Just when Lin Sen was anxious but didn't dare to take a breath, the huge palm that was gradually sinking into the void suddenly stopped. In the solemn atmosphere, Lin Sen could vaguely feel that on the other side of the void, there was a towering The giant was looking at him with the eyes of sizing up the ants on the ground at this moment, as if he was thinking about how to deal with this little ant.

Although this feeling that his life is in the midst of other people's joy and anger made Lin Sen extremely unhappy, but this was the fact before him, so he could only restrain his instinct in the face of danger in an anxious mood, and went all the way. Standing there motionless, if the owner of that giant hand wanted to kill him, it would be no more troublesome than crushing an ant to death!

After a few breaths of stalemate like this, the giant hand finally moved again and sank into the void. After the palm almost completely disappeared, Lin Sen finally let out a deep breath. , but definitely more dangerous than when he was in Kunlun!

But just when Lin Sen was finally relieved, the palm that had almost completely disappeared stopped again, and with a flick of the remaining fingers, an invisible energy enveloped Lin Sen, and then he sank into the Disappear in the void!

He really dumped me!He suddenly cursed secretly in his heart, he seemed to vaguely see the mocking eyes of the palm owner when he played with him, but Lin Sen didn't even have time to resent, because the tyrannical wave of anger had already come before his eyes!

Although the giant hand disappeared into the void, Lin Sen couldn't move his whole body under the lock of his aura, so he could only let the aura coming from his fingers come straight to his body!

Although it was just a flick of the fingers, the owner of the giant hand disappeared immediately afterward. Obviously, he had absolute confidence in this blow. Squeezing a small ant to death is just a matter of fingers!

No matter how Lin Sen broke free, he still couldn't dodge that blow, just like the method he used against Yu Wenxian just now, he could only watch helplessly as the strength came to him!

Although Qi Jin is invisible and qualityless, Lin Sen can feel it very clearly, not necessarily overbearing, but as soon as Qi Jin touches his body, his physical body starts from the surface, and it is silently and deeply wiped out.

This fee is not broken, not torn, but to directly annihilate the flesh and blood.

Lin Sentian's demon avatar couldn't resist the slightest bit of that vigor at all. In an instant, when he met the vigor of the chest and abdomen, together with the cheeks, his body quickly disappeared, revealing the inside of it. The dense white bones did not resist the slightest bit, and they melted rapidly like the white snow under the scorching sun. The unparalleled recovery power of Lin Sentianyao's avatar seemed so powerful in front of this vigor. No matter how anxious Lin Sen was, he couldn't stop him at all.

However, just as the owner of the giant hand calculated, the force of a flick of a finger is enough to kill Lin Sen, a small ant. No matter how much Lin Sen struggles, he can't move an inch.

Fortunately, the owner of the giant hand didn't descend from his body after all, and he hasn't fully seen Lin Sen through. If this continues, Lin Sen will naturally turn into dust in this infinite void.

Under such a crisis, the star fruit tree in Lin Sen's body finally gave birth to a change, as if he also sensed Lin Sen's dangerous situation at this time, from the five branches, a wave of water frantically gushed out. The power of the stars repaired Lin Sen's body.

It's a pity that the power of the stars, which was always invincible in the past, is now in an embarrassing situation. No matter how quickly the sky demon's real body is repaired, it can't resist the speed at which the breath is wiped out.

Not only Lin Sen was anxious to break free, but the star fruit tree was also extremely anxious. It was rare for him to find a host. If he died in this endless void at this time, even if he could leave a stump under the breath, it would be There is no chance to see the sun again, not to mention judging from the strength of that aura, even his spiritual root of this world, under that aura, can only be reduced to ashes and dissipated!

Just letting the star fruit tree crazily spew out the star power of its own essence, it is still powerless to restore the speed of Lin Sen's body melting at this moment!

At this moment, Lin Sen only listened in his mind! !Boom! !There was a sound like golden drums beating together, the fairy voice was faint, there was a long sigh that seemed simple and unpretentious, and there seemed to be the beginning of the infinite road!

The Yellow Court Sutra suddenly appeared above Lin Sen's head. Lin Sen only heard a sigh at the beginning, but the subsequent voice could not be heard at all. It was just like before. It's separated by an invisible guardrail!

Fortunately, it was just a sigh at the beginning of the chapter, and Lin Sen felt his whole body was empty, and the locked aura left by the owner of the giant hand was dispelled by the sigh of this scene.

Lin Sen hurriedly flew to dodge, but it was too late at this moment, the breath had already entered his body, even if he was dodging with him, he couldn't avoid the attack that had already entered the body!

