The old woman's reassurance made Lin Sen nod again and again, and then he smiled apologetically, "Pindao knows, but Pindao didn't expect to walk to the border of the Tang Dynasty!! "Although he said this on the surface, he secretly said in his heart, the border of the Tang Dynasty?Double Fork Ridge?

Lin Sen naturally knew about this place, and he couldn't help but think to himself, but he didn't expect that Mo Yuxin Biting Bamboo would run so fast, and it's been coming to Datang for a while!

And the old woman called the young man Qin'er just now, so it was naturally Liu Boqin. As the only ordinary person in the Westward Journey who saved Tang Seng, Lin Sen still had some impressions of him, and judging by his current appearance, I am afraid that the matter of Journey to the West has already come in front of us!

Although Lin Sen didn't know how old Liu Boqin was when he rescued Tang Seng, since he was able to fight fierce tigers, he was naturally in his prime, and it seemed that he was basically grown up now, so Journey to the West was useless. how many years!

He caressed the old woman into the room, but saw that the decoration in the room was very simple and simple, and the old woman also hurriedly greeted Lin Sen to sit down with great enthusiasm. .

Lin Sen had just taken his seat when Liu Boqin came forward with a black pottery bowl in his hands. Lin Sen took it over with a smile, and at the same time said with a smile, "Thank you, brother!" Drink all the water in one gulp, the water in this bowl is a clear spring in the mountain, although it is not something beautiful, but it is also very clear and sweet!

thump!Lin Sen had just finished speaking, but he saw Liu Boqin suddenly kneeling in front of Lin Sen, and said respectfully, "Liu Boqin pays homage to the Immortal Elder? Please also beg the Immortal Elder to give me a elixir to cure my mother's life!" "

"Immortal Elder?" When Liu Boqin bowed like this, his old mother suddenly couldn't sit still, she stood up hastily with astonishment in her mouth, and hurriedly prepared to bow down, but Lin Sen hurriedly lifted her up , en on the chair, then looked at Liu Boqin very curiously and said, "How are you sure that I am from that fairy family?"

This Liu Boqin hasn't said a single word since his arrival, but now he is speaking to see the immortal head, and after he has drunk the water, this kid's heart is not as simple as it looks on the surface!

Liu Boqin who saw him smiled, and then pointed to the hem of Lin Sen's clean Taoist robe and said, "If the Immortal Elder is really an ordinary person playing in this mountain, how can the Taoist robe be so clean after walking in the mountain for such a long time!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Sen burst out laughing and said, "Not bad! Not bad!!" But he didn't pay attention to this detail. His cultivation base was already spotless, so naturally Not even a speck of dust!

Then he smiled and said, "Get up now!" Immediately, he pulled Liu Boqin up, and said with a smile, "I think you have a good sense of surname, and your bones are also excellent, do you want to learn from me?" Lin Sen said But after seeing this Liu Boqin, he came up with it temporarily. This Liu Boqin has a subtle observation, and he is indeed a good seed. Besides, his blood is very vigorous, and his bones are naturally good, so this is why he has the heart to accept disciples!

And Mother Liu was very excited when she heard that, she would be a member of the Immortal Family after she learned the Tao, and immediately asked Liu Boqin about things again and again!

"Parents are here, don't travel far away! Liu Boqin only asks the fairy elder to heal his mother, and he dare not expect anything else!" After Qi finished speaking, Lin Sen couldn't help being stunned. Although he is not a big deal in the earth fairy world, but The inheritance of this body is not something that anyone can teach. Except for the human emperor Yang Jian who is no longer in the world, Lin Sen only has one apprentice, Yuan Lang, and at this time the apprentice is actually given by this mortal. Refused!

As soon as Liu Boqin said this, Liu's mother stood up hurriedly, pointed at Liu Boqin's back a few times and said, "You child!! You child!!" Immediately, she hurriedly said to Lin Sen. He said, "Elder Immortal, don't take offense, he didn't mean that, you can see him as my Liu family's ancestor's virtue!"

In the impression of this mortal, if he can enter the immortal way, he will be a god, free and easy. In fact, this world is comparable, so Liu's mother sees Liu Boqin rejecting this. A long-term opportunity is rare for an ordinary person, but it takes several lifetimes of cultivation to enter the immortal sect, how can he refuse like this, let alone Lin Sen, where is the face of the immortal family!

"Old man, it's okay!! It's okay!! Haha!!" Lin Sen burst into laughter immediately, looked at Liu Boqin and said, "I drank your tea, and I accepted your kindness. Today's request , I promise you!" Then there was a green aura on the fingertips, which submerged into the old woman's forehead!

The air from the source of wood in between entered the body, and the old woman's complexion improved visibly with the naked eye, her gray hair gradually turned black, and her hunched body slowly straightened up. Such a miraculous change almost It was as if she had become ten years younger all of a sudden, and although the old woman was moved, she patted Liu Boqin with reproach and said, "You child!! You child!! Mother's old arms and legs won't live for many years , How could you waste this great opportunity for me!"

However, Liu Boqin paid homage to Lin Sen with his face full of emotion, "Thank you, Immortal! Thank you, Immortal!!" Seeing the old woman turn around, her eyes were filled with tears of excitement!

"Hahaha!! You don't have to thank me, this is what your filial piety is in exchange for this bowl of water!!" After such a big laugh, he said again, "However, although I can make your mother The body recovers, but the life expectancy is determined by the laws of life and death, but I can't interfere, so your mother still has those hundred years!"

"Liu Boqin understands!! Understand!!" Even so, this Liu Boqin was already very excited. The result of living a few years in this old age and enjoying a few years in such a tough way is naturally very different!

And that mother Liu, although it was a pity for the opportunity at this time, was very moved in her heart, and she kept thanking Lin Sen, "Thank you, Daoist! Thank you, Daoist! Please stay. The name is taboo, so that the old man can enshrine the longevity tablet!"

"Hahaha!!!" In the midst of the thanks of the two, Lin Sen who was sitting on the top burst into a hearty laugh, and then his figure suddenly disappeared from the room, leaving the voice behind. Still echoing in this room, "Poverty Linsen, I came here by chance today and asked about the way. It is also a predestined relationship with you, so please don't thank me for this matter!!"

Then the voice stopped for a moment, and then someone seemed to come from the ancient starry sky and said, "A few years later, a monk who was going to the west passed by here. Liu Boqin, you must save his life. I think your filial piety is worthy." Jia, after a hundred years from your mother, if you have the heart to enter the immortal way, you can come to my Xuankong Mountain Tianxingfang to find me!!" (To be continued.)

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