Everything starts from the gourd baby

Chapter 284 The Great Army

But at this time, another messenger rushed into the big tent, shouting loudly, "Report to the commander, that Nanchen General Qin Yi led his troops to attack our army!"

If it was a few days ago at this time, Yang Lin would have scolded his mother in anger and rushed out to fight, but when he heard it now, he couldn't help laughing and said to the other generals in the tent, "It's not the time yet, then Qin Yi couldn't bear to attack again, it seems that he also received the news of our army's Sishuiguan and couldn't sit still! Haha!!"

With his smile, the rest of the generals in the big tent couldn't help laughing loudly, but after laughing out loud, one of them said with a little worry, "General, you need to pay attention. With one blow, I'm afraid this attack will not be so easy to take over!"

"I know!" Yang Lin couldn't help but nodded slightly. At this time, 30 troops had entered Nanchen and were going straight to Jiankang. The cowardly emperor of Nanchen might have recruited Qin Yi back to the army for defense at the first moment. At that time, the imperial decree might be on the way, so Qin Yi came to attack so anxiously. If he could break through the obstruction of Yang Linjun before the imperial decree arrived, he could go straight into the hinterland of the Sui Dynasty. If he could force the Sui army to return, He, Nan Chen, may still have a chance of life, so Qin Yi this time is a blow to the bottom!

It's just that since Qin Yi has led an army of 30 and has not captured Yang Lin's formation for three days, how can he make any achievements in today's battle? How is it compared to the ancient Xiang Yu!" Then he grabbed the prisoner's stick, walked like a tiger, and walked out first, his eyes were piercing, and although his face was young, it showed a look that could only be experienced on the battlefield. Resolute, she thought to herself, Qin Yi, although you are a general, but I am not just a piece of paper, as long as I am here today, you don't want to pass by my side!

Outside the big tent, on the side of Yanglin camp is a simple city wall built of wood and stone, about one mile wide and five or six feet high, connecting the cliffs on both sides.

Maming Pass is the most important pass of Nan Chen, where Nan Chen hoarded troops and horses, they could advance to attack and retreat to defend, but Yang Lin, who was already weak in numbers, was exposed and had no place to speak of.

Fortunately, Maming Pass is also a dangerous pass built on the side of the mountain, surrounded by canyons and dangerous places on both sides, Yang Lin also entered to break through the pass, but just need to guard this place and not let the Nanchen soldiers enter the territory of the Sui Dynasty, Therefore, during the night of the march, 3 people built this simple stone city wall in the dangerous and narrow part of the canyon.

The terrain here is narrow and dangerous, even if Nanchen has an army of 30, small groups of people can take turns to attack, no matter how provocative the enemy is, Yang Lin just can't defend it, and let him escape like this. It took three days!

At this time, the simple city wall was covered with bloody sergeants. There were about 1 soldiers, all of whom were armed with swords and spears. People not only were not surprised, but smiled. This situation has lasted for three days. At the beginning, they might feel panic, but after defeating them one after another, the soldiers also have incomparable confidence, not to mention the news just now. It has already spread throughout the entire army, and it immediately boosted the momentum of the remnant. Although it is far behind in terms of numbers, it does not fall behind in terms of momentum!

Yang Lin led all the generals and came to the simple city wall with big strides. Outside the city wall, there was a black red, densely packed with countless corpses, almost covering the valley in front of the city wall, some from Nanchen, and some It was from the Sui Dynasty, and the corpse also formed a slope, the closer it was to the city wall, the taller it was, and the highest point was only one person away from the top of the city wall.

"Brothers! Have you heard the news just now!" Standing on the city wall, Yang Lin shouted loudly, driven by his inner breath, the voice was so loud that every soldier on the city wall was shocked. I can hear you clearly!

"I heard it!" All the sergeants replied with a big smile. During the three-day battle, the soldiers had also accepted the fact that this young, but mighty and invincible commander-in-chief who must fight in the vanguard General, when they heard Yang Lin's question, they immediately agreed!

But what I saw was Yang Lin pointed at the prisoner's dragon stick in his hand and said with a smile to Nan Chen's slowly approaching army, "These bastards are in a hurry, they didn't eat lunch, and they came to attack our camp when they were hungry. Brothers, what should we do?" what to do!?"

Yang Lin's loud laughter and cursing immediately made the whole army burst into laughter, shouting "Shoot them head on..." "Drive them back..." Amidst such chaotic shouts, they didn't know what it was. Someone shouted loudly, "Let these girls from Nanchen see the power of our Sui man...hahaha..."

The voice was so loud that it immediately made the whole army roar with laughter, only to see Yang Lin laughed loudly and said, "Say it well... let these women see the might of our great Sui man... After this battle, this general I promise you, when I go back, I will give each of you a warm quilt... Hahaha..."

Immediately in the army, there was a burst of chaotic shouts, some said "the general's words are true..." some said "one is enough..." and some said "I want fair girls..." These chaotic shouts The sound was connected together, making the entire city wall sound extremely noisy, and the entire army seemed to have no discipline at all.

But this kind of atmosphere made the veterans behind Yang Lin smile, that is, this general of the Sui prince who is still a child, just these 30 miscellaneous troops, and this undisciplined atmosphere , vividly created the myth of a three-day battle of [-] against [-]!

tread!tread!tread!tread!The sound of uniform footsteps resounded in the sky, and the valley was filled with heads that could not be seen at a glance, all of which were Nan Chen's white clothes and white armor.

Then when the soldiers of Nanchen marched, their movements were uniform, and what was the concept of hundreds of thousands of deliberately trampling footsteps gathered together?

In the cloud of smoke and dust stirred up by the army, apart from the sound of trampling footsteps, no other sound could be heard, even the laughter in the ear was inaudible!

Head start! ?Seeing such a sound, Yang Lin couldn't help but sneer slightly. This Qin Yi is indeed worthy of being a famous general. Although this kind of march will slow down his own marching speed, so that there is enough time for preparations, but he is just like this now. More than 1 people are already on the city wall. If Qin Yi is allowed to march over like this, he can't help but look at the old general who has changed slightly under the momentum. I'm afraid that the aura I raised is about to fade again! (To be continued.)

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