Lin Sen didn't even think about it. After the gourd patriarch finished speaking, he had a decision in his heart, and immediately smiled, and bowed to Lin Sen with both hands in his arms, "Please, patriarch, teach me how to solve it." !"

Secondly, as soon as the words came out, the face of the gourd patriarch immediately showed that admiration. If Lin Senzhi was in Daluo and didn't want to move forward, he would naturally not stop him, but the disappointment in his heart was always inevitable. But Lin Sen's choice is the little centipede in his heart, this child is definitely not a thing in the pool!

The Gourd Patriarch smiled, and then said, "I really don't know the solution!" After he finished speaking, he looked at Lin Sen with his eyes and saw that his expression did not change at all. This is a smile. He said, "You boy!! I don't know that you are not in a hurry!!"

Lin Sen smiled, and then said, "Since the ancestor brought it up, there must be a solution. Since the ancestor didn't know, the friend who presumably the ancestor must know!"

After saying this, the gourd patriarch immediately laughed and said, "You boy! You are still such a clever ghost!!" He originally wanted to tease Lin Sen, but he didn't expect that Lin Sen would not Take his hand, and then smiled and said, "There is indeed a solution to my friend's place. Since I met you today, then you can go with me! Maybe you can get some other benefits!!" Amid such laughter, Lin Sen cupped his hands hurriedly and said, "Thank you, Patriarch! Thank you, Patriarch!"

After waving his hand, a jade talisman was issued, but it sent a message to Qingling, telling her that she had nothing to do, and asked her to go back to the mountain first, and she would go back later!

After the jade talisman flew into the sky, Patriarch Gourd smiled and asked, "Although Pilan Po is average in strength, she rarely goes out. Why did you suddenly have a grudge with her?" Laughing secretly, but this kid is also a master of uneasy life. This is the Bodhisattva who has already provoked this Buddhist sect after only a few years in this fairy world!

Lin Sen just told the ins and outs of the previous incident, and after he finished speaking, the gourd patriarch immediately said with a stern look on his face, "Starting plots, murdering people, taking people's guts, this son should Get rid of it!" There was a fierce look on his face, obviously he hated such villains, and then he asked with some doubts, "You said that you didn't know the original body of the Hundred-eyed Demon Lord. ?” Lin Sen had listened to him preach for ten years, and of course he also talked about all kinds of prehistoric alien species, coupled with his own experience, how could he not be surprised when something he didn’t know appeared, and immediately He said with interest, "Let me see the origin of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord!"

Immediately, Lin Sen stretched out his palms, revealing the merit relic pagoda, and when the gourd patriarch saw the pagoda, his eyes lit up immediately and said, "Buddhism, the treasure of merit? How did you get this thing!" Merit objects are rare, and such treasures with condensed merit are even rarer, and the treasure in Lin Sen's hand at this time is obviously very extraordinary, and surrounded by Buddha light, it is obviously not an ordinary Buddhist treasure !

"It's a long story!" Lin Sen sighed slightly, and then said, "It's a grab from a hostile person in the world!" Then the golden pagoda in his hand slowly began to become transparent, revealing its inner treasure. The sealed Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord. .

As soon as Lin Sen finished speaking, the gourd patriarch nodded slightly, and then looked into the pagoda. His eyes froze for a moment, and he smiled and said, "It turned out to be this thing, no wonder You didn't recognize it, but you didn't expect this Buddhist sect to save this thing, and it was hidden deep enough!" There was a touch of sarcasm in the words!

"Old Ancestor, what exactly is this centipede?" Lin Sen asked suspiciously. He is also a centipede, so he is more curious about this thing than others.

Patriarch Gourd smiled slightly, and then said, "The origin of this thing is very mysterious, but we have to start from ancient times!" Seeing Lin Sen listening seriously, Patriarch Gourd smiled and said, " Now that we have met, I will tell you well!"

Then Yu Linsen casually landed on a mountain peak, sitting cross-legged, and said with a smile, "Since the birth of the prehistoric world, there have been several kinds of fierce creatures in this world, namely the five insects. , seven birds, nine beasts! These are all the prehistoric and most ferocious creatures, with a ferocious aura, very tyrannical and unprovoked, ferocious and tyrannical!"

"Is this Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord one of the five worms?" Lin Sen immediately asked with some clarity in his heart. The meritorious deed stupa can also feel the breath blowing towards the face!

Patriarch Gourd nodded slightly, then smiled and said, "That's right, this centipede is called multi-eyed golden centipede, a centipede, dead but not stiff, its vitality is very rare, so it is also called undead insect, it is not afraid of water and fire. , not afraid of swords and soldiers, wind and thunder can't enter." Speaking of this, Patriarch Gourd couldn't help but admire slightly, the heel of this multi-eyed golden centipede is many times stronger than Lin Sen!

"So tyrannical?" Lin Sen immediately said in a little astonishment, so this multi-eyed golden centipede is the king of the Zerg, no wonder it has such racial suppression power over it!

