Is there someone behind me?How can it be? ?

Bai Phosphorus's tyrannical divine sense crushed behind him almost at the same time as the sound sounded.

It's a pity that the omnipotent divine sense seems to hit the wall, no matter how hard I push, I can't move the wall a little.

"How is it possible? How is it possible that you are not dead? How is this divine sense possible?" Bai Lin turned his head in disbelief. The person standing behind him was not Lin Sen but someone.

How can this be! !Bai Lin yelled in his heart, how could a little monster who has not yet reached the earth immortal survive tens of thousands of battle spirits!This divine sense!How can it be! !How can it be! !

Although the divine sense is tyrannical, he knows better than anyone else how much he has put in to hone this divine sense, and how much hardship he has gone through to achieve the present results. However, the tyrannical divine sense rising from Lin Sen's body now is unexpectedly He is not weaker than himself.

"Why is it impossible..." Lin Sen said with a sneer, "I have to thank you! I have already crawled out of this big formation, and the rest is to crush you... But before that ..."

Lin Sen glanced at the golden dragon shadow floating in the air, and suddenly thought of a better idea. There is nothing more cruel than crushing someone's dream when he is about to realize it. It is to make White Phosphorus not even react to blocking.

Why?But we still have to start from the time when the sword with a fierce fighting spirit rushed into the sea of ​​consciousness in Lin Senzi Mansion.

This battle spirit is the indestructible fighting spirit of a soldier with a strong will. Only one out of thousands of people can come out of this one, and it can be said to be the most steadfast thing.

And this condensed battle soul, going straight to the attack of the Divine Soul Courtyard, is even more invincible. The strong fighting spirit formed by the condensed tens of thousands of battle souls, let alone Lin Sen, a little monster who has not yet formed a golden core and has not yet become an earth immortal, Even a celestial immortal, without the special technique of concentrating the soul, would not be able to withstand this blow.

And even if it can withstand this blow, the soul is most afraid of filth, and a little turbidity will destroy the monks forever. The tens of thousands of fighting spirits are not turbid, and the monstrous ferocity and hostility are simply towards the soul. A bowl of black ink was poured into the clear spring water.

The result is naturally conceivable, either the spirit dissipates, or is polluted by the ferocious aura, turning into a monster like a military spirit who only knows to kill.

Therefore, being rushed into the sea of ​​consciousness by the war spirit is almost a certain death situation, but why did Lin Sen, a little monster who has not yet become an earth immortal, come back to life?

When the battle spirit rushed into the sea of ​​consciousness, Lin Sen only felt in his head, coax!There was a huge roar, and the whole head seemed to burst in an instant.

These tens of thousands of battle spirits, in the sea of ​​consciousness, immediately manifested as phantoms, turning into tens of thousands of soldiers in a neat array, with spears standing everywhere and battle flags flying.

The killing intent twisted into one strand instantly shattered Lin Sen's soul, and he could only watch helplessly as these tens of thousands of army souls advanced unstoppably, turning everything they passed into a mountain of corpses full of tyranny. ocean.

Even if Lin Sen worked so hard to guard his Dao heart and hold onto his essence, he couldn't resist the erosion of this battle spirit. In just a moment, he was already in a daze, almost on the verge of collapse!

If things continued like this, Lin Sen's result would be no accident, either death or madness.

But at this moment, a turning point appeared. The overbearing erosion of this battle spirit actually inspired something in Lin Sen's spirit, something he couldn't use right now.

Lin Sen's Zifu Consciousness Sea has almost completely turned blood-colored at this time, only in that tiny corner, it is still clear, and Lin Sen is still guarding his Dao Xin hard.

But at this time, a yellowed book suddenly appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness, and there were five simple and simple characters "Huang Ting Neijing Jing", which was a record of Taoist preaching, although Lin Sen could not read it alone. The contents, and even the trace of the book have never been found.

If he hadn't been convinced that the gourd patriarch would not brush himself, Lin Sen might have doubted whether this legendary book that the evolutionary ancestor preached existed or not.

Although Lin Sen couldn't find it, the Inner Scenery of the Yellow Court was, after all, in Lin Sen's Purple Mansion's Sea of ​​Consciousness.

The place where he lived was eroded by filth, and how could he endure the evolution of the book of Taoist preaching? This overwhelming killing intent inspired it from the depths of Lin Sen's sea of ​​consciousness.

However, the yellowed ancient scroll was slowly opened. Although it was only the first leak, an old voice sounded from Lin Sen's purple mansion. The tone was neither urgent nor slow, and Lin Sen could not understand the content at all.

However, the sound of primordial spirit that came out from the scroll was like thunder, resounding through the heaven and earth, and it was like drizzle, moistening things silently. It only made Lin Sen feel that all the pressure disappeared immediately.

The whole soul feels light and light, as if all the impurities from the whole body have been washed away.

Lin Sen felt comfortable all over, completely intoxicated by the mysterious sound spoken by the Taoist ancestor, and then spontaneously embraced Yuan Shouyi, and his whole mind was completely intoxicated in the ethereal.

And the tens of thousands of fighting spirits felt uncomfortable, but they saw the endless mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood in the voice of the primordial, slowly faded and then disappeared, and then the army that stood in the forest also became slightly illusory.

After a while, even the manifested bodies of the two divine thoughts remained unaware, turning into blue phosphorescent flames densely floating in the sea of ​​consciousness.

That murmured sound of primordial spirit, although not as powerful and powerful as the fighting intent, but after careful savoring, it is like the ruler of this world, the tens of thousands of unyielding fighting intent, even the heart of resistance in the voice Can't afford it either.

Stay still, let the voice continue to refine yourself.

Suddenly, the emerald green of the first battle spirit was completely washed away, and turned into a round bead of Hunyuan. Although the volume shrunk sharply, to the extent that there was no one left, it was indeed crystal clear and spotless.

Those who can leave the primordial spirit after death are all strong-willed people, and this immortal army soul was washed away by the Taoist voice to become the purest spiritual thought.

Floating towards Lin Sen's soul, slowly merging into Lin Sen's soul, this idea is the origin of the spirit, the root of divine thoughts, blending into Lin Sen's soul, immediately causing Lin Sen's soul to suddenly explode in a circle.

Then another thought was refined and purified, and merged into Lin Sen's soul, one... and one...

In a moment, the emerald green light spots all over the sky turned into a crystal river, flowing towards Lin Sen's soul.

However, under the infusion of this thought, Lin Sen's spirit continued to shoot out, and after a while, it was like a nebula, with little thoughts shining in it, flowing slowly under the inner scene of Huangting.

Until the final moment of refining the huge battle spirit, the interior view of the Huangting slowly closed, and the sound of preaching in the Purple Mansion disappeared immediately.

Lin Sen woke up with a smile on his face. Everything that happened just now flashed clearly in his mind.

Driven by the powerful divine sense, the efficacy of the colorful heart lotus has increased a thousand times, but within a short while, it has completely absorbed the surrounding ghost energy. At the last moment, all that is needed now is to induce the energy of the nine-day thunder.

After the training of the pure yang catastrophe, the yin and yang can be merged, the dragon and the tiger can interact, achieve the supreme golden elixir, practice the innate Taoist body, and truly embark on the road of the monk.

The hall was suddenly clear and empty, and at the end of the hall, the pale white phosphorous was forcibly breaking through the formation.


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