But Lin Sen and the others were chatting above the clouds, while the two generals in the valley below were fighting fiercely, but the two people in the fight had different surnames at the moment. Qin Yi was extremely anxious at this moment, he He was very confident in his own strength, and originally wanted to fight Yang Lin quickly and kill him to reduce the morale of the enemy, so as to take him down in one go.

He really didn't expect that Yang Lin, a hairless child, would be able to stick with him for so long, and he would become more and more courageous as he fought. Instead of being able to take it down, he was on the contrary being dominated by him the meaning of!

But Yang Lin's heart is completely different. He even said that he played leisurely and carefree. He originally wanted to delay the time and wait for the imperial decree of Nan Chen's return to the army. This kind of situation is just in line with his mind. As for why he confirmed it? The imperial decree of the Southern Chen Emperor must be the edict of the class teacher's return to the court, Yang Lin didn't have to think about it, the Southern Chen Emperor was weak, if he had received the matter of the Sishui Pass, he would have already been terrified of fidgeting!

The two people have different personalities, but the moves in their hands are also judged by superiors and inferiors. Because Qin Yi was anxious in his heart, the offensive in his hands was slightly anxious and chaotic, so he was completely suppressed by Yang Lin's aggressive offensive!

But at this time, a hussar rushed out from among the Nanchen sergeants, and rushed straight into the front of the Nanchen phalanx, holding a yellow silk in his hand and shouting loudly, "The imperial decree has arrived, the mighty general Qin Yi received the decree!" ..." The person delivering the decree didn't even have the intention to wait in the rear checkpoint, but rushed straight into the battle formation, which shows how anxious Emperor Nanchen was urging this imperial decree!

That voice was not very clear in this battle formation, but it made Qin Yi's complexion change drastically, his face was ashen, his hands stopped attacking, and then it seemed that the fat yellow horse also understood its master's mind, and its front hooves went limp Kneel down.

During the battle, both of them are fierce generals in the world, how could they miss such a good opportunity, Yang Lin's prisoner's dragon stick suddenly stretched out and went straight to hit Qin Yi's face, but Qin Yi didn't dodge Instead of avoiding it, he closed his eyes, looking like he was about to die!

Originally, Yang Lin wanted to kill General Nan Chen directly, but after going through this battle, he felt sympathy for each other, besides, the matter of the horse stumbled, the victory was invincible. Yi faced the door and said, "You have two minds, you can't concentrate on fighting, and go to accept the imperial edict, you and I will continue to fight!!" After finishing speaking, Qin Yi didn't wait for a word, but he knocked his horse and retreated, letting him go look to go!

Although Cai's miss just now was not intentional, but Qin Yi also wanted to die. As a warrior general, he was loyal to his country and had to obey the emperor's orders. He always wanted to die, but Yang Lin didn't want to take advantage of him. In desperation, he couldn't pretend that he didn't hear, so he had to transfer the army at the pier, dismounted and knelt down to receive the order!

"Fortunately, the emperor called and said, I was shocked to hear that Sishuiguan was in disaster. Under the fall, the Sui army invaded our land. As if there was no one in the land, now I have ordered the mighty general Qin Yi to return to the court to save the building from falling and save the south. Chen is in water and fire!" The eunuch, who was rushing in the wind and dust, finished his recitation in such a high-pitched voice, and there was an uproar in the phalanx of Nanchen soldiers, and the voices of shocked and heated discussions continued to pass, and then resounded all over the place. The whole valley!

And Nan Chen and other generals who knew the news immediately wanted to kill the eunuch, lest the morale of the army would change. How could such a message be read aloud in front of a large audience? Now, the whole army knows The army of the Sui Dynasty invaded the territory of Nanchen, and all the people present were the children of Nanchen. There are also your parents, wife, children, brothers and sisters in that house. At this time, I heard that there is still a friendship there. If the army of Qin and Yi is strict, The odds are high, I am afraid that this army will collapse immediately, but even so, when the news spreads, the 30 army suddenly has a lot of momentum!

Not to mention the Southern Chen generals, even Yang Lin who was in front of the battle was suddenly stunned when he heard the eunuch's words, and couldn't help thinking to himself, could this eunuch be a hidden stake planted by Gao Ying in the Southern Dynasty? How can it be so helpful!

"Minister! Qin Yi...received the order..." Qin Yi slowly stretched out his hands to hold the exquisite Huang Juan. The hands that commanded thousands of troops and killed countless enemies were trembling slightly at this moment!

"Since the general has received the order, let's return to the court as soon as possible! The emperor is still waiting!" the eunuch said in a sharp voice unique to eunuchs, and slightly covered the tip of his nose with his hand while speaking, and the bloody sky filled the air. Gas, it's really suffocating!

"Master...don't go back to court!" The general surnamed Cheng shouted loudly before, brandishing a long ax in his hand and angrily said, "Let me kill this eunuch, and we are going to send troops to Chang'an!" Wanton, this kind of aura immediately startled the eunuch, and shouted tremblingly, "Bold... dare... I... I am the emperor's messenger, you will not succeed if you try to rebel..."

"Youde, stop!!" Qin Yi sternly reprimanded. Although Cheng Youde was furious, he finally stopped unwillingly, and there was some water in his eyes and he said unwillingly, "Brother...can't go back Ah! If we go back here, Nan Chen will be finished!"

But seeing that Qin Yi's face remained unchanged, he just whispered to the eunuch, "Please wait a moment, father-in-law, and let Qin arrange it!"

The eunuch pressed his mouth and nose with some displeasure, "Hurry up... Hurry up... Your Majesty is still waiting! If you delay, even ten heads of yours are not enough!"

But seeing Qin Yi turned around and cupped his hands at Yang Lin from a distance, "Today's battle failed, but Qin is going to break his promise. I hope General Yang will forgive me!"

Yang Lin held the prisoner's stick upside down, and shouted loudly, "When you lead me into Nanchen, there must be a chance to meet again. Then you and I will have a good fight!..." After a moment, Yang Lin In the end, he couldn't hold back and shouted, "General Qin, the Emperor of Nanchen is not the master, why not..." Before Yang Lin could finish speaking, Qin Yi shouted, "Don't say anything, General Yang! If one minister does not serve two masters, Qin will never be that traitor!"

Yang Lin knew this kind of answer before he asked anytime, but at this time he still couldn't help but feel pity, a thousand troops are easy to get, but a general is hard to find, but such a general is more precious than the one with thousands of troops!

After Qin Yi finished speaking like this, he turned his head and said to Cheng Youde, "Brother, although you and I have different surnames, we are as close as brothers. After that, the wife and children in the family will bother you! Brother, I'm sorry, brothers, but this I have to take a step first!" Before he finished speaking, Cheng Youde and the others realized something was wrong and hurried forward, but Qin Yi's movements were really too fast.

With a wave of the golden mace in his hand, he went straight to smash his own head, only to hear a mournful cry "Willing to save the country... but unable to return to the sky..." (To be continued.)

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