As Lin Sen and the others approached, and Lin Sen's words were shocking, there was a sudden sigh from the mountain, and then came the old and calm words, "It is my honor to be praised by the emperor!"

Following the sound, several figures appeared on the mountain peak, just walking forward, but they appeared in front of Lin Sen and the others in an instant. Standing in a simple and simple palace, it is the Chan Master Langyu who severely injured Lin Sen in the Southern Dynasty.

Behind him followed five monks, with a magic weapon, it was Hui Bu who used to perform the Great Purdue Technique on the Thousand Buddha Cliff in Qixia Mountain.

"It's really you!" Lin Sen laughed softly. Before he came, he had already guessed that Yu Langyu was absolutely inseparable at this time, and even led him to do it. Seeing it now, it was indeed the case, and Langyu obviously knew it. I am waiting for someone to come to investigate, so I am waiting here!

"In the past, I heard that my little friend helped the emperor ascend the throne, and even became the emperor's master, but Lang Yu was very regretful. Why didn't he let the little friend stay in the Southern Dynasty that day!" Although what Lang Yu said was plain, but the murder in it The meaning is that even a fool can feel it. Lin Sen was seriously injured by one of his blows that day. To destroy it requires some extraordinary means!

After saying this, Lang Yu laughed again and said, "However, thanks to letting you go that day, there was the Kunlun disaster, and you helped me solve a big problem. Now that the superiors of Kunlun are not here, here The world respects me, every table and every drink is determined by God!" His cultivation level is unknown, but obviously even if Lin Sen and the other five gods gathered together, he didn't pay attention to it at all!

"Haha..." Lin Sen pointed to Lang Yu and said with a smile, "Now the Emperor has been enthroned with my assistance? Master Lang Yu, do you still want to support Nan Chen, who has run out of luck, and do such an act against the sky? Or do you support him?" That little girl of yours who extracted the precious light of spiritual energy and created Ziwei's fate?" When Lin Sen said this, Cha Nongying and the others didn't understand, but Xianglong laughed immediately!

And the five monks behind Na Lang immediately showed angry expressions on their faces. They spent so much thought and effort to arrange that formation, but when the child was born, it turned out to be a girl. They were checking the formation. However, at some point someone tampered with it and introduced the moonlight yin energy into the pregnant woman's body, and what was born was naturally a woman!

Being slapped like this, but they don't even know who did it, and the five people made Lang Yu Lei Ting furious for this matter. At this moment, Lin Sen said this, obviously that small move It was him who moved, and finally found the reason, which made the five people not angry!

"It turns out that the formation is the active hand!" Lang Yu was not moved at all, but nodded slightly as if a doubt had been solved, and then went to "The formation's restraint is so ingenious, in that original formation Integrating into one place, if it wasn't for carefully sorting out the formations afterwards, I still wouldn't be able to find out that there was an extra restriction in it, and the master's accomplishments in one formation made me admire!" Not to mention the old monk's personality, but Lin Sen couldn't help admiring such efforts to maintain a surname. The key point of his plan was destroyed by Lin Sen, and he laughed at this time, but he didn't show any anger at all. He looked so tepid. On the contrary, it is meaningless to make Lin Sen and the others laugh!

"Liang Seng Langyu, the kindness of the world back then, even the slave family admired it..." Zha Nongying said with a smile, her words were very teasing, "I just didn't expect that I didn't die? Shouldn't I be promoted too?" Are you blissful in the western sky?" The story of Lang Yu was known all over the world back then, and he tried medicine with his body to save lives. His integrity was admired by the world, and even monks couldn't help but look forward to it, but Lin Sen used to be a wolf He was so busy running around that he hadn't had time to mention Lang Yu's matter to Zha Nongying and others in the future!

"Amitabha..." Lang Yu slowly recited the Buddha's name and then said, "The name of the pink leader of the Southern Xinjiang Twin Body Sect has long been heard by me. When someone dies, the old monk once sighed, thinking that there will be a day of goodbye today, as for the bliss in the west, I will go there one day, but it is not in the past, nor is it now!"

Lang Yu mentioned the siege at this time, and he deliberately put the word Confucianism at the top of his tone, so as to arouse the resentment in Zha Nongying's heart back then. After making a fuss, the threat to him in front of him is self-defeating!

It's just how thoughtful Cha Nongying is. If he couldn't say it before, he would take advantage of the situation to clean up Qin Wei, but now the two have gone through the Kunlun battle, and then tied the children of southern Xinjiang to the Confucianism. Absolutely, Lang Yu's words not only failed to have any effect, on the contrary, they aroused the displeasure of Zha Nongying. How can he be the one who can be used by others? With a pair of beautiful eyes, he said softly, "We Now that a few people have arrived, Chan Master Langyu might as well withdraw the formation as soon as possible, so as to save everyone a lot of trouble. If the younger sister can't hold it alone, I wish you the bliss in the Western Paradise, old monk, don't you want to owe me one? Great favor!"

