Although they were all in a mess, especially Lin Sen was a little embarrassed standing there, but the smile on that face was very hearty, and it was the joy born from the bottom of his heart!

The monkey standing on the side, seeing the smiles on the faces of Lin Sen and the others, couldn't help showing a slightly envious look in his eyes, and then said with a smile, "Master Lin, you should leave as soon as possible, you are delaying." Time, I'm afraid there will be disasters!" After the monkey said this, he left straight away, and said in his mouth, "As for the monk, I will release him myself!"

Seeing the monkey leave, Lin Sen immediately shouted loudly, "Sun Dasheng, thank you for your help today!" Such lightness can defeat this Avalokitesvara!

The monkey paused slightly, and without looking back, it said softly, "Can I help you? That's all your own ability!" After saying this, he left straight away, but the back looked very strange. It's a bit depressed!

"Sister-in-law, let's leave quickly!" Lin Sen looked at Princess Iron Fan who was chatting with Pipa Jing and said, but this place can't stay any longer. As for the monk Tang is not important now, the rest Of course there is that monkey to tell.

As soon as Lin Sen finished speaking, Princess Iron Fan nodded immediately, and the pipa master was even more anxious, saying repeatedly, "Yes! Yes! We'd better leave quickly!"

The few people didn't dare to say too much here at the moment, Lin Sen immediately picked up the black gold rod, which was still attached to Guanyin's completely withered arm, Lin Sen just flicked his fingers slightly, which was almost The white arm, which was as strong as a diamond, turned into ashes and dissipated in an instant, and the Wujin rod turned around and fell back into Lin Sen's hand, feeling the huge vitality inside it. , Lin Sen couldn't help laughing secretly, this time he has developed, but this is not the time to check the spoils!

And seeing the bamboo Zhang in Lin Sen's hand, although it is still as difficult as it was before, but at this time, everyone has no intention of underestimating it, and they all subconsciously put some distance away from the bamboo Zhang. But even Guanyin was forced to cut off his arm to get away. If he accidentally got infected, he would be dead!

Let's talk about the group of people returning to the Hanging Mountain all the way. The Xingfang was still as lively as ever that day, but the breath rising from the mountain before only attracted the attention of a small group of people. Lin Sen and the others quietly into the mountain.

After landing in the mountain, Lin Sen smiled at the iron fan princess, "Sister-in-law, I want to wrong you to spend some time in my mountain!" It is also relatively safer.

But hearing what she said, the iron fan princess she saw looked around and smiled, "Is this the ancient fairy mansion that the red boy said? If I feel wronged staying here, then what else is there in this world?" I can stay!" Princess Iron Fan immediately covered her mouth and laughed and said, "Your mountain is quiet, and the scenery is so beautiful, but it is more beautiful than my Cuiyun Mountain. I am a little bit reluctant to leave It’s gone! If I want to stay here permanently, you can’t drive me away!”

When she said this, Lin Sen immediately laughed and said, "What did Mrs. Sister-in-law say, this is your home from now on, and you can live as long as you want!" Suddenly interrupted from the side, "Uncle is right, mother, let's live here from now on!" That Ershan can't go back, and Honghaier doesn't want to go back to the deserted Cuiyun Mountain because of his mother's love. At the moment, I am also climbing along the pole, no matter what, I can't let my mother go back again!

But when the red boy said this, the iron fan princess laughed, touched the red boy's head and said, "This mother's love is not true! We want to date relatives, but we don't know if others recognize them or not." What!" At that moment, he gave Lin Sen a slight look, and these words were obviously meant for him to hear!

But since he said that, what else can Lin Sen say, and he smiled immediately, "Since my sister has taken a fancy to me, what else can Lin Sen say? From now on, this Hanging Mountain will be my sister." My natal family, my sister can live as long as she likes!" As soon as she said this, she completely recognized this relative.

After saying this, Lin Sen said to the pipa again, "I need more pipa kings to help today. If it weren't for your secret help, we would not be able to come back today!" But it's true, if it wasn't for that pipa master's poisonous stake, Lin Sen's black gold staff would definitely not be able to touch the body of Guanyin!

But Lin Sen gave such a serious thanks, but the pipa master laughed and said, "This is part of our deal, there is nothing to thank!" Then he gave Lin Sen a charming look and said, "The same fight side by side, you two We are all sisters and brothers, but why do you still call me king like this!"

And after she finished her first words like this, Princess Iron Fan also laughed immediately and said, "That's right, Sister Pipa is right, everyone will be their own people in the future, but there is no need to be so born!" Seeing that Iron Fan The princess is all helping, Lin Sen can also laugh and cry and say "Pipa!!"

