Lang then went all out, even though his physical body was destroyed, he dared to stop this defenseless relic in the air like this, and the brilliance on it was intertwined with the Infinite Hall, even if he died, he would still Lin Sen and the others pulled and acted as backs.

Perhaps Lang Yu was not crazy at this time, but extremely calm. He had absolute confidence in the last blow of the Wuliang Temple, and the last dark golden Buddha light in the Wuliang Temple did not live up to his expectations. It turned into a dharma form, and the mighty aura above it was already suppressing Lin Sen and the others so that they could not stand up!

As the dark golden Buddha's light, which was eclipsed that day, quickly squirmed into a blurred human figure, Lin Sen and the others were extremely anxious at this moment, burning all inside, but they could only look at the relic emanating from it. In the end, the brilliance condensed into the Dharma form and couldn't stop it. To be exact, they couldn't even see it. At this moment, the five people were completely suppressed and couldn't move, they couldn't even raise their heads!

Move it... move it... Lin Sen's eyes were red, the veins on his forehead and neck were exposed, and he kept screaming in his heart, but no matter how much he struggled, his body still did not obey his command at all, still Because he was suppressed by that breath, he didn't move, and even his tyrannical divine sense was as quiet as the surface of a lake without waves!

Going on like this, according to the current momentum, although I don't know what Lang Yu summoned with his last blow, the five of them are definitely not opponents, and even when faced with a kill, it is a matter of whether they can fight back Unknown, Lin Sen frantically tested all the methods in his body to get rid of the current desperate situation. As long as he could move, as long as he could use his divine sense, he would be able to take down the unresisting relic in an instant, thereby preventing The condensation of this law!

However, no matter how Lin Sen experimented, the golden core, dragon energy, celestial stars, and the real body of the sky demon in his body, and even the star fruit tree that saved his life a few times, are still dead and silent at this time, and there is no breath leaking from his body. , without a trace of resistance!

"..." roared silently. Although he opened his mouth wide, even his voice seemed to be afraid of the breath in the sky, and he couldn't make a sound. Lin Sen's face was flushed, and his bloodshot eyes were almost He wanted to hug him out of his eye sockets, but even so, his body seemed to be integrated with the earth!

clang! !At this moment, a heavy bell rang. This sound did not come from this world, but came from Lin Sen's mind. Being suppressed by that breath, Lin Sen's many inheritances in his body finally gave birth to a vision , seems to feel the provocation of your breath in the sky.

The heavy bell echoed slowly in Lin Sen's Sea of ​​Consciousness, and with this sound, the foundation of the Great Dao, the book handed down by the Taoist ancestors, the Inner Scenery of the Yellow Court suddenly appeared on Lin Sen's Sea of ​​Consciousness Divine Sense, The floodlit ancient scroll shone with a faint brilliance.

The Classic of Internal Scenery in the Yellow Court was handed down by the Taoist ancestors, and the aura of the Taoist ancestors contained in it, no one in this world can be the master, Lin Sen suddenly felt light all over the body amidst the sound of the bell, and the majestic pressure seemed like a dream Suddenly disappeared!

Lin Sen still had more time, even if he didn't even have time to move his body, his divine thoughts suddenly came out, and he grabbed the shining relic and picked it up in his hands. The golden luster on it was still struggling, but at this moment Lang Yu only had one relic left, but he was subdued by Lin Sen and put into his arms in an instant.

call!so close! !Lin Sen couldn't help wiping the sweat off his heart, and slowly stood up from the ground. This was the only way to see clearly the dharma that completely suppressed them just now!

Without the support of the relic, the brilliance above the Infinite Hall suddenly dimmed, and then it turned into a stream of light and sank into the dark golden Buddha light above the sky. Condensation, but it can be vaguely seen that the condensed object seems to be a skinny Buddha, lying on his side on the sky, as if dreaming, and surrounded by countless Buddhas, Lin Sen just raised his head In an instant, he glanced at it, but before he could see it clearly, the originally blurred Dharma image shrunk rapidly, and finally formed a dark golden Buddha light attached to the Infinity Hall, and disappeared in the sky instantly as a stream of light!

The dharma image shrunk, and the majestic pressure receded like a tide. It was Qin Wei and the others who stood up in shock, looking at the dark golden brilliance that disappeared in the sky with fear.

"What the hell is that thing!" Xianglong murmured involuntarily. Several people only saw the Buddha's light from the beginning to the end, and they were suppressed by it, but they didn't even know what that thing was. The normal expression, even the arrogant Cha Nongying, now has a look of panic on his face, the aura just now was too terrifying, so terrifying that their bodies could not even think of resisting!

Although he had some guesses in his heart, Lin Sen still shook his head slowly. If it was really as he guessed, then the few of them really saved their lives today!

