Patriarch Gourd gave such a finger, and Lin Sen's heart was shocked immediately. In this prehistoric land, there is only one person who can represent the heavens, and that is the Dao ancestor who fits the way of heaven, Hongjun. , the three thousand ways in this world are all from the hands of the Taoist ancestor, and the stars in the sky must be passed down this week!

And the few people mentioned by Patriarch Gourd are all the most powerful people in the prehistoric world. No matter which one of them they are, they are all very extraordinary. All in all, Lin Sen is something he earned. up!

And while walking and talking like this, Lin Sen even told the gourd patriarch that he wanted to use his divine sense to evolve the heavens and stars. For this powerful man who introduced himself to this practice world, Except for the matter of being a time traveler, there is nothing that cannot be said!

And when the gourd patriarch preached to him, he once told him that you should go out of your own way and follow other people's way blindly. Although it is smooth, you can only walk behind others forever, and Lin Since Sen was in the depths of the ground back then, when he condensed the Zhoutian star array with his spiritual thoughts, Keith has already walked out of his own unique path!

"Evolve Zhou Tian with spiritual thoughts?" After Lin Sen finished speaking like this, even the gourd patriarch was taken aback. He had never thought of such a thought, and it was even absurdly boundless. Zhou Tian The star formation is too complicated and huge. Even the ancient demon emperor Jun only perfected it, and then gathered the power of the monster clan to form a large formation, but he never thought of evolving it in himself!

Ordinarily, this divine sense is an invisible and intangible thing, so it is natural to evolve the stars to appear, but the required divine sense is too huge, but the ancestor of Gourd did not express a word, but spoke to Lin Sen He said, "Let me release that divine sense now!!" The divine sense is too dangerous, if there is anything inappropriate in it, it must block Lin Sen!

Lin Sen also wanted to ask someone for advice for a long time, but at this moment he finally had the opportunity to manifest the formation of divine thoughts behind his head. .

The shape of the sun and the moon is in the middle, rotating alternately, and the four spirits are distributed outside it. On the sides of the four spirits, there are three small thoughts of gold, white and clear. Among them, the blue thought is the largest, and there are peanuts in each of them. The golden and white thoughts are only about the size of a sesame seed, if it weren't for the brilliance on it, I wouldn't be able to see it right now.

Seeing such a look of horror on the face of the ancestor of the gourd, he couldn't help sighing, "You have already begun to evolve the sun, the moon and the five elements?" Walking a path that no one has ever traveled in the wild, and if this can be successful, the harvest must seem huge!

Just now the gourd patriarch was still hesitating whether to stop Lin Sen, but now seeing Lin Sen's divine sense, the intention to stop him immediately disappeared, maybe the kid will really succeed in the future!

Seeing Lin Sen's thoughts, the gourd patriarch said slightly seriously, "Are you condensing the energy of the five elements to evolve the 28 constellations?" Seeing his question, Lin Sen nodded again and again, but the gourd he saw The old ancestor smiled immediately and said, "It seems that today's trip is really a coincidence, and I really need to go there faster, maybe it will save you many years of effort!" At that moment, he pulled Lin Sen, Urgently leading Lin Sen to speed up, he said repeatedly, "We need to go faster!!"

Seeing his anxiety, Lin Sen immediately used the technique of flowing light to follow, two red lights streaked across the sky, and flew straight to the east. The two of them passed by!

I don't know how long this one has been flying eastward. The two of them came to a mountain, but it was a holy land of fairy mountains. Like a hinterland dragon!

"What a sacred place for immortals!" Lin Sen couldn't help but exclaimed immediately, this place is indeed more beautiful than his Hanging Mountain, and the immortals who can live in it are even more extraordinary. But it has been roughly confirmed, who did the gourd patriarch bring him here to see!

"Hahaha!!!" Patriarch Gourd laughed heartily when he heard this praise, "My friend has been operating in this mountain for countless years, this mountain is naturally a wonderful land of immortals! Haha!! Go! Go!!" At that moment, he dragged Lin Sen straight to the mountain!

Just now I couldn't feel it outside the mountain, but once I entered the mountain, the billowing and rich aura was many times more abundant than that of your Hanging Mountain. It is serene!

No matter how far I went, I saw a huge Taoist temple of the immortal family. On the lintel of the Taoist temple, there were three big characters written on the lintel of the Taoist temple: Wuzhuang Temple!

It really is here!Lin Sen secretly thought in his heart, after the rebirth of the gourd patriarch, the only person he can find in the earth fairy world is probably the Great Immortal Zhenyuan in Wuzhuang Temple, but although he knows it in his heart, on the other hand he is Still amazed, looking at the plaque and whispering "Wuzhuang Temple?"