"Alas!!" This voice also made the pipa master smile happily. If it was before, it would definitely not be like this, but after experiencing the incident together, and this Lin Sen is also very extraordinary.

"Brother! You're back!" Just as they were chatting like this, three figures hurried in, but it was Lin Sen who sent a message to them when he entered the mountain!

The first one was Qingling, followed by Yuan Lang and Yang Lin. Seeing Lin Sen immediately exclaimed with joy, it was just Lin Sen's expression, and the expression changed immediately: " Brother, you are injured!"

Seeing the tense look on the three faces of Qing Ling, Lin Sen's heart warmed immediately, and then he smiled and said, "It's nothing, just some minor injuries!" Although he said so, Qing Ling often followed Jin Ning practiced alchemy and became a good doctor after a long illness, not to mention following him day by day, he learned a little bit. At this time, Lin Sen's complexion turned pale, and it was not as simple as a skin trauma!

At the moment, he didn't care about etiquette, and hurriedly took out a blood-colored bottle from his bosom. The deep red pill inside it was fragrant, but it was the fine-quality blood elixir refined by Jin Ning. The effect of hundreds of blood spirit pills, such a life-saving elixir, is a priceless item in Tianxingfang, as long as it is listed, it will be exchanged immediately, and even Jin Ning Occasionally, such a few can be practiced.

"Brother!! Eat it quickly!!" Qing Ling stretched out his hand and stuffed the elixir into Lin Sen's mouth, but as soon as the elixir entered his stomach, Lin Sen's pale face immediately appeared The color of blood came out, which is enough to see the miraculous effect of this elixir, Princess Iron Fan laughed immediately and said, "It's really a good elixir!!"

And Qing Ling was paying attention to the person next to him, Lin Sen smiled and introduced, "Holy Infant King Hong Haier, but there is no need to introduce, this is the mother of the Holy Infant, the first wife of the Great Sage Pingtian , Princess Iron Fan, Rakshasa girl, this is the King of Poisonous Mountain Pipa!" Then he pulled Qingling and the others over and said, "Sister Qingling, apprentice Yuan Lang, and nephew Yang Lin!! Hurry up and greet me! !"

"I have seen the Iron Fan Princess, the Holy Infant King, and the Pipa King!!" The three Qing Ling greeted hurriedly, but the Iron Fan Princess hurriedly pulled her up, and said with a smile, "Lin Sen and I have already considered siblings. You will be my sister and nephew from now on!" Then he gave the red boy a wink, and the red boy immediately stepped forward and said, "Red boy has seen Aunt Qingling!"

Although Hong Hai'er is arrogant, she still obeys her mother's words. Although this Qing Ling's cultivation is average, she is a must for his elders, but to Yuan Lang, who is among his peers, he is But salute!

Not to mention that Qingling was stunned by Honghaier's gift, but Lin Sen said with a smile, "Just now, I was exhausted all the way, and my sister was exhausted. Qingling, wait for Sister Luosha and Honghaier to find someone else." Stay in the pavilion you like!" There are not many backs in this mountain, but there are many palaces and lofts in this palace, and Lin Sen and the others are too far away to live here!

As soon as she finished speaking like this, Princess Iron Fan smiled slightly and said, "No hurry, no hurry! There is one more thing to do!" Then she smiled at Lin Sen, "But I still have to borrow brother, this apprentice make!!"

And as soon as he finished speaking, he didn't need Lin Sen's order at all, Yuan Lang stood up immediately and said respectfully, "Only according to my aunt's order!" Princess Iron Fan smiled immediately, and then said, "It's not a troublesome thing." The thing is, it's just that Honghaier and I are inconvenient at this time, but I want to trouble you to make a trip!" Then in front of everyone, he said directly, "You go to the accumulation mountain and meet the bull demon king. Just ask him if he wants a wife and children, if he wants to, then come to this Hanging Mountain, if not, our mother and I will set up our own family from now on, and have nothing to do with him, the great sage of peace!"

And after finishing talking like this, Yuan Lang couldn't help but secretly glanced at Lin Sen, and the Iron Fan Princess said, "You can see that the Bull Demon King speaks so bluntly!" After Lin Sen also nodded slightly, Yuan Lang bowed his hands and said, "Yuan Lang will do it now!"

When Yuan Lang rushed out of the Immortal Mansion in a hurry, Princess Iron Fan said to Qingling with a smile, "But I still have to trouble my sister to find a place for us to stay!"

Qingling is also a surname of Linglong, after the astonishment just now, she smiled sweetly at this time and said, "Everything my sister said is from my own family. How can I be so polite, but Qingling just happened to know a very quiet person?" It is the most suitable place for my sister to live in!" (To be continued.)

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