The five thoughts in the back of his head were spinning rapidly, and the five branches of the star fruit tree in Yu Linsen's body were connected together. When the two of them joined together, they quickly began to draw the power of the stars, and the body was running even more rapidly. While the body is drawing the power of the stars, it is also rapidly repairing the collapse of the body!

Although this place is in the endless void, the stars all over the sky are just phantom images projected from the fairy world, but without the cover of the clouds in the world, although there is not half of the spiritual energy in this void, the stars are still there. The power of power is incomparably full, Lin Sen absorbs all of this suddenly, the power of the stars swarming in, wraps Lin Sen like a star, shining brightly!

It's just that even with so much power of the stars integrated into it, even the star fruit tree, which is like a miser at the same time, not only doesn't absorb any of it at this moment, but keeps spewing out its own power of stars.

It's just that under so much power, it still can't stop Lin Sen's physical body from annihilating speed. After resisting for a few breaths, Lin Sen is almost standing in the void like a huge skeleton!

That Jingjing seems to have exhausted its own strength, and slowly submerged into Lin Sen's sea of ​​consciousness!

Under the annihilation of that aura, Lin Sen was already in a trance, completely unaware of front, back, left, right, right, left, right. Seeing that it was about to collapse completely, the star fruit tree in Lin Sen's body finally reacted!

As if a final decision had been made, the star fruit tree suddenly stopped spewing out the power of the stars to remedy such useless efforts. Instead of spouting out, it quickly absorbed it inward. Everything, even Lin Sen's body is completely absorbed by the trend!

The magic weapons around Lin Sen, the jade flute, the thunder beads, the black ancient sword, and even the remaining essence of the trapped dragon stone, as well as the few small magic weapons from the Xiangguo Mansion, were all sucked out by the ancient star tree at this moment. The power of devouring, forcibly extracts the spiritual energy in these magic weapons, devours them, and sinks them into the small black branches together with the condensed stars!

It's just strange that after forcibly devouring so much spiritual energy, the five shining branches on the star fruit tree not only did not grow up, but shrunk rapidly, sinking into the dead branches in an instant, just like Lin Sen. Getting him under the East China Sea was average!

There was such a sudden movement as the star fruit tree, and the powerful aura was swallowed into it. Without the support of these auras, Lin Sen's bones all of a sudden began to melt under the aura!

Heck!The star fruit tree was so plundering and devouring that it finally stopped, with a sound of fullness, waves of air gushed out from the scorched body, and tiny whiskers suddenly protruded from the black branches. As soon as the little mustache touched Lin Sen's body, it quickly began to grow and spread along Lin Sen's bones!

Although it is small, it is extremely greedy. All the devouring power around the devourer is the breath eroding Lin Sen's body. Although he resisted it for a while, he finally couldn't resist the devouring power. The black branches sucked in it!

Without the destruction of that breath, the black root-stem whiskers spread rapidly around Lin Sen's bones to the whole body, and then on the whiskers like meridians, tempered by the power of the stars Bleeding flesh began to grow, pieces of squirming formed Lin Sen's muscular body!

Then came the skin, hair, and in an instant, the body that was almost completely destroyed just now appeared in the void intact. Starlight's demon body is more powerful than before!

Lin Sen didn't know how long he had been standing in this void before he suddenly opened his eyes, raised his head to the sky and let out a long cry, "Ang..."

The previous static force was sorting out and adapting to the changes in his body!

This time it was a blessing in disguise, since Na Donghai got the star fruit tree, he was killed by it several times, but when he was in the East China Sea, it was not so much Lin Sen who refined it, but the star fruit tree spontaneously. It rushed into Lin Sen's body and lived in it. Although it also helped Lin Sen cultivate, it was still not Lin Sen's thing at all.

Although it is the spiritual root of heaven and earth, the star fruit tree is still a tree after all. There has never been a tree that does not grow roots, but grows branches first. The star fruit tree just uses Lin Sen's body as a place of cultivation, and waits for it to recover some supernatural powers Afterwards, he can break free from Lin Sen's body, and even turn Lin Sen into nutrients. Lin Sen himself knows about this situation, but the star fruit tree is completely out of his control. Just ignore it!

And under the threat of the aura just now, in order not to let Lin Sen disappear in this endless void, the star fruit tree finally merged with Lin Sen thoroughly!

Root its roots in Lin Sen's body, and take root on the ground. From now on, regardless of you and me, Lin Sen will prosper and prosper together, and destroy and destroy together! (To be continued.)

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