"More than that!" the gourd patriarch slightly exclaimed, "this multi-eyed golden centipede, whose surname is yin-loving, mostly hides in dark places, with golden light in its eyes and yellow mist under its feet, it can restrain all dharmas in the world, and can corrupt the body of a vajra. The supernatural powers are ingenious and ruthless, and if it wasn't for the great accomplishment of this Buddhist technique, so that the vicious surname couldn't be used, you really wouldn't be able to take it down!"

Speaking of this, Lin Sen finally understood. No wonder the thousand-eyed divine light of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Monarch was stronger than his own, but it was because it was basically his own supernatural power.

"This multi-eyed golden centipede is an insect with multiple legs and multiple eyes. It is born with a hundred eyes and a hundred legs. The longer it cultivates, the longer it practices, the more its legs and eyes grow. The Hundred-Eyed Demon Monarch looks like a hundred-eyed demon, but he is born very late, if he was born a few years earlier, he might be one more strong man in this prehistoric world!" He spoke to the multi-eyed golden centipede Talent obviously respects being restrained! !

Lin Sen nodded slightly. If this multi-eyed golden centipede was born a few years earlier, he must be a powerful person at this time, at least stronger than his teacher, Pilan Po Bodhisattva. Now he asked "Then what are the other evil things?"

Seeing his question, Patriarch Gourd immediately smiled and said, "Let's talk about the other four of these five worms first. The first one is that prehistoric six-winged golden silkworm. You should have heard of this thing!" With such an inquiry, Lin Sen immediately nodded. He naturally knew about the six-foot golden silkworm.

The most ferocious thing in the prehistoric world, it only eats the creatures of the six realms, and it was transformed when the Taoist ancestor talked about it. It happened to meet the Buddhist gate to receive the saint, so he entered the Buddhist gate and named it Jin Chanzi. The original body of the fat monk who went to the west to learn scriptures!

Patriarch Gourd nodded slightly and said, "Since you know about this thing, I won't say more about it, and the second one is the bloodthirsty black ant mosquito, which can transform into billions, and I like the blood essence of life the most. After the mosquito took shape, he called himself Taoist Mosquito, but he ate the third-grade lotus platform that was received back then, but he disappeared forever!"

Lin Sen nodded slightly, the Taoist Mosquito and his descendants knew about it, but they didn't expect that he was also one of the five worms, but his fierce surname was enough to be one of the five fierce ones!

"The third one is the multi-eyed golden centipede!" Patriarch Calabash smiled slightly, and then said, "The fourth one! It's called the Nine-tailed Scorpion!"

"Nine-tailed scorpion?" Lin Sen was a little puzzled immediately. He finally knew about the first two, but he had never heard of this one in his past and present lives!

"It's normal if you haven't heard of it!" Calabash Patriarch smiled and said, "The nine-tailed scorpion is the most mysterious among the prehistoric disasters. It has never appeared before. It is said that it has existed since ancient times. Concentrate on cultivating in the dark fire in the depths of the prehistoric land!" Speaking of this, Patriarch Gourd couldn't help admiring, there are not a few monks like the nine-tailed scorpion in this prehistoric desolate place.

What's more, they are the first batch of creatures after the birth of the heaven and earth, but they have never walked in the prehistoric wilderness, they just ask and practice with all their heart, and they are not related to the cause and effect of life. It is admiration!

"Then what's the last one?" Lin Sen asked curiously, but he really wanted to know what could be the last of the five insects!

"This last one is really strange!" The ancestor of Gourd laughed, "Its body is the only one in this wilderness. It looks like a snake, but it has nine heads, and the nine heads are endless. Its life is endless, which is also strange. Because of its nine poems, it is named Nine-Headed Insect!" Lin Sen immediately nodded his head after the ancestor of the gourd finished speaking. Monkey, Tianpeng, and Zhenjun Erlang finally gave up their heads and escaped. No matter their abilities or heels, they were enough to get into these five fierce insects!

"Then what are the seven birds and the nine beasts?" Hearing the name of the unheard-of five fierce insects, how could Lin Sen not be interested in the rest of these fierce creatures!

"These seven birds and nine beasts are much more famous than these five vicious insects! Compared to you, I have heard of them!" The gourd patriarch smiled slightly, and then said, "These seven birds are Phoenix, Qingluan, Peacocks, rocs, white cranes, swans, and owls." After saying this, Lin Sen immediately understood that each of these is the strongest of the prehistoric world, and there is still a ruler who was once close. No wonder the gourd The ancestor said that he must have heard of it!

"And these nine beasts! They are Kun, Peng, Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, Turtle, Snake, Qilin, and Chaos." When the gourd patriarch said this, Lin Sen was secretly thinking about the expression on the gourd patriarch's face. However, when talking about the Kunpeng, it has not changed in the slightest! (To be continued.)

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