However, Lin Sen rushed over the Qilin Mountain in a hurry, and then he felt the boundless flames behind him, the black smoke, and the howling wind rising up, instantly forming an insurmountable wall on the sky, and he was surrounded by the people behind him. The Bodhisattva blocks it!

so close!Lin Sen secretly said good luck, this rare opportunity, Lin Sen naturally wanted the baby to grasp it, and hurriedly took advantage of this opportunity to escape far away, but in such an escape, he was also slightly suspicious. .

The domineering aura behind him is probably that Sai Taisui. Normally, with his cultivation base, he shouldn't let himself rush over, besides, his body is the mount of Guanyin, and he can be regarded as a person from the Buddhist sect. It's more like embarrassing the person behind him!

Could it be that he has something to do with Sai Tai Sui?Lin Sen was puzzled. Of course, he couldn't think that Sai Taisui wanted to help because everyone was a monster and couldn't see the Buddhist people behind him. After thinking for a while, Lin Sen I really can't think of a clue, and I temporarily put it aside at the moment, just write down this favor, and then leave in a hurry!

And when the bodhisattva started chasing him, Lin Sen had run away without a trace, but even so, Lin Sen still knew in his heart that the person behind him must still be following him, and wanted to shake him off completely. Falling, it must not be that simple. When he was running away in a hurry, Lin Sen was constantly thinking about how to get rid of the person behind him completely!

It's just that no matter how resourceful Lin Sen is at this time, when faced with such a big gap in strength, there is no way to go, the moon essence wheel can't do it, the stupa can't do it, the body, and the spirit will can't even do it. Lin Sen was sure that if he hadn't been able to get away with a slight chance due to his extraordinary quickness, he would definitely not be able to do ten tricks under the female monk's hands!

Kui Mulang is the cultivation base of the peak of a true immortal. If it is deduced according to its strength, the strength of this female monk is definitely at the level of a golden immortal. Such a gap cannot be made up by any strategy. In front of him, any tricks are in vain, but this sentence is not wrong at all.

Lin Sen felt aggrieved at this moment, he hadn't had the slightest opportunity to display his strength, but he met such a terrifying female woman, and such an opponent was really not on the same level as him.

Just as he was thinking like this, he suddenly felt the faint aura appearing behind him again. It was obvious that the woman had rushed up again, but Lin Sen had no choice but to run away with his spirit at the same time. Want to seal the void behind him, hoping to block it a bit!

It is also thanks to Lin Sen's previous great progress in spiritual thoughts. Although he has not yet assembled the 28 nights to arrange the formation, he finally has a reincarnation of the sun and moon thoughts. At this time, he can display some strength. Lin Sen As soon as Sen's divine thoughts came out, layers upon layers, the cycle seemed endless.

And under such a breath of divine sense, it finally produced a little effect. Under the blockade of her divine sense, the speed of the female monk finally began to slow down slowly. Don't underestimate this slight slowness. But considering Lin Sen's speed at this time, it was a bit slow, and it was enough for him to open the distance between the two of them in an instant!

"Spiritual thoughts?" The Bodhisattva said in astonishment when he was neutral, this little demon really has some tricks, he even knows how to use spiritual thoughts, and it seems that this little monster's spiritual thoughts are still very strong in this space. Yes, it has even been said to be a small achievement!

It feels like the body is deeply immersed in the water at this time, and the surrounding space is driven by the divine mind, which has caused great resistance to it, even with her cultivation base, it is still slowing down.

But even so, Lin Sen's divine sense was only good in his opinion. The Bodhisattva sneered slightly at the moment, and then the thick Buddha essence burst out from his body and penetrated into the surrounding space, intending to kill the god. The blockade of reading was shaken.

Although Lin Sen's spiritual thoughts are strong, there is still a big gap compared with the golden fairy at this time. Therefore, if he is shocked like this, although Lin Sen's thoughts at this time have been tempered, There won't be any major damage, but it's not a small thing to suffer a little loss and get a shock in the head. If you are stunned for a moment at this time, the result will naturally be self-evident!

Fortunately, Lin Sen was well prepared. When the Bodhisattva was about to shatter the blockage of the surrounding spiritual thoughts, with the Bodhisattva as the center, small golden pagodas appeared dottedly, including 65 small pagodas in Gongsanbai. , Surrounding that area to suppress that space with an array!

"Buddha treasure?" At this moment, the Bodhisattva's eyes lit up immediately. This pagoda is obviously the treasure of Buddhism, and the Buddha Qi condensed on it is obviously not only a Buddha treasure, but also a very tyrannical treasure. Appearance is a set of treasures, how can she not be tempted by such a good thing.

This little monster really has such a thing!The bodhisattva thought inwardly, how can a monstrous person deserve such a Buddhist treasure? Of course, only a bodhisattva like her can be worthy of it. If she can get this treasure, her strength will naturally be greatly improved, and Correspondingly, the strength in that Buddhist gate has also been greatly improved!

At the moment, the killing intent towards Lin Sen is even stronger in his heart. Things like killing people and seizing treasures are too common in the world of immortals!

Lin Sen naturally knew that if the Buddhist cultivator behind him saw the treasure of his Buddhist merit, it would definitely make him even more murderous towards him, but he couldn't do it now. He couldn't care less about this, the nun he was talking about was temporarily stopped, and Lin Sen hurriedly speeded up again.

As for the 360 ​​five small towers, as long as the main tower is in his hands, these small towers can be taken back anytime and anywhere!

Seeing Lin Sen running away in such a hurry, although the Bodhisattva was fixed in the air by the formation, there was no anxiety on his face, a faint sneer was withdrawn from his mouth, and then he pinched the orchid finger to vacate a little, and there At the position of the point, a cold light suddenly appeared between the two fingers!

After that cold light passed, what appeared in his hand was a small embroidery needle about an inch long, and it was just this small embroidery needle, but the Bodhisattva seemed to have absolute confidence in it generally!

Then with a light wave of the palm, the embroidery needle flew out immediately, and the stream of light on it flew in circles. It turned out that it couldn't enter the void, but when it reappeared, it was already outside Lin Sen's formation. The needle actually came out through the void, and the seal of Lin Sen's formation had no effect on it! (To be continued.)

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