"Your Majesty, this is absolutely impossible!" But Yang Jian had just said the two methods of selecting talents and cultivating talents proposed by Lin Sen, and immediately another group of veterans rushed out, all of which were recognized by the major clans!

At first, he was tall and burly, and although his hair was gray, it could be seen that he was a one-yuan general when he was young!

Although he is a taller man at this moment, his aura is more restrained and solid. As soon as Yang Jian finished speaking, he immediately stepped out of the group to oppose him!

"Oh?" Yang Jian chuckled with a smile, and then asked, "What is the reason for Yuwen Gong's objection?"

However, he said that this veteran general was surnamed Yuwen and Mingshu, and he was born in the Northern Zhou royal family. Yu Wenyun was from his own family when he died there. But for supporting Yang Jian's rebellion in this way, it should be Yu Wenyun's own fault. The last amulet of the house was smashed.

That Yu Wenyun can be regarded as the best. After ascending the throne, he entrusted four queens and three thousand beauties in the harem. It didn't take long before he got tired of playing. Forcibly plundered into the palace, and later named her the fifth queen!

Such a shameful humiliation, how could this veteran who guarded the Northern Zhou Dynasty swallow it, and followed Yang Jian to turn against Yu Wenyun in a fit of anger!

Yu Wenshu couldn't say that these two methods would harm the interests of his various families, but said angrily, "How can those contemptuous people stand above the court, and how can the low-level blood of the people be like us?" Just learn from that sage!" His words were filled with righteous indignation, his face was flushed, as if he had been wronged so much!

Yang Jian nodded slowly and said, "What Aiqing said is also...just!!" Then he sighed helplessly, "These two decrees were issued by the emperor. The so-called teacher is like a father. If I violate his words, how can I go against it?" If you have become an unfaithful and unfilial person, how can you be worthy of sitting in this court..."

As soon as Yang Jian said this, the ministers who immediately argued and opposed were quiet, and no one wanted to take the risk. If he was opposing at this time, wouldn't it mean that Yang Jian was not suitable for this seat? Although Yang Jian was young, he But a master who killed decisively, this point can be understood from the bloody smell that has not completely dissipated in this hall!

"Besides... the national teacher is the lord of the immortals... well, don't say it.. don't say it..." Yang Jian said halfway, but he became dependent and embarrassed. Although he didn't finish speaking, he was mentioning Point everyone, Lin Sen is a fairy!

As soon as this statement came out, the opposing clans would all recall the scene of that day, when the surroundings were wiped out. No matter how powerful they were in this world, they couldn't compare to the power of that punch. !

Although Yu Wenshu still had the heart to object, he also saw that Yang Jian's mind had been made up at this time. If he objected again, he might be resentful, and besides, the prestige of the emperor had to be ignored!

After all the ministers had no more objections, Yang Jian smiled and said, "That is, all the lovers have no objections, Gao Ying, draft the notice and announce it to the world together in the imperial edict!"

It is said that as soon as the edict of Yang Jian's accession to the throne was issued, it immediately caused a commotion in Chang'an City, people surrounded the imperial edict everywhere, although most of them did not know the characters in it, some people who could read came forward and read it aloud.

In the city of Chang'an where the emperor's list was posted, the crowd watched, and many of them hurriedly urged the literate person to read aloud. Finally, there was a man who looked like a scholar, surrounded by everyone's longing, walked towards the emperor's list, opened his mouth and read aloud, "Fengtian Chengyun, the emperor summoned and said that although Emperor Xuan of Zhou came to the throne in the past, although it was not long, all businesses were prosperous, people's livelihood was stable, and the grand plan was not yet developed. However, there was a monster in the imperial city, and Emperor Xuan of Zhou was harmed by it, and he was buried in the court hall. Above, when I was in a daze, I knew that I was about to ascend to heaven, and I couldn't rectify the affairs of the court. Therefore, the person who passed on the throne to the idler, the Duke of Sui, who was elected by all officials, changed the name of the country to Great Sui from today. The emperor was Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, and the late emperor Yang Gongzhong was named the Taizu of the Sui Dynasty, and the birth mother was named the Empress Dowager Shengde, and his wife Dugu Jialuo was named the Queen Zhaode, the prisons of the whole world were amnesty, and the whole country was exempted from taxes for two years..."

"Zhang Lang! What does this tax exemption mean?" A rickety old farmer in the crowd, who was covered in patches, asked anxiously without understanding!

"This is tax-free! That is to say, from now on, we will no longer have to pay taxes for the next two years..." The young scholar also said happily, thinking that the new king is also a virtuous person.

"There is no need to pay taxes..Do you not have to pay all taxes?..." The old farmer blushed immediately, and hurriedly asked again, afraid that he had heard it wrong, so he was so happy!

"Yes!" The scholar surnamed Zhang shouted happily, "In the next two years, old man, the grain and rice you plant will be yours..."