"Don't delay here any longer!! Follow me in quickly!!" The gourd patriarch smiled anxiously at that moment, and pulled Lin Sen to the Wuzhuang temple. He heard a burst of hearty laughter from the Wuzhuang temple, and then saw a great immortal coming out of the temple, with a face like a crown jade, a childlike face with crane hair, three long beards, and a floating dust in his hand. At this time, he came out with a loud laugh, and said at the same time, "You old ghost, how did you change back so quickly!"

Being made an old ghost by Zhen Yuanzi, the gourd patriarch was not angry at all, and said with a smile, "This person has been brought back, of course I came back early!!" He immediately pulled Lin Sen over and said, " Boy, this is the same king as the world, the ancestor of the Earth Immortal, the Great Immortal Zhenyuan, why don't you hurry up and pay homage!"

Naturally, Lin Sen knew the name of the Great Immortal Zhenyuan, so he hurriedly stepped forward and saluted respectfully, "Boy Lin Sen has seen the Great Immortal Zhenyuan!" This is the son of Zhenyuan. For a pure and tyrannical person, Lin Sen's ceremony was done wholeheartedly!

And Zhen Yuanzi also spread the dust, and Lin Sen couldn't help but stand upright. The thick and earth-like feeling was not something he could stop at all, but Zhen Yuanzi smiled slightly and said, "Get up quickly." !! Get up quickly!! You are this old ghost's benefactor, so you can also be considered my benefactor!" The next pair of eyes looked Lin Sen up and down, and then in the calm eyes, there was a faint He smiled in amazement and said, "You have a good chance!!" Obviously, Lin Sen was seen through with such a glance!

Before Lin Sen could speak, he saw your gourd patriarch approaching with a smile, and then pulled Lin Sen with one hand and Zhen Yuanzi with the other, "Go in and talk!! Go in and talk!!" But there was nothing in the words He regarded himself as an outsider, and Zhen Yuanzi obviously knew about it long ago, so he followed him into the Wuzhuang temple!

Just like in the great hall, the gourd patriarch unceremoniously found a chair and sat down, and said repeatedly, "It's a coincidence that today is a good day, if it is later, this kid will be scared by that boy." The people in the west have cleaned up, they drove me away!!!" Then he said to Zhen Yuanzi with a smile, "I said Zhenyuan!! I drove this way, take out some of your ginseng fruits Quench our thirst!"

As soon as he finished speaking like this, Zhen Yuanzi's eyes clashed suddenly, and then he stared at the unceremonious face of the gourd ancestor and said, "How many? Do you think my life is a wild fruit in the mountains?" After saying this, he just sat down, but even though he said so, he still shouted "Qingfeng..."

And following his cry, he saw a fairy boy entering the hall, and after saluting respectfully to Zhen Yuanzi, he said, "Old Ancestor, why call the little boy!"

Lin Sen's eyes froze immediately, this fairy boy is so tyrannical.The aura of this body, no matter what, has the level of a real fairy. At this time, his face is solemn and his eyes are radiant, but he is not like the dragon set in the original book!

Zhen Yuanzi smiled slightly, and then said, "Go and get the golden hammer, and give me three of that ginseng fruit!" As soon as he finished speaking, Qingfeng immediately asked slightly puzzled, "Three?" Then subconsciously He sneaked a sneak peek at Lin Sen, looking at Immortal Zhenyuan, he was obviously planning to let this person eat a piece of ginseng fruit, but who is it, he deserves such hospitality from the ancestor!

"En!! Three!!" After Zhen Yuanzi nodded slightly, then Qingfeng said respectfully, "Yes, I will do it now!" The ginseng fruit is gone!

"Boy Lin, don't be polite and cautious, do it quickly! Do it quickly!!" Patriarch Gourd said this, and Lin Sen was half-falling on the seat under the sign of Patriarch Gourd. It's because of his restraint, but because the status of the two present in this prehistoric world is really too high!

Then I heard the gourd patriarch laughing and saying, "You are lucky today, kid! It's rare for this old man to be so generous, but your kung fu has left a lot of kung fu!" The meaning in his mouth Lin Sen naturally knew that he was full of expectations for the ginseng fruit at the moment. Its substance was the innate five-earth root, and the huge and pure earth-shaped energy in it was just what he needed now!

And after Zhen Yuanzi was seated, the gourd patriarch casually picked up melons and fruits from the table, put them in his mouth and ate them casually, and then said to Zhen Yuanzi, "Bring the boy here today." , the first thing, compared to you, you guessed it, and you should have seen the situation on this kid!" (To be continued.)

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