As soon as the Bull Demon King came in, even if Lin Sen didn't know the original work, he could tell at a glance that the monkey was a fake, not that there was any loophole in the monkey's transformation. The breath and appearance are not the slightest difference from that of the Bull Demon King. .

But at this moment, there is a huge loophole, that is, the monkey didn't know that Lin Sen knew the Bull Demon King. When he came in at this moment, he was suddenly stunned after seeing Lin Sen. How did he know what happened at this time? How should I treat Lin Sen? It's this stupid time!

Lin Sen's reaction was extremely quick, and he immediately laughed and said, "Great Sage, you are here, please help me persuade my wife and the Holy Infant King to release that Tang Monk!" Lin Sen After saying this, the Bull Demon King said in a hurry, "Ma'am! I said you should let the monk go! The monk can't lift his hands and resist, and staying in this cave is a waste of food." !"

Both of them reacted quickly, but the red boy Yu Iron Fan Princess is not a fool. Even if Lin Sen didn't make that move, how could his husband admit his mistake? Lin Sen had already convinced him At this time, when he saw the bull demon king who had changed from a monkey, the secret joy in his heart disappeared without a trace, but the resentment towards the bull demon king was born at this time, and he said coldly, "Red Boy, burn this dead monkey who dares to pretend to be your father!"

Hong Hai'er couldn't hold it anymore, at this moment, when he heard his mother's order, he immediately scolded loudly, "You monstrous monkey, how dare you pretend to be your father to deceive us! "The moment that small red mouth opened, a streak of fire shot straight at the monkey!

"Damn..." Seeing this, Lin Sen suddenly let out a strange cry, and stood beside the monkey, while the red boy didn't shy away from it at all. After taking it in, Lin Sen is not that monkey with an indestructible golden body, he didn't dare to try whether his avatar can resist the Three Flavors True Fire!

Amidst the strange screams in the moment, the Wujin rod in his hand suddenly hit a piece of cracks on the ground, and then the body borrowed its strength and flew backwards rapidly, even if it was In this way, the hot breath of the three flavors of the real fire is still surging in front of him, and he hastily resisted with the divine sense in front of him, this is the safe way to escape!

Seeing that he was seen through, the monkey was not dressing up at the moment, and turned into its original appearance, turning the golden cudgel in its hand, dancing a wall of sticks in front of him, although the three real fire surrounded the monkey , but he couldn't get through the obstruction of the golden cudgel no matter what!

But in the stick, there was a laughing and teasing voice from the monkey, "Sister-in-law, nephew, for the sake of our family, please return my master to me!"

"Give it back to you?" Princess Iron Fan said coldly, if the monkey was in the future, she might have let Tang Seng go, but now, the monkey turned into a bull devil and came in, not only to make her happy for nothing The scene is more than enough to draw out the hatred in the heart. Why would he pay attention to those when the fire comes up, and immediately said coldly, "You just wait to collect the body of your master!"

With such an angry rebuke, Princess Iron Fan immediately opened her small mouth, and then spit out a small blue thing from that mouth. Seeing that thing, Lin Sen thought it was strange and screamed He said, "Great Sage, let's go, we'll worry about it after we leave!"

He was standing not far from the monkey, and when he saw the strange scream, he also jumped up quickly, and flew back in a hurry!

It's just that no matter how fast his speed is, it can't beat the speed of Princess Iron Fan's waving. Although the blue fan he saw was only as big as the embroidered fan in the woman's hand, under that fan was There was a strong wind on the flat ground, the sky was dark and the earth was dark, ghosts cried and wolves howled, and the earth and rocks collapsed!

Unable to resist at all, Lin Sen just felt that his body suddenly lost its center of gravity and spun around in the wind, but suddenly he didn't know how much it was blown by the wind. From a long distance, in the whistling wind, Lin Sen, who was dizzy under the rapid rotation, also vaguely saw the burning Sanwei Zhenhuo, and the Monkey King wrapped in it was also blurred. It was blown to the distance, and then completely lost consciousness!

pain! !

very painful! !

Slowly opening his eyes, Lin Sen couldn't help grinning his teeth. There seemed to be no place on his body that was no longer in pain. There were countless injuries all over his body from the gust of wind, and he had bumped into it all along the way. How many things just stop!

"Crazy lady..." Thinking of the culprit of this matter, Lin Sen couldn't help sighing softly, women are indeed animals who turn their faces when they say they turn their faces, no matter if they are immortals or not!

Ya Linsen slowly began to move the sore neck, and in the slow movement, there were bursts of crisp sounds immediately. After moving the neck left and right, he began to move his already trapped neck. The body inlaid on the cliff was pulled out!

After some activities, the sore muscles and bones all over his body creaked. After returning to his position, Lin Sen looked at the cliff behind him, but he could only see the place on the cliff where he had just inlaid. There is a human-shaped pothole, but around the pothole, there are countless fine cracks spreading to the surroundings, and there are even a few thicker cracks that have divided the cliff into two sections!

"This crazy woman!!!" Seeing such a scene, Lin Sen couldn't help cursing inwardly again, how powerful is this, is it possible to pretend this cliff like this, if it wasn't for him, the sky monster The real body can be considered very tyrannical, under that fan, the flesh and blood were separated, and the soul flew away!

What's more, I didn't know how far I was blown before I stopped, and I looked around at the moment, but what I saw was the very strange scenery, obviously I must have already It's not there anymore!

At that moment, he opened his eyes to look at the mountain, but he didn't see anything. He just felt a gust of evil wind coming out of the mountain, like the fire of a prairie fire, although it hadn't reached Lin Sen's eyes yet. , but the voice had already reached Lin Sen's ears

"Who are you, a Taoist priest? What was that strange wind of servants just now?" (To be continued.)

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