But it is said that the three primary schools escaped the painful and happy days one by one under the secret wrestling of their three teachers, and Lin Sen also meditated and practiced Qi every day, deduced formations, and worshiped the moon essence wheel , Two months passed by in a flash!

Since King Kong was ordered to go to Taiyuan to supervise Li Yuan that day, it took more than two months, but still no news came back.

As time went by and saw more, Lin Sen couldn't help feeling a little doubt in his heart, could it be that Li Yuan really didn't have a different intention at this time?And the body that has been cleansed and marrow is completely a coincidence?

Let's say that after Lin Sen's intercourse was finished that day, he suddenly had a feeling in his heart, and his figure flashed out of the main hall, only to see a blue light coming straight to the main hall. It was the jade talisman Lin Sen bestowed to King Kong for communication!

Stretching out his hand, the fast-flying jade talisman fell into Lin Sen's hands like a bird entering the forest. Before he started to watch, Cha Nongying and the others who also sensed the jade talisman also left their precious apprentices behind. He hurriedly appeared by Lin Sen's side. After waiting for these days, King Kong finally got news!

When Lin Sen sacrificed the jade talisman, he could only see that it was recorded from high above the sky at that moment, recording everything in the Tang Palace with a pair of extremely strong eagle eyes to the diamond and hovering above the sky!

At the beginning, it was just some trivial things, and Li Yuan didn't see any abnormalities at all, and then such and such flickering images appeared, until one day two months later, Li Yuan showed abnormalities , A ray of purple light flickered from the study room, and not long after it was brought to that light, an old Taoist priest with buns and white hair walked into the Tang Palace.

The record in the jade talisman stopped here. Obviously King Kong was also afraid of being exposed. After all, although he flew high, practitioners would always feel emotionally stared at like this. It would be bad if they startled the snake!

When the light and shadow above the jade talisman slowly dissipated, Lin Sen and the others all had doubts on their faces. Although they had never used any spells, the aura around the old man could be seen at a glance. People, but what makes them puzzled is, now that the Sanqing decree and the Taoist avoidance, how can there be Taoist priests intervening in the general trend of the world!

"Good intentions!!" Lin Sen sighed in admiration with serious eyes. It was none other than Tang Wang Li Yuan who he was admiring. As soon as he got home, he couldn't wait to invite the monks who washed his tendons to discuss and ask him.

However, facing the emperor's teacher's killing intent, Li Yuan endured the matter of life and death for more than two months before casting the spell, and even Lin Sen and the others didn't see the slightest abnormality in the previous image. No wonder he was able to achieve the Great Tang Dynasty!

But Qin Wei asked in confusion, "How could it be the real Longshan Ziyang that day?" The words immediately attracted the attention of several people, and Lin Sen immediately asked anxiously, "Brother Qin, do you know that old man?"

Qin Wei nodded slightly, and then said with a puzzled face, "That old Taoist's name is Ziyang, he claims to be Ziyang Daoist, he lives in Longshan that day, he is a casual cultivator without a school, and he is always focused on enlightenment and rarely walks in the world. It will be involved with Li Yuan!"

As soon as Qin Wei said, Lin Sen and the others became more and more confused. According to Qin Wei, this real Ziyang is a casual cultivator who doesn't care about world affairs and only seeks to ascend to the top. The same is true for casual cultivators, but how could such a person intervene in this matter of the emperor for no reason!

"How is Master Ziyang's cultivation?" Lin Sen asked with some doubts. He could only see the light and shadow on the jade talisman, but he couldn't feel the breath.

"Cultivation level?" Qin Wei hesitated slightly, and then he said slowly with some hesitation, "It should be an earth immortal!" He is regarded as the best among them, but in the eyes of a monk like Qin Wei who stands at the pinnacle of the world, he might not pay attention to him!

"Earth Immortal?" Xianglong sneered disdainfully. The little Earth Immortal's cultivation level dares to interfere in the affairs of this world. This kind of Earth Immortal is different, even Lin Sen, who just became an Earth Immortal that day, with his spiritual power and complete inheritance, is not comparable to these casual cultivators!

Xianglong's chuckle was not because he arrogantly underestimated his opponent, but because this casual cultivator who didn't even have a complete inheritance intervened in the affairs of the world, it was too courting death!

"Could it be that there is some kind of power in the future?" Zha Nongying was careful, but the first thing he thought of was what happened after Ziyang's death. This kind of casual cultivator can live until now, and each of them is the old man who is steady and slippery Zha Nongying knows better than anyone how difficult it is for a person with hands to survive in this practice world without two brushes and no backers behind him.

And this kind of person cherishes life the most, how can he not know that his cultivation base intervenes in human affairs, it is tantamount to flying moths into the flames, and the reason why he has the courage to intervene in it, if he does not have profound strength, only that Huge force!

But the few of them have practiced in the world for so many years, if there is such a powerful force, they will naturally not know about it!

And Lin Sen was also worried about this. Could it be that the Taoist sect wanted to do something about the matter of Ziyang?Lin Sen really couldn't think of another family with the huge power of Taoist sect!It can't be Ziyang, a Taoist priest, who rebelled into Buddhism. If he doesn't have strong strength, dare to do this, I'm afraid he will be turned into flying ash when he goes out today!

Thinking that Taoist sects might be involved at this time, Lin Sen felt a burst of trouble in his heart. If Taoist sects were really involved, with their strength, they might not be able to live at a low level. Lin Sen frowned more and more, and then He just said, "There is no result to guess here, why don't I go to Taiyuan for a walk!"

"I'll go with you!" After Lin Sen's voice fell, Xiang Long and the others could be heard saying hurriedly.

Seeing the appearance of these people, Lin Sen immediately smiled and said, "It's not that you don't know my strength, and you dare not say it in the fairy world there, but in this world, now that I am running rampant, the three of you should stay at home and teach yourself well. My dear apprentice!" After Lin Sen finished speaking, Zha Nongying and the three of them also smiled slightly at the same time, the current Lin Sen is not the little earth fairy back then, even if it was them, they probably wouldn't be like this The opponent of my younger brother!

Lin Sen didn't need to prepare anything, the two treasures in his hands were with him, and there were Cha Nongying and a few people in the Immortal Mansion to take care of him, so nothing unexpected would happen, just waved his sleeves immediately, and his body turned into a streamer of red light Go straight to Taiyuan! (To be continued.)

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