Once this Avalokitesvara reacts, he will definitely not be as contemptuous as before. With all his strength, several people will definitely die and fall into a situation of eternal doom. At present, the pipa is better than Princess Iron Fan While leaving in a hurry, they looked anxiously at Lin Sen who was still standing there!

But Lin Sen's face turned cold and cruel, and then he shouted loudly, "Sister-in-law, you go first!!" Immediately, he pinched the magic formula in his hand, and secretly said cruelly in his heart. It's still open!

Following the mantra in his hand, the Wujin rod in the air became a stream of light again, thinking about the dizzy Avalokitesvara, and seeing it like this, although others don't know what Lin Sen is doing at this time, they can still see Especially wanting to get Guanyin's attention, I couldn't help but secretly shouted in my heart, madman!

Although Guanyin was dizzy and erratic at this time, she was not completely ignorant of the changes in the outside world, she could still feel something coming towards her, and immediately waved her hand towards the Wujin rod!

At this moment, Guanyin tentacled his hand in anger. Under this blow, that arm was stronger than any other treasure. It's just that Lin Sen didn't see the slightest panic, on the contrary, the ruthlessness on that face was more powerful, and the magic spell in his hand a change.

But following the transformation of his mantra, it can be seen that after the Wujin staff collided with Guanyin's arm, not only was it not blown away and shattered, but instead it stuck to Guanyin's arm like a tarsal maggot!

If you look at it from a close distance, you can see that following the change of Lin Sen's perception in his hand, the Wujin staff suddenly came to life, with barbed thorns suddenly sprouting from both sides, It is like the thousands of arms beside the centipede, and the whole bamboo body is wriggling like a living thing. At the moment when the Guanyin's arm touched, hundreds of barbed tentacles pierced into the Guanyin. in the arms!

Although Guanyin's golden body is solid and incomparable, the Heart-eating Bamboo feeds on the life's essence and blood strangely. Because of the place where the tentacle touched, the essence and blood in the body quickly drained away, unexpectedly If he didn't make the slightest obstacle, he was able to completely connect the Wujin Staff, which looked like a big weird centipede, to its arms!

Everything happened too fast, the pipa essence hit the back of Guanyin's head just a moment ago, Guanyin still didn't react in the dizziness, the next breath Lin Sen's Wujin staff was like that Guanyin The ugly bulge on the arm is usually tightly connected with it, and the whole arm is withering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even the half of the body is beginning to show that withering!

However, everyone present did not expect the situation to be like this. Before, they just thought that Lin Sen would take advantage of the time when Guanyin lost his mind, and give him another blow, but seeing this scene now, it was the preparation The pipa masters who fled in a hurry stopped involuntarily.

Guanyin's rapidly withering arm made everyone present feel shuddering. Seeing the black-gold object on his arm, Lin Sen held it like a cane every day. In his hand, who would have thought that this thing would have such a weird and terrifying effect!

Even the monkey's gaze changed suddenly when looking at Lin Sen. This baby is really too weird. Under his gaze, he can naturally see that the life breath in Guanyin's arm is rapidly disappearing. There is such a withering phenomenon, and the place where the life's breath goes is naturally no other place except the Wujin staff!

Among them, the most horrified person is naturally Guanyin. The big walnut-sized bag on the back of his head gave out bursts of dizzy pain, and the rapid loss of life energy on his arm made him terrified and panicked. He naturally knew in his heart that if he allowed this unknown thing to suck it down like this, it wouldn't take long, not to mention his own arm, even his entire body would be able to be swallowed by the gluttonous power of the bottomless pit. Devour it all!

At the moment, he was running mana in a hurry, trying to shatter that thing, but it was better when the mana was running. Not only did it not have any effect, but it even accelerated the flow of his life energy.

At this time, the Wujin rod was only connected to Guanyin for a few breaths, but Guanyin could not feel the existence of her left arm at all, and the stronger the horizontal suction, the more frightened she was. Woke up, dizzy and anxious, his right hand was ready to grab the Wujin rod, as if he was going to pull it off his arm!

"Bodhisattva, don't touch it!!" The monkey shouted loudly at this time, and then shouted anxiously, "Cut off your arm quickly! Don't touch it!!" As a bystander, it is natural to watch To be more thorough, if Avalokitesvara is really caught like this, he will not be able to die today. As a Buddhist Bodhisattva, even if his physical body is destroyed, he can still be reborn in the Western Eight Treasures Merit Pool. However, the tempering has to start from scratch, and the work of thousands of years will be destroyed in one day!

