Everything starts from the gourd baby

Chapter 42 Golden Dragon Shadow

White Phosphorus touched the dark rock with trembling hands, his green eyes were full of obsession, and he murmured, "Finally found it!! Finally got it...."

I don't know what this pitch-black boulder is. The surface of the black stone is at least black. Apart from being polished and smooth, there is nothing special about it. However, this ordinary boulder has profound magic power and has the ability to practice Taoism. Cheng Baiphos was excited like this.

One must know that to be able to reach the level of white phosphorous, his practice must be at least several thousand years upwards. After such a long time, he has long been able to hone his Dao heart like a rock.

But when he saw this black boulder, Bai Phosphorus lost his composure!The Dao Xin that had been honed for many years unexpectedly fell at this moment.

Such a turbulent mood is the easiest way to attract the inner demons of the day. Fortunately, Bai Lin has been practicing Taoism for many years, so he is very aware of this. After being so excited for a moment, he woke up and hurriedly recited the mantra of clearing his mind silently to stabilize his Taoist mind.

But Bai Phosphorus slowly pushed away a few steps, raised his hand and punched hard, hitting the stone surface of the black boulder straight.

"Bump..." There was a slight muffled sound, with the strength of white phosphorous, not to mention a stone, it was a piece of black iron that has been tempered thousands of times, this blow can also smash it to pieces.

But when it hit the black boulder, there was no wave, it didn't move at all, not even a white mark was left.

"Hmph..." Seeing that his attack didn't work, Bai Phosphorus's face suddenly turned cold, and he condensed his own spiritual thoughts, strands of crystal brilliance gathered on top of his head to form a huge palm, fierce and domineering, boundless, and powerful. Once smashed to the black boulder.

Unlike the last time, when the giant palm hit the black stone, not only did the huge stone not shake, there was not even a sound. However, compared with the last time, this time the huge stone at least responded somewhat.

On the dark and smooth stone surface, there are dots of light flashing, just like the shining stars in the dark night sky, the dots of light are connected to each other, intersecting with each other to shine, and they are practiced into one piece, faintly forming a formation.

Counting carefully, there are exactly one hundred and eight light spots, which correspond to the number of the heavenly gangster.

"It's just the big formation of Tiangangdisha, and I want to stop the demon master..." Bai Lin snorted coldly, although his mouth was disdainful, but with a serious expression, it was obvious that the big formation of Tiangangdisha was definitely not like the chicken and dog in his mouth.

But seeing Bai Phosphorus's serious face, he suddenly slapped his chest on his chest, and when this picture fell, it was a puff even if Bai Phosphorus' demon body was tyrannical!With a bang, a line of blood flew out of his mouth!

White Phosphorus was also considered tough, unexpectedly he forced out a mouthful of blood, closed it in the palm of his hand, and uttered strange long and short rhythms in his mouth.

The rhythm is full of weird notes, whether long or short, high or low, in cadence, full of the feeling of desolation at the beginning of the prehistoric period.

Following the strange sound from Bai Phosphorus's mouth, a soaring demonic aura emerged from the clasped hands, and thin blood-colored threads wound around the arms, until finally both arms were completely covered in blood.

Bai Phosphorus suddenly opened his eyes and shouted "Breaking the array..."

The hands entangled in blood were pushed out flatly, and they slapped silently on the black boulder.

From the center of both hands, the blood-colored light, like the blood of the human body, the bloodshot eyes on the arms, squirmed as if alive, and squirmed along the palms to the black boulder.

It continued to spread along the veins of the stars, and the more the blood spread, the paler Bai Phosphorus' face became.

To forcefully break the formation with his own blood, this seems simple, but even with the cultivation base of white phosphorus, it will take a full hundred years for the lost blood to recover. I really don't know what is in it, but it can Let white phosphorus so desperately.

As the bloody light became more and more vigorous, it actually suppressed the light of the stars after a while.

On the entire black boulder, it seems that there are veins of the human body, and it looks extremely coquettish.

Chi!Chi!There was a sound, as if something had been crushed and broken, Bai Phosphorus's pale face had a gratified smile, and he finally had to claim compensation for his loss.

The blood-colored veins on the boulder began to blacken rapidly with the sound of rolling, until it remained the same black as the pitch-black stone surface, and the sound of breaking became more intensive.

Pieces of dark texture veins, like the scabs of the wounds, fell off from the black boulder.

Hemolysis and breaking the seal technique is the name of the demon clan secret technique used by Baiphos, and it was transformed into a secret technique created to break the strange formation, but it is used by Baiphos today, and it uses its own blood essence to integrate into the great formation of Tiangangdisha. By controlling his own blood essence, he completely stripped the Tiangang Disha Formation from the black boulder.

If it wasn't for this secret method that consumes a lot of blood, this technique is simply called a divine technique. Even so, this technique is still listed among the monster clan's secret techniques and has been passed down.

With the disappearance of the seal on the boulder, a wave suddenly emerged from the boulder that made the entire hall tremble. No!This breath actually makes the whole world surrender to it...

The breath is not very strong, even a little weak, but it is this weak breath that convinces everything, as if this breath was originally supposed to be outside the high nine days, looking down on the earth.

jump!jump!The sound of breaking and breaking sounded one after another, as if something was broken inside the boulder, the sound became more and more dense, and this momentum that shook the world became stronger and stronger.

Ow!When the momentum reached its highest point, a high-pitched dragon chant resounded through the sky and echoed for a long time.

A golden light emerged from the boulder, projected over the hall, and condensed into a golden figure, still struggling, as if breaking free from the shackles on his body.

"I found it! I found it at last!" When the golden figure appeared, Bai Phosphorus couldn't stand immediately, and ignored the weakness of the body, murmured obsessively, his whole body trembled violently due to the excitement.

The golden aura continued to emerge, and the golden phantom in mid-air became clearer and clearer. Antlers, rabbit eyes, snake neck, mirage belly, fish scales, and eagle claws, although they were only ten feet long, they had their own aura of looking down on the world and looking down on the world. The breath of life frightens the world.

The golden aura emanating from the black stone slowly condensed into a dragon shape above the hall.

The golden dragon shadow seemed extremely weak. He opened his eyes for a moment, then closed them feebly, and his mighty aura weakened a lot.

"I found you...I finally found you..." Bai Phosphorus was ecstatic, and flew towards the golden phantom, as if he wanted to melt the phantom into his arms.

But at this moment, an extremely strong divine sense that was not inferior to him emerged from behind him, and at the same time, there was a sneering voice, "Senior White Phosphorus, if you want to take this thing, do you want to ask other people present?" ah!?"


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