No wonder Lang Yu has such confidence, as long as he is given enough time to have something as terrifying as the Infinity Hall, not to mention Lin Sen and a few immortals, but a dozen, dozens, or even all human monks will come to join him. At the same time, under the last breath of the Wuliang Temple, it is not an opponent at all!

Fortunately, the last dark golden Buddha light should have consumed a lot, and even had some special requirements. If not, Lang Yu would not have faced Lin Sen and his group's final blow, and was already weak enough to even resist. If not, the body will collapse in an instant!

Everything happened too fast, it seemed to be a long time, but it was only a few breaths from the appearance of the dark golden Buddha light to Lin Sen taking down the relic. After all, the dharma phase could be completed in just three breaths. Lin Sen took the relic before the Dharma image, he was afraid that if he slowed down for a moment, the lives of the few people would be gone!

Without the control of Lang Yu and Hui Bu, the Thousand Buddha Formation was completely revealed immediately before the Sishui Pass.

At this time, Lang Yu and the others were dead, and the three thousand monsters who were forcibly controlled by Lang Yu and the others immediately woke up. They were controlled by people before, and although they knew everything about the outside world, they were like puppets. Totally out of control.

Although they were about to die and be annihilated at this time, they finally regained their freedom at the last moment. The three thousand demon clans who had recovered their demon bodies all over the mountains and plains bowed to Lin Sen at the same time, and they all smiled with relief. , Under the scourge of the sky, they all spontaneously ignited, turning into smoke and dust all over the sky and completely disappearing from this world!

And the Thousand Buddha Cliff under the crowd gradually became blurred and dissipated in the waves like flowers in a mirror and the moon in water. This Thousand Buddha Cliff is a cliff in Qixia Mountain. This place is just a projection with the help of formations. Once the formation is broken, the Thousand Buddha Cliff will disappear by itself!

And the 360 ​​five small pagodas surrounding the Qianfo Cliff also quickly gathered towards the golden light merit relic pagoda in the air. Just to fly away!

This treasure is in the front, how can the impoverished Lin Sen let go at this time, the Infinity Hall is obviously taken away by the dark golden Buddha light, that kind of thing can't be said to be strong, the breath in it is for Lin Sen and others I dare not ask for it, I wish he would disappear as soon as possible.

And although the Thousand Buddha Cliff also has supernatural powers, what is here is just a projection of supernatural powers, and this merit tower is different, this is the main body together with the avatars are actually placed here, you must know that such treasures are let go Lin Sen couldn't help but regret dying, seeing the merit relic stupa exuding golden brilliance, turning into a stream of light, it was about to fly away.

With a wave of Lin Sen's sleeve, the stupa was pulled back by his divine sense before it flew up. At this moment, no one was controlling the stupa. Unmatched divine sense.

He just pulled it back into his hand in an instant and turned it into a height of more than ten inches. Although he was struggling fiercely in Lin Sen's hands, shining golden light continuously, but Lin Sen's extremely strong divine sense suppressed it, but it was moving. He couldn't move, and after a few breaths, the golden light on it finally disappeared, revealing a golden and exquisite merit relic pagoda inside.

"Congratulations, brother, you got another good treasure! Haha!" Qin Weiwei stepped forward with a smile and said, they have already experienced the power of this pagoda, and it is definitely not on his [***] monument Next, they have no objection to Lin Sen taking over the pagoda. Lin Sen is not only the leader of this trip, but if Lin Sen hadn't exploded under the pressure just now, several people would have died there for some reason. It is impossible under the law.

What's more, they are already close as a family, it's just a magic weapon, it doesn't matter whoever gets it!

Without the suppression of the Thousand-Buddha formation, the trapped soldiers woke up one after another. The dark crowd filled the wide canyon, and their memories were still stuck in the day when they attacked Sishui Pass. At that time, I felt that the cliffs on both sides seemed to come alive, so they swallowed it, and then it was like sleeping, and I didn't know anything.

"It's the emperor's's the emperor's teacher...and Lord Protector Shenlong..." I don't know who has sharp eyes and found Lin Sen and others standing in the sky.

Lin Sen's portraits and gods had already been chanted and worshiped in every household of the people of the Sui Dynasty. Lin Sen, the emperor's teacher, was a living god to the subjects of the Sui Dynasty. Before the war started, the soldiers also worshiped first. Pass Lin Sen and pray for the blessing of the emperor, this is the way to send troops out!

At this time, seeing the living gods who worshiped every day appearing in front of them, the group of soldiers fell down and worshiped one after another, regardless of the armor on their bodies, and the sound of clanging and clanging was endless, and 30 people were densely packed. Kneeling filled the mountains and plains! (To be continued.)

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