Everything starts from the gourd baby

Chapter 240 Heavenly Tribulation

At this time, Jiang Ziya also admired the determination of the elephant dragon in his heart. With such a slight chance, he did not hesitate to trigger Tianjie to do this kind of behavior that is equivalent to courting death!

When Jiang Ziya appeared, the three Xianglongs who had been trapped in the fish basket had been unable to communicate with the outside world, but they knew everything that happened outside. Seeing Lin Sen and others being seriously injured one after another, they were anxious. Can't help at all!

Until Jiang Ziya wanted to take Lin Sen back with a fish basket, an elephant dragon trapped in the fish basket and unable to move, finally seized the opportunity. Although he couldn't escape the restriction of the fish basket, the fish basket It can't stop him from spreading out his aura, even if he dies, he will have to pull a few backs. As long as they are dead, Lin Sen will not be entangled here anymore, and he will recruit the robbery without hesitation. !

Jiang Ziya is in a bit of a dilemma at this time, and now the catastrophe is irreversible. Even if he closes the fish basket again and the aura of the elephant dragon disappears, it will not stop the catastrophe that has already taken shape. Speaking of releasing Jianglong, my magic weapon in the fish basket may become the protective umbrella of Xianglong's crossing calamity, and it will dissipate under the thunder calamity that day!

Gritting his teeth, looking at Lin Sen who was almost sucked into the fish basket, Jiang Ziya finally stopped the fish basket unwillingly.

"Aw..." I heard such a shocking cry, and a long red dragon rushed straight out of the fish basket. At first, it was only the size of a palm, but in an instant it turned into a huge red dragon soaring into the sky. Majestic and majestic, with an elephant trunk and a dragon body, it uttered a series of high-pitched calls under the dark clouds, swimming and churning in the sky!

"Hmph..." Jiang Ziya couldn't help snorting secretly when he heard the mocking cry of the giant dragon, and then unfurled the apricot-yellow flag, enveloping all the monks inside and said, "Everyone, please come to my Kunlun for a little rest!" A moment!!!" After speaking, he entered the formation of the Kunlun Three Talents with a kind of monk!

Although Jiang Ziya forcibly brought everyone into Kunlun, no one blamed Jiang Ziya for his domineering behavior, but he was full of gratitude in his heart.

Once the tribulation thunder falls that day, except for the land guarded by the three talented formations, the rest will turn into a deadly land in an instant. They already wished to have a few more retreats to escape, but even so, they may not be able to escape In the area of ​​thunder calamity, Jiang Ziya brought everyone into the formation of three talents. Although they were controlled by others, their lives were no longer in danger after all!

In the claws of the giant dragon soaring in the sky, there are two dead objects, a black scorpion and a golden python!

The elephant dragon writhed for a moment and finally stopped in front of Lin Sen, and put down Ding Xie and Jin Ling who had already fallen into a coma in their hands. Looking at Lin Sen with tears in his eyes, he said, "Brother...it's my brother who dragged you down!!"

Lin Sen also turned into a human form, looked at Xianglong and said with a smile, "Brother Xianglong said, when Lin Sen was in trouble, the elder brother would risk his life to save him..."

Xianglong's eyes were full of emotion, but he just patted Lin Sen's shoulder fiercely, but he was speechless, then raised his head and looked at the increasingly dark clouds in the sky and said, "I have been hiding for hundreds of years, but I didn't expect to get away with his certificate in the end!" Then he looked at Lin Sen and said, "Brother...you take them and hide in the fairy mansion...Old Dragon, I will die today, and I will let this Kunlun peeled off a layer of skin!"

Xianglong looked at the dark cloud like a giant floating city in the sky, and the thunder force inside it was terrifying enough to kill it instantly. At this moment, he suddenly felt afraid that this thing that had been hiding for hundreds of years was no longer there. On the contrary, I felt bursts of exhilaration. There are brothers like Lin Sen who go through life and death.

Lin Sen silently supported Na Dingxie and Jin Ning on the back of the terrified Shark King, and after Lin Sen's order, the terrified Shark King turned into a black light and went straight to the Immortal Mansion. Suddenly it disappeared into the clouds of the Immortal Mansion!

However, Qingling and the others in the Immortal Mansion struggled no matter how they broke through, but they couldn't break through the Immortal Mansion's restriction. They could only watch helplessly as the Immortal Mansion led them away quickly. People are getting farther and farther away!

"Boy Lin...you..." Seeing that Lin Sen himself had never left, Xianglong's face was mixed with taste, it seemed that he was moved by Lin Sen's behavior, and at the same time he seemed to be angry with Lin Sen's arbitrary surname, but he really wanted to Subdue Lin Sen and send him into the Immortal Mansion, except for Lin Sen, no one can open the Immortal Mansion. If Lin Sen is unwilling to leave, even if he subdues Lin Sen, the result will be the same. But there is no way at all!

