What I saw was that Zhen Yuanzi's face suddenly became strange, and then he looked at the two people with serious faces and smiled, "It's not because I don't want to relieve you for you. Although Sakyamuni Buddha has boundless Dharma, my means are It's not necessarily that he will be weaker than him!" Zhen Yuanzi's words really revealed absolute confidence, and he was speaking of the same seniority as the Sanqing Daoist and the second Buddhist sage, and if it was talked about, it was Shakyamuni elders!

"Great Immortal, what do you mean by these words?" Lin Sen immediately asked suspiciously, and the pipa spirit also said anxiously, "The little demon is stupid, please ask the Great Immortal to clarify!"

However, Zhen Yuanzi smiled strangely and said, "This forbidden method of contact is far away in the sky and close in front of you!" After Zhen Yuanzi finished speaking, Lin Sen couldn't help being stunned. Apart from the two of them in this temple, only myself is left. Could it be that the way to lift the restriction is not working on me?

And the pipa spirit also looked at Lin Sen with doubts, and then looked at Zhen Yuanzi, obviously waiting to clarify his doubts!

But Zhen Yuanzi looked at Lin Sen with a deep smile on his face and said, "The restriction imposed by the Tathagata Buddha is really ingenious," and then looked at the pipa master with a smile, "If I read correctly , the way to lift your prohibition must fall on the reincarnation of the golden cicada who learned the scriptures!"

As soon as Zhen Yuanzi finished speaking, the pipa immediately nodded his head and said, "That's right, that's right, the Tathagata Buddha once said that he left a breath in my body, only Only the reincarnation of the golden cicada can dissolve it, otherwise, the only way is to die!"

And when he heard that what Zhen Yuanzi said was the golden cicada, Lin Sen immediately guessed something, but he was not quite sure, he just asked doubtfully, "Great Immortal, could it be that this is restricted there?" Is it related to the six-winged golden silkworm?"

Zhen Yuanzi immediately laughed and said, "That's right! That's right! Xiaoyou Lin, you are really smart!" Then with that weird smile on his face, he said, "The person who learned the scriptures is the reincarnation of Jin Chanzi He was punished to be reincarnated only because he despised Buddhism. Although his ferocious physical body still remained in the Lingshan, but in his spirit, the ferocity of the prehistoric five bears still existed, and that The breath left by Shakyamuni Buddha in your body is to use your hands to temper the golden cicada's spiritual thoughts, and at the same time to use the golden cicada, which is profound in Buddhism, to serve you Lay down the foundation of Buddhism, so that you can be saved in that Buddhism!"

As soon as Zhen Yuanzi finished speaking like this, coupled with the weird smile on his face, Lin Sen and Pipa immediately looked at each other as acquaintances, and Lin Sen asked slightly hesitantly in his heart, " Daxian means, let me take the place of the golden cicada and help Pipa refine this breath?"

After Zhen Yuanzi nodded slightly, Lin Sen said in astonishment, "Since the Tathagata Buddha was prepared for the Tang monk, how can I replace it!" The Buddha came to the experience gift package prepared by the Buddha for the golden cicada, but now Zhen Yuanzi is going to let Lin Sen take the place of the golden cicada to receive the big gift package, but such a good thing, especially the Buddhist sect will not recognize it Methods!

Upon hearing this, Zhen Yuanzi immediately smiled and said, "Of course there is a method of identification, but the method of identification is not aimed at that golden cicada, but at the peerless fierceness of that golden cicada, the prehistoric five fierce insects." Severe spirit!" As soon as Zhen Yuanzi finished speaking, he looked at Lin Sen with piercing eyes.

And Lin Sen also laughed at the moment, the golden cicada is one of the five fierce insects in the wild, and the multi-eyed golden centipede is also one of the five fierce insects in the wild, although the multi-eyed golden centipede is already in the forest. Sen's hands disappeared in the prehistoric world, but the spirit of vitality in that body has been sucked into that body by Lin Sen!

The huge body of energy settled into the potential of his bloodline, and at this time Lin Sen was no different from the multi-eyed golden centipede, one of the five prehistoric five fierce insects.

"Thank you Great Immortal for bestowing the Dharma!!" Lin Sen was overjoyed suddenly. If this is the case, it would be a really great thing, and there is no need for Yu Nazhen Yuanzi to be polite. There is no way to ask for it, but It's direct or thank you for the Dharma!

As for such a word, Zhen Yuanzi immediately smiled and said, "You boy, hahaha..." Amidst the loud laughter, there were two divine lights, flying into Lin Senyu respectively In the body of that pipa essence!

Seeing that Lin Sen was very happy with his clothes on the pipa, Zhen Yuanzi smiled and said, "Looking at how eager you are, I won't keep you any longer, so let's go!" It's not polite to keep people, but let them go directly!

