultivation is not as good as Zha Nongying's.

But firstly, the two of them are exhausted, and secondly, if there are too many ants, they can kill the elephant. Even Cha Nongying and the other two can't underestimate the densely packed magic weapons, let alone Qianyuan and the other two. Waiting for an opportunity, the situation of the two may not be much better than Lin Sen!

Qian Yuan and the others also went all out. Anyway, Kunlun's face has been lost by a group of brothers and sisters. Now they can hope to kill their opponents, so as to save some face. Therefore, under the defense, it is also Quietly prepared, as long as there is a loophole between Cha Nongying and the two, they will definitely attack with all their strength!

"Check the old monster!!" Qin Wei was anxious, his beard and hair were slightly disheveled, and after feeling the crisis scene at Lin Sen's place, he immediately wanted to check Yingchuanyin and said anxiously, "Using that trick, these attacks are as powerful as mine. Come be..."

"That move...?" Zha Nongying's usually neatly combed temples were slightly disheveled, and a few strands of messy hair passed over a pair of slender eyebrows, but it did not damage her peerless charm. When he heard Qin Wei's sound transmission as if saying a secret signal at the same time, he was slightly taken aback. He and Qin Wei did not deal with each other on weekdays, and they would quarrel without saying a word. How did such a secret signal come from!

Puzzled in his heart, after seeing Qin Wei's crazy eyes, he suddenly understood what Qin Wei meant, and could not help but voice transmission, "You madman..." Cha Nongying never expected that an item Qin Wei, a Confucian sage and sage, was all in a fairy-like manner, and when he became crazy, he was even more terrifying than this evil villain of the demon sect. When he was astonished, the corner of his mouth slowly sneered and said, "But I like it. ..."

I saw that Cha Nongying, who was fighting with Qianyuan, suddenly jumped out of the battle group and flew back while Qianyuan was focused on defending the emptiness!

Then, under Qianyuan's strange gaze, he lowered his head and closed his eyes, clasped his hands together in front of him, and made an extremely weird curse seal gesture, his small ruddy mouth opened and closed slightly, as if confiding, sometimes pray!

"Stop him quickly, he wants to summon the Heavenly Demon..." Qian Yuan reacted immediately, his eyes were full of panic, this madman Cha, he is here to summon the Heavenly Demon, not to mention his Kunlun disciple, there are so many people present, Even if a person is swallowed and possessed by the demon, it may not be seen today, but in the future it will definitely set off a bloody storm in the world!

Qianyuan's roar was earth-shattering, and all the disciples of Kunlun also reacted immediately, and the magical powers in their hands immediately hit Zha Nongying like rain.

Even the people who watched the battle heard it clearly, and they flew up one by one desperately, no matter what the battle was deliberately, they just hoped that the farther away from here the better, so as not to be dragged into it by the extraterritorial demon later, they all jumped up and down. He secretly scolded Cha Nongying, a lunatic.

Almost all the attacks were aimed at Cha Nongying, and even Qianyuan was holding the Sun Jinglun in his hand, and the raging golden flame was burning on his body. In the fire of desire, a golden fuzzy big bird took shape rapidly, and let out a clear cry Crying, chirping, spreading its wings and soaring, it went straight to Cha Nong Ying.

That Gan Chen also held the hammer with both hands, and amidst the roar of anger, the thunder light on the wind and thunder hammer shone, bringing the power of wind and thunder all over the sky, and the lifting of his arms was like the gravity of Wanjun, holding his face full of suffocation. Amidst the flushed dry roar, with both arms, he smashed the Fenglei Hammer surrounded by wind and thunder towards Zha Nongying!

And Gan Kong, who was trapped in the Siling Mountain, became more and more anxious, constantly driving the magic whip, and slammed the Siling Mountain madly. I can't even control it completely, but with the proficiency in this period, every blow now makes Lin Sen dizzy for a while.

And the consequence of this is that more and more swords and swords broke through Lin Sen's protection, and under the dense wounds, Lin Sen's tall demon god body instantly looked like a blood man.

The spiritual energy was surging, all kinds of brilliance shone, and the tools went straight to Zha Nongying, almost completely covering his motionless body!

If Qin Wei doesn't care about it, it's impossible to say that this generation of demonic giants will be under the siege of these people, and their bodies and spirits will be wiped out, and there is absolutely no possibility of appearing in the world again!

Seeing that many magic weapons were about to hit Cha Nongying, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, dressed in white Chinese clothes, with immortal demeanor, a formal Confucian Taoist Qin Wei!

"Qin old ghost, you are crazy... Get out of the way..." After sacrificing the golden bird, Qian Yuan, whose face was very pale, immediately shouted loudly. The power to stop so many people's death-seeking behavior is because of protecting the demon leader Cha Nongying's move to summon the demon!

However, Qin Wei not only ignored him, but showed a crazy smile on his old face, and slowly spread his hands on both sides. Following the gesture, the stone tablet in his hand was divided into six parts, each standing on [*** ] The seat is shining brightly, and the stone steles are connected to each other to form an invisible shield, enveloping Qin Wei and Cha Nongying in it!

coax!With a loud noise, the sky and the earth trembled, earth, rocks and trees were uprooted one after another, and scattered in all directions with the hurricane. Even if the monks fled far away to avoid being involved by the demon, they were all here at this moment. Under the shaking of the sky and the earth, I can't stand firm!

The aura exploded, and in the hurricane like sharp knives, a group of monks hurriedly and anxiously looked at the center of the explosion shining with colorful brilliance! (To be continued.)

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