"Master Zha is joking!" Lang Yu said slowly with his expression unchanged, "I just said that I will go to Xitian Bliss sooner or later, but not in the past, not now, and not today... If I don't I hope that no one will let this old monk enter that Western Paradise!" Although the tone was flat, there was extraordinary confidence in his words, it seemed that even Lin Sen and the heavenly immortals were in front of him, they would never be in his eyes!

"I hope your kung fu on your hands is as hard and better as your mouth..." Zha Nongying looked at Lang Yu and covered her mouth with a coquettish smile, "Don't be a silver pewter tip, it will be soft when you touch it... "Although it seemed to be coquettish and coquettish, Lin Sen knew that his elder sister, the leader, was a little angry in her heart!

"Master Lang Yu, you are also a sage, and you are always merciful. Back then, millions of disaster victims were trapped in the water and fire, on the verge of life and death. Why are you acting against the law today, and you are doing such a thing of anger and resentment? Do you know that you presumptuously intervene in human wars? You monks who set up the formation will be wiped out under the power of heaven!" Qin Wei's words were full of persuasion, and he was heartbroken, Lang Yu is a master of Buddhism, and he has great merit to the human race, even Even though he was in the opposite camp, Qin Wei still admired him very much.

But at this moment, a compassionate and sage person in his knowledge did such perverse things. How could Qin Wei not feel sad and disappointed!

"Amitabha..." Lang Yu gave another Buddha's name at this time, and then said slowly, "Mr. Qin is a Confucianist, so he knows the current situation. For the prosperity of my Buddhism and the enlightenment of the common people in the world, there must be some sacrifices. To die for the prosperity of my Buddhism is the glory of being a disciple of the Buddha!"

As soon as Lang Yu finished speaking, the five monks behind him clasped their hands together and murmured "Amituofu..." In the hidden formation in the mountains behind him, ten thousand rays of light and auspicious energy suddenly appeared, The Buddha's name was faintly revealed in it, and it was obvious that the monk who was waiting to die shouted the Buddha's name to support Lang Yu's words!

"Zhan Master Lang Yu, let me ask you, are there still more than 30 soldiers of my Great Sui Dynasty?" How many people broke the formation today, and the situation of the Sui Dynasty is already powerless. Fortunately, it was less than twelve hours before the incident happened, even if Langyu wanted to kill the 30 soldiers one by one. Beheading, so many people will be killed for a while even if they stand still, unless Lang Yu does it himself, but for their own merits, this is absolutely impossible. Even if they have reincarnated for several lives, they will not be able to pay back!

"Except for the beheading of some stubborn people, the 30 soldiers are all in the formation behind me!" Lang Yu's plain words finally made Lin Sen heave a sigh of relief. Heart, then today is really powerless!

Seeing that Lin Sen finally breathed a sigh of relief, Lang Yu smiled slightly and said, "As long as the benefactor can break through my thousand Buddha formation, he will release those 30 soldiers!" With a smile on his face, Lin Sen suddenly said, "These soldiers are not your target? Your goal is to lure us, right?"

But Lang Yu didn't answer, just smiled slightly and said, "Several benefactors can leave at any time, and I will never stop it. It's just that the 30 army will still be in my formation, and it will be a little longer!" Lang Yu Yu's calm expression made Lin Sen want to punch his wrinkled old face hard!

Sure enough, none of these old guys who have practiced for many years is Yi Yi's generation, but this Lang Yu is a blatant conspiracy. If they leave, how can Yang Lin's 30 soldiers live in Nanchen's 30-strong army at a low level!

Forced by the current situation, what Lang Yu wants is to let Lin Sen and others have to stay here to break their formation. Of course, if Lin Sen and others don't care, Da Sui can be at ease.

Speaking of this, Lin Sen and the others also understood that Lang Yu's target was originally them, as long as they died, and now that Kunlun is closed to the mountains, no one in this world can do it anymore. Resist the great prosperity of his Buddhism!

While they were angry in their hearts, several people were also burning with anger. This was the anger of being underestimated. Even the Shark King who had been reduced to a mount at this moment couldn't help but feel humiliated at this moment.

Including him, the five of them are not the little earth immortals, but five heavenly immortals at the peak of the world. This Lang Yu's intention is to wipe out himself and others here, how can the five of them not be angry!

Xianglong was the most irritable, and immediately yelled loudly, "I'll see how much you weigh..." followed by the sound, and the hideous gun in his hand went straight to Langyu! (To be continued.)

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