"Thank you, Great Immortal! Then Lin Sen is not welcome!" Lin Sen cupped his hands and said, and the pipa master also had a look of surprise on his face, and thanked Zhen Yuanzi again and again, "Thank you, Great Immortal!! Thank you very much Daxian!!"

Then they saw that Zhen Yuanzi's sleeves were rolled up, and the two of them felt that the world was gone, but after waking up for a moment, the two of them were already outside the Mountain of Ten Thousand Beasts!

Good means!Lin Sen couldn't help thinking in his heart, Zhen Yuanzi just now was the way to show the strong man of great ambition, without the slightest aura of fireworks, even Lin Sen didn't feel it at all, it just appeared on the mountain outside.

And that pipa essence is different from that Lin Sen, it is not lamenting the methods of Zhen Yuanzi, who is the Great Immortal Zhen Yuan with such methods, but savoring the changes between life and death carefully, although It hasn't been long since entering the Mountain of Thousand Beasts, but the mood is completely different!

Then he looked at Lin Sen with a smile on his face and said, "Brother Lin Sen will take care of him from now on!" But before he knew it, God had already sent this vitality to his eyes!

At this time, the pipa is alive and well, so naturally he is excited, and Lin Sen is guarding the Tang Monk's experience gift bag, so he is naturally itchy. The time was wasted outside, the two of them immediately turned back to the mountain in a hurry, and they hurried all the way without delay!

As soon as he entered the mountain, Lin Sen didn't even meet Qing Ling and the others, so he rushed into the hall with the pipa.

Although the sex passed down by Zhen Yuanzi requires two people to share their hearts, they are not allowed to meet each other as in the original book, and the urgent thing at the moment is to sit cross-legged on the cloud bed Looking at each other, I couldn't help but feel a little nervous in my heart!

Lin Sen glanced at the pipa master slightly anxiously and said, "I don't know how the pipa is prepared?" And the pipa master also gave Lin Sen a charming look, and Mei smiled and said, "The pipa has already been prepared, although brother Lin Yes, you can come!" That charming gaze is more like a woman!

Although the two of them looked different at this time, they were generally rigorous in their hearts, and even after studying Zhen Yuanzi's body carefully, they made sure that there was no problem.

It was Lin Sen who raised the vicious insect breath of the multi-eyed golden centipede, and attracted it to the body of the pipa essence, and following the pull of this breath, the pipa immediately looked happy, and then the blackness covering the whole body In the breath, a finger-thick golden Buddha's light slowly emerged from his belly.

As the aura rose higher, Pipa's face became more joyful, and the problem that had troubled him for not so long was finally about to be solved!

The red lips that have not passed through the multi-level suddenly opened, and when he opened his mouth, a golden light came out, shining like a golden aura, like a little golden dragon between the bodies of the two circling!

It's done!Both of them couldn't help being happy, and Pipa Jingmianshan's joy was even better. Before, this thing couldn't move even a little bit no matter how it was driven, but now under the guidance of Lin Sen's breath, it turned out to be It just came out spontaneously like this, and the rest is to refine this thing!

Although this breath is subtle, it is the gift of the Tathagata Buddha to the golden cicada, and the refinement of the pipa essence. It contains the Tathagata Buddha's boundless understanding of the Buddhist secrets, but now this thing But it has completely become the experience gift package of Lin Sen and the two.

Rulai's original plan was to use Tang Monk's comprehension of Buddhism to wash away the wildness and fierceness in the body of the pipa spirit, and to lay the foundation for him to enter Buddhism, but now the one who draws this breath is Lin Sen, this result is completely different from Tang Seng!

Seeing the aura hovering in front of them, Lin Sen and his two hearts settled down slightly, and after studying the aura carefully, the two looked at each other, although they were speechless, they both looked at each other. The determination in the opponent's eyes!

This is the method handed down by Zhen Yuanzi, to probe that Buddha Yuan with spiritual thoughts, and although the pipa essence is not able to understand body thoughts, but it is also the method passed down by Zhen Yuanzi, to the Buddha Yuan. Explore the power of tempering in it!

The two walked down together, and the golden Buddha element immediately spun rapidly between the two of them, bursts of pale golden aura poured out from it, swaying towards the body of the pipa, and this time At that time, the pipa who had already closed his eyes and practiced his skills frowned slightly, obviously it was not a good feeling!

But the transmission of spiritual thoughts to Lin Sen opened Lin Sen's horizons. Although this ray of spiritual thoughts is only a strand, in Lin Sen's eyes, it is as vast and vast as a boundless ocean. From this trace of aura, one can see how tyrannical and boundless the Tathagata's spiritual cultivation is.

Lin Sen had always boasted of being a tyrannical person before, but now after seeing the traces of the Tathagata's divine sense, Lin Sen has seen what the vast and boundless spiritual sense is, which made him very private before. Even after the somewhat complacent divine thoughts, at this time before this ray of breath, he is as humble as an ant! (To be continued.)

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