Hearing the monkey's shout, Guanyin finally realized that he was a person of great wisdom, but it was only because of the prick in the back of his head that he was stabbed by the poisonous pile of the fallen horse that his mind became dizzy at this time. Between the willingness and willingness, the choice is naturally known, and there is no hesitation at the moment, and he waved his right hand towards his left shoulder.

"Ah!!!!" Even Avalokitesvara couldn't help crying out at this moment, the pain of breaking the arm was piercing, but the entire left arm was broken by the root, and that The broken arm flew all the way back to Lin Sen's hand under the carrying of the Wujin rod!

"Monster, go to hell..." Under the severe pain, Guanyin finally came to his senses. Seeing the wriggling of the broken left shoulder, the benevolent face suddenly became a little ferocious, and his mouth was cold Letting out a roar, the remaining arm raised its palm and slapped Lin Sen!

This palm came out with hatred, and naturally it was done with all its strength, the situation changed, and the world was dark. Since Lin Sen dared to make a move, then Guanyin used the Wujin staff to unleash meat, he naturally thought of Guanyin's counterattack, that palm of Qi Although the strength was as irresistible as Tian Tianwei, Lin Sen's face showed a trace of fear that he had never seen before.

Just when the Buddha Yuan's giant palm hit it, a towering tower with golden light suddenly appeared outside Lin Sen's body. When the two auras from the same source collided, the sound was shocking, just like the long ringing of an ancient bell, heaven and earth Deterrence.

The golden light on the giant golden pagoda was flickering and flickering like a streamer, and Lin Sen's complexion suddenly turned pale, a mouthful of blood was oozing from the corner of his mouth, and the diameter of his body was covered by that blow. The huge force of the palm flew away, while a towering mountain peak not far behind was in a flash of golden light. Under the illumination of 360 five small dots, the entire mountain peak, together with all living things, plants and trees on it, , are all suddenly annihilated, turning into dust all over the sky and disappearing. As for the next huge pothole, you don’t know how deep the pothole is. Under the influx of water from the ground, it is extremely fast Turned into a wave of the lake.

But Lin Sen was ready before the Guanyin's blow, just like in the past, using the connection between the meritorious deeds of the stupa, he used the 360 ​​five small stupas to hit the stupa on the body The power of the blow was transformed, but that power made the entire mountain disappear suddenly!

And even the remaining power caused Lin Sen to bleed from the seven orifices of the hit, his face was dark blue, although there was no injury on his body, but some dark wounds had already been hit in his body by that blow, and his face was pale At that time, I couldn't help crying secretly in my heart, this serious Guanyin has such a tyrannical strength!

"Today you are all going to die!!" Guanyin's gentle face had disappeared at this time, and a white monk's robe was flying in the air, which showed the boundless hatred in her heart. One's Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was completely defeated by these humble ants, it can be said that the face has been completely lost!

"Take me one..." But it was the iron fan princess who was turning around, rushing out at this time, suddenly showing the plantain fan in her hand, facing the Guanyin, several of them were volleying in the air, whistling. The strong wind immediately made the sky dark, with ghosts crying and wolves howling, and the red boy opened his mouth at the side, and a flame spewed out, and the fire clouds poured down the sky, and was blown away by the strong wind and completely merged into the strong wind!

What's more, the pipa spirit who hid when Guanyin was awake was supporting in the dark. As long as the Guanyin showed a slight gap, he was going to use the poisoned stake to hit Guanyin here.

Avalokitesvara of course already knew about such a scene, if he was not injured, this thing would naturally not be in his eyes, but now whether it is the tingling pain at the back of the head or the sharp pain at the severed arm, it is all let [-]% of her strength is less than [-]% to [-]%, and the things driven by these people are all very troublesome things.

Seeing this, Guanyin finally gritted his teeth secretly. Although he was unwilling, he finally turned into a streamer and escaped from the gust of wind, slightly hastily heading towards the west!

Guanyin is gone?Ran away! !The few people who escaped from the sky now felt like they were still in a dream. The joint efforts of the few people actually defeated Guanyin, one of the four great Bodhisattvas of Buddhism! ! !If it spreads out, no one will believe it, even if he himself doesn't believe it!

Pipa Jing slowly emerged from the ground, Princess Iron Fan supported the ground with the plantain fan and panted continuously, Hong Haier was sitting on the ground covered in sweat, Lin Sen with pale complexion fell slowly, almost When people look at each other like this, they immediately burst into laughter! (To be continued.)

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