As soon as the scholar said this, there were bursts of jubilant cheers from among the common people, and even some excited people burst into tears and paid homage to the imperial city, "My emperor is merciful... .My emperor is merciful..."

"It's not over yet!" After the cheers gradually subsided, the scholar said hastily, "There's more to come! Be quiet, everyone, and listen to me finish reading..."

When the bursts of joyful cheers dissipated, the scholar cleared his throat emotionally, and then he read, "The demons caused trouble yesterday, fortunately, the emperor protected millions of souls in Chang'an. He grew up to be the emperor's teacher, the protector of the country, and specially named his uncle Xianglong as the protector of the country, and he will enjoy the incense of the Sui Dynasty forever, and all people will worship him!"

The day before yesterday was just more than two months ago, but the prestige of that day left an indelible mark on the hearts of all the people in Chang'an. At this time, after hearing what the scholar said, recalling the legend, this Only then did they realize that the protector of the country really saved them that day.

At that moment, they knelt down to worship, chanting words in their mouths, all of which were words of thanks and prayers, but they secretly thought in their hearts, this protector of the country is not a real clay bodhisattva, but a real living bodhisattva. I want to invite back the spirit tablet of the protector of the country, and offer it to the family for worship every day!

As soon as the imperial list was finished, someone in the crowd shouted again, "Then what is written on these two blank sheets of paper!"

It was only then that everyone discovered that there were two white paper stickers on the side of the imperial list, which were also filled with words, so some sharp-eyed people hurriedly asked!

The scholar looked at the name, and it carried the four characters of proclaiming the decree, and immediately smiled and said casually, "This! It is a new decree promulgated by the emperor, and it is announced to the world together!"

"Read, read, read..." Immediately, someone was urgently urging him, but he saw the scholar, surrounded by the crowd, come to the white paper, and read aloud the edict of Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty. , I was suddenly enlightened, using the system of Enke to attract talents from all over the world, but all students from all over the world, regardless of their origins, can participate, and the Great Sui Competition will let the talents of the world make the best use of them based on the difference in scientific examinations..." The scholar didn't care at first, But the more he read, the more trembling his voice became, and he finally rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and then the humble student among the crowd also shouted loudly, "What did you say?Let it go.. let it go..."

Before hurriedly sending it to the blank paper, I carefully studied it word by word, "Don't ask about your background, don't ask about your background.... Make the best use of everything..." Several scholars murmured and repeated these words, and then they were there. Under the puzzled eyes of the people who didn't understand the meaning, they knelt down on their knees like they were worshiping gods. They paid homage to the imperial city again and again, and shouted loudly, "God bless my emperor...God bless the Sui Dynasty...God bless National Division..."

Every scholar is grateful, with tears in their eyes. Now that the clan is in power, and the powerful families are powerful, the children of poor families have no chance of getting ahead. If they are lucky, they will be favored by the family members and be classified as disciples. There is such a talent who knows the world, but because of his birth, he has no way to serve the country, and his jewels are dusty. Now when this decree comes out, it will open a door for students all over the world!

"I haven't finished reading it yet!! What else is there!!" After the explanations by the scholars, the common people didn't react much to it. Anyway, I don't know a single word, and being an official in the exam is also different from myself. It doesn't matter, I just need to plant my own land and do my own business well!

But another student hurriedly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes. Then he got up and went to another notice, and read aloud, "Master Ran deeply feels the plight of common people's children. Among the hundreds of households, those who study There is less than one household, so I will teach my emperor a law, but all my subjects in the Sui Dynasty, and all children who are less than five years old, no matter male or female, must study for five years..."

"What are you kidding..." As soon as this remark came out, the ground exploded, and a farmer shouted, "There are five children in my family, and now I can only earn enough to eat. I know that reading is good, but I don't know how to read." I have to eat, but if my children are sent to study, our whole family will have to drink the northwest wind and starve to death..."

"That's it...that's..." There was a voice of agreement from the bottom. They are ordinary people. After paying the tax every year, they only have enough to eat, and some even don't have enough to eat. Even if they want their children to study Without that ability!

"Everyone be quiet.. Listen to me finish reading..." The scholar in my crowd hastily shouted again and again. After the yelling sound died down, the scholar read again, "As long as I am a five-year-old boy in Tai Sui, no matter male or female , all sent to the school to study for five years, and all the expenses for the study, teachers and teachers' education, will be allocated from the national treasury, as soon as this decree comes out, all my territories in the Sui Dynasty must follow the rules to open schools!"

After reading these words, the whole crowd fell silent. Those who understood were stunned, while those who didn't understand shut up when they saw the people around them!

After such a complete silence for half a stick of incense, an old farmer asked, "Scholar! What do you mean by what you just read!" This sentence was the voice of most people, even though it was closed. The mouth is silent, but the reason is not understood!

"It means..." the scholar turned his head blankly and said dumbfoundedly, "Your children must go to school, and you don't need a penny. All of them are paid by the state!" (To be continued.)

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