Hearing what Hu Qi said, Hu Xiang'er was also entangled in her heart, should she intervene in it? The dangling gold rope and wooden stick in her hand were getting tighter and tighter. The dangling golden rope was also brought down by them from above, and they must return it back. By then, I will be the last decent bodyguard and will be gone!

And amid such entanglement, Hu Xianger looked at Lin Sen slightly sideways at the moment, seeing the faint smile on Lin Sen's face that seemed to be forever, Hu Xianger naturally didn't know that Lin Sen had already intervened in Journey to the West Among them, they have even earned a few points of merit one after another!

But this Lin Sen is the owner of the Hanging Mountain, he is not in a hurry, what is he in a hurry, the worst is to leave the Hanging Mountain. Liao Mingwu said, "There's no need to worry about it. We won't take part in this Journey to the West, and we can't afford it!" Hu Xiang'er said very seriously and firmly at the moment, if there was no other way, who would want to gamble on the Journey to the West!

Seeing such a decision, Lin Sen smiled slightly and said, "Sister Hu sees it thoroughly!!" Then his eyes turned to the mountain in the distance. At this time, the monkey playing with the gold and silver horns should have started. Afterwards, the Laojun’s avatar in the Heavenly Court was about to come down to ask for someone, so he smiled and said, “It’s just that elder sister, if I were you, I would quickly take care of the things that shouldn’t be me, and leave them behind.” If you come and stay, you will be sad!"

After finishing speaking, he smiled at Hu Xiang'er, and then said to the Shark Kings, "Go and do your own work! Don't all get together here! Let's go!! Let's go!!" Take that Qingling away!

But after Lin Sen left, Hu Xianger and his brother were still standing on the city wall. Seeing Hu Xianger slowly stretching the dangling golden rope in his hand, Hu Qi immediately called out anxiously, "Sister ....you will not!!!"

The Hu Xiang'er who saw him nodded slightly, and then said, "This thing is not ours in the first place, and it will be a disaster to keep it in our hands!!" Then his face became ruthless, and he squeezed the spell and said, "Go! !!" The golden rope in his hand immediately turned into a stream of light and went straight to the Pingding Mountain in the east, but he sent the golden rope back!

"Alas! 1" Hu Qi just let out a long sigh when he saw this, but he didn't answer the words!

The siblings stood at the gate of the mountain city reluctantly. After Lin Sen turned around all the way, his expression became more and more ugly. Qing Ling, who had been following him all the time, suddenly asked, "Brother, are you worried about the people in the mountain?" Insufficient deterrence!"

Naturally, there is nothing to pretend to be with Qingling Linsen, and she nodded slightly at the moment, while Qingling immediately laughed and said, "Elder sister is revenge for the big revenge at this time. She also said the other day that she has I hope to recover to Xuanxian's cultivation level in two years!" Qing Ling's words were indeed full of pride, the entire Hanging Mountain, even including Lin Sen, still doesn't have a real Xuanxian!

Then he said, "In addition to the Shark King and Yuan Lang, they are already close to the cultivation base of Xuanxian. When Brother Xianglong comes back in the future, and you are added, there will be at least five Xuanxians in our Xuankong Mountain." Combat strength, as long as it is not a strong enemy, it should be more than enough to deal with it for a while!!" While talking, he suddenly laughed again and said, "Besides, the eyes of the whole world are now on the matter of Journey to the West. After more than ten years Within the period, we still have no problems!" According to the current development speed of Xuankong Mountain, after more than ten years after the Journey to the West is over, the strength of Xuankong Mountain will have changed!

Hearing Qingling's analysis, Lin Sen immediately smiled and said, "You are so clever!!" Qingling's analysis was also correct, but his improvement in strength could not be delayed at all!

After being told by Lin Sen, Qing Ling smiled and stepped aside, then set up a cloud and left, while Lin Sen returned to the hall to practice!

There is no time in practice, Lin Sen sat cross-legged, more than ten days passed by in a flash. .

But it is said that the four people and one horse of Journey to the West finally walked out of the Pingding Mountain after going through hardships.

The monkey walked in the front, but he had a gloomy expression at this moment, but at this moment he had completely understood that he had become the monkey being tricked again, and everything along the way was still arranged, and he was just another Going to a cutscene when the sound is made, how can the monkey who wants to get out of it bear it!

However, Zhu Bajie looked more open than Monkey King, and was much calmer, seeing the huge and continuous Pingdingshan behind him, he couldn't help sighing, "This is good, I finally got out of this ghost place! "Then seeing the black face of the monkey, he said with a smile, "Brother Monkey, haven't you always been very curious about the Tianxingfang on the Hanging Mountain? After crossing the Pingding Mountain, you can see the hanging on Yalong Mountain in the past. Mountain!"

As soon as Zhu Bajie finished speaking, the monkey didn't react, but Tang Seng came first and said interestedly, "Is that the Hanging Mountain where Benefactor Lin lives? Master Lin helped us several times. Since we have reached the gate, how can we?" I also want to go up and pay a visit!" After finishing speaking, Shi asked curiously, "Bajie, what does the Hanging Mountain look like? Why is it called such a strange name? Have you ever been there?"

When asked by Tang Seng, Zhu Bajie immediately said with a smile, "Master, don't tell me, I have really been to this Hanging Mountain once. It was the last time I went to invite Master Lin, but I left at that time." Hurry up, the scenery in the mountain is not fully seen yet, but it is very relic of the ancient times! It is a very magnificent place! Master, you will know it when you arrive!" And the more Zhu Bajie said this, then Tang Seng became more and more curious, and even the monkey couldn't help but look sideways. He had been pressed down the mountain for 500 years, but he had never been to this hanging mountain. I am anxious again, how can I look at it with my heart!

"Ancient legacy?" Tang Seng murmured slightly, Zhu Bajie's description really made it difficult for him to visualize this scene, but he became more and more curious! !

The Pingding Mountain is very close to the Yalong Mountain, even if it is the footsteps of Tang Seng and others.It's only two days and I can already see the rolling Yalong Mountain.

As the big sun rose slowly, several people were blinded by the light, but Zhu Bajie suddenly pointed to the west and said, "Master, look quickly, that is the Hanging Mountain, and the Tianxingfang of Lin Fangzhu is on the Hanging Mountain." !” (To be continued.)

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