"Brother, don't say any more..." Lin Sen said with a serious expression on his face, "You and my brothers are here today to try this thunder calamity, whether it is really like the legends, and the place where it passes is extinct!"

Seeing Lin Sen's determined expression, Xianglong was moved but finally didn't know what to say. With tears in his eyes, he nodded fiercely, looking at the increasingly violent black Leiyun, Xianglong whispered in his heart, let us try your power!

Not to mention the elephant dragon, even the monks in the three-talented formation couldn't help but calm down. They either didn't know Lin Sen or they were hostile to him, but at the moment they looked at the two standing under the black cloud. With a towering figure, I couldn't help but feel a little moved in my heart.

At this time, staying under the thunder cloud is already a doomsday situation. Whether it is the crazy dragon or the little lunatic Lin Sen, these two people are very close friends...

Everyone couldn't help but sighed in their hearts. There are very few people with such true surnames among the monks. It's a pity that these two people died like this, but they can die under this thunder calamity. Although they claim to be monks who can break free from the shackles of heaven and live forever, how many people can truly achieve immortality and live longer than the sky?Being able to die in this majestic world of thunder clouds is considered a worthy death!

boom!boom!The sound of thunder rolled, and there were bursts of muffled thunder in the dark clouds. After the thunder, the dark clouds that were originally violent and chaotic were not struck by the god's thunder, but became more and more quiet and settled down.

The berserk divine thunder calmed down like a lake within the dark clouds. This calmness not only failed to make people relax, but also made Lin Sen and his two hearts more and more suspenseful. The tranquility, this can be called a thundercloud that does not leak the slightest breath, but your violent and domineering feeling is even more terrifying!

Sure enough, it is worthy of God's Punishment Thunder! !Lin Sen and the two sighed in their hearts with wry smiles. They were amazed by the transformation of lightning into liquid in this hand alone!

With the sound of the rolling thunder dissipating, the pitch-black world was completely silent, and there seemed to be no living things other than Lin Sen and the two of them. This depressing feeling of boredom was like a boulder pressing on the chest. It's uncomfortable and heavy!

Time seems to pass very slowly here, and every bit of it has to go through a very long wait. For some reason, Lin Sen suddenly had a sentence in his heart. I don't know who said it before, death is not terrible, waiting for death It's scary!

As time went by bit by bit, just when Lin Sen and the two became more and more anxious, the thunder cloud in the sky finally reacted, and streaks of crimson thunder light emerged from the pitch-black thunder cloud, covering the whole world. The pitch-black world is painted with a layer of crimson blood!

Although only one corner of the red divine thunder was exposed, the quiet and dead power inside it was nothing like the condensation of the most yang thing in the world. Ray, completely calm at the moment.

coming!Lin Sen and the two groaned inwardly, and their gazes hurriedly looked at the red thunder light slowly emerging from their heads. Xianglong stretched out his hand, and a red-gold flame burst out from his hand, even if it gave birth to the With a ferocious spear and an unyielding expression on his face, he is about to charge towards Shenlei!

"Brother, wait a minute..." Lin Sen hurriedly embraced him, and then stretched out his palms. The big seal of Bichan turned into a size of several feet, soared up and went straight to the scarlet god thunder. Cai followed with a smile and said, "Let me open the way for elder brother first..."

Approaching Xianglong is the one who will cross the catastrophe this time. Even if Lin Sen wants to help, Leiyun will go straight to Xianglong. All he can do is to help Xianglong reduce the pressure as much as possible!

With the rapid flying of the big seal of Bichan, everyone's eyes are focused on it. This day, God of Punishment Lei only asked its name, but it was to see its prestige. Today, it is really to see if it is true. Unstoppable as in the legend!

The crimson divine thunder that emerged from the clouds was only as thick as a thumb, and it didn't come very quickly. Except for the crimson luster on it and the dead thunder power, it seemed to be no different from ordinary catastrophes. .

But it was this divine thunder, the moment Lin Sen's big seal of Bichan collided with it, a mouthful of blood suddenly overflowed from Lin Sen's mouth, and he decisively severed the connection between himself and the great seal of Bichan.

The incomparable power above the scarlet god thunder, the treasure of Bichan Great Seal, which has also been honed by thunder and calcined by earth fire, has not resisted at all. It melted as quickly as ice and snow, and the inner strength of the demon spirit contained in the great seal was clearly wiped out in an instant!

The Great Seal of Bichan melted as quickly as ice and snow, leaving only a mass of red-gold liquid the size of a human head in the end, which quickly fell to the ground, but it was the last mass of essence left by the Dragon Stone after it was washed by the thunder that day!

This Bichan Great Seal is the first treasure made by Lin Sen. Its power to overwhelm the mountains, once unfolded to cover the sky and cover the sun, left an indelible impression on everyone during the first battle just now. Just seeing Chongbao like this, under that thin crimson divine thunder, he didn't stop him even for a moment! (To be continued.)

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