If the previous proposal only moved the doubtful hearts of the two, then the subsequent sentence completely destroyed Yin Chi's psychological defense, and immediately shouted anxiously, "Is this true?"

It's just that Lin Sen didn't reply, and Yin Chi shouted excitedly, "We stay! We stay!!" Seeing his agitation, Yin Su stopped anxiously, "Father! ,..."

It's just that the words of comfort have not been uttered, but Yin Chi looked at her resolutely and said, "Susu, restoring the inheritance of the Black Water Snake is my long-cherished wish for my father, and it is also the wish of my entire Black Water Snake clan." , the long-cherished wish of countless ancestors, as long as there is a slight possibility, I will grasp it." Then he stared at Yin Su and said, "Father, I will definitely make you a real black water snake!"

Hearing what Yin Chi said, Yin Su could only sigh in her heart, looked at Lin Sen in the hall, and couldn't help but feel a little admiration in her heart, but this Lin Sen is too powerful, just a word , is to grasp the weakness of the father, but is the request really that simple?

At that moment, he shouted loudly, "We agree to your request, but can you promise us?" But this kind of shouting was like disappearing into the sea, and Lin Sen's voice never sounded again. Afterwards, Yin Su finally made up his mind and said, "Father, I will send you to rest first, and then go to the Hanging Mountain to report the news. I want to see what plans he has!"

At that moment, he supported Yin Chi and left slowly, before leaving, he gave Lin Sen in the hall a hard look!

Naturally, Lin Sen wasn't pretending to be profound, it's just that he didn't have time to be distracted at this time, and the previous words were just temporary intentions, but he didn't know how long it would take to get out of this retreat. Ling and the others were worried, so it's better to let Yin Su make a trip!

As for the decision, it is not that simple. From the beginning, Yin Su called the Black Water Snake Clan my clan, but when someone called two people my clan, there must be another person behind them. Huge group, Lin Sen really didn't want to have a large group of black water snakes come to disturb him when he was retreating. Although there is a Wujin staff, it is still a bit troublesome!

Or as soon as you leave the customs, you find yourself trapped in the endless snake clan, so it's better to be safe and set these two people here to talk!

But after those words were spoken, Lin Sen had no time to be distracted, but his divine sense had already carried the aura mixed in the crystal stone to his mind.

The Blackwater Snake Tribe researched this thing in the era, but they didn't discover this secret. Naturally, it's not that there are no amazing people in that clan, nor is it that there are no people with strong spiritual thoughts like Lin Sen, but that apart from Lin Sen, In this prehistoric world, no one would dare to make such a suicidal act!

It was wrong from the very beginning, so it is difficult for Ren, who is so talented and brilliant, to research the clues!

As the breath gradually approached the sea of ​​consciousness, Lin Sen couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. After all, although he has a high chance of winning the bet, there are always contingencies. If it is really not an inheritance, then he is Doomed!

When the mixed spiritual energy entered Lin Sen's sea of ​​consciousness, Lin Sen's heart almost stopped beating completely.

hold head high! ! !A low cry like a cow suddenly sounded in Lin Sen's mind, and at this sound, Lin Sen immediately smiled, betting right! !

Following the mighty howl that dominates the world, as soon as the mixed breath entered Lin Sen's mind, it suddenly exploded, spreading and expanding in all directions very quickly!

In an instant, the scenery before Lin Sen's spiritual thoughts has changed drastically. The majestic mountains and the broad rivers, although all these are the same as in this fairy world, they all have a sense of ancient vastness. Although there are hundreds of clans in that mountain, and there are even many auras that make Lin Sen uncomfortable and domineering, but the most obvious thing, that is, the source of the voice, is immediately caught in the eyes!

There is no other reason, but that body is too huge!

Lin Sen looked up, but what he saw was the huge black snake suspended in the sky, stretching endlessly. Rather than saying it was a living object, it was more like a wide and boundless crack in the blue sky. There is no whistling breath, but the coercion of that huge body is more terrifying than any breath!

"Is this the Black Water Profound Snake, one of the Twelve Demon Gods in ancient times?" Lin Sen stared blankly at the huge body above the sky, and subconsciously murmured, such a body, such a coercion , Is this the glory of the ancient monster race?Compared with the majesty at that time, the current Yaozu, to be honest, is too shabby!

And when Lin Sen was in a daze like this, the huge body in the air finally started to move slowly. It seemed that the movement was slow, but under the huge body, it was very fast, but The body above the sky was slowly rolling, but a huge head stretched out towards Lin Sen!

Under the pair of golden eyes again, Lin Sen couldn't help but subconsciously stepped back a few steps, but don't talk about Wu Wuxin, whoever is stared at by a head that is the size of the Hanging Mountain, will feel the same in his heart. Terrified, people like Lin Sen only took a few steps back, Lin Sen's heart is already very good!

That head looked at Lin Sen for a while, or looked at the void where Lin Sen was in for a while, then reincarnated and went to the sky, and at the same time, the deep voice sounded in Lin Sen's mind, "In the future The body is the foundation, gathering the water power of the world, the body is infinite, the law is infinite, and the power is infinite, it is the infinite body, the infinite law, and the infinite power...."

The giant snake volleyed in the air, shocking the world, and its sound was like a bell, piercing the soul!

Lin Sen, on the other hand, does not have a diameter, it is cultivation. Instead, he engraves every word and sentence in his heart, and engraves the scenes in front of him in his heart. At this time, his practice has formed his own system, his own Lu, this black water mysterious snake's technique is only for reference, but it will not be practiced directly!

And the giant snake was flying in the air, as if it wanted Lin Sen to demonstrate the practice of the kung fu. After such a demonstration, the scenery in front of Lin Sen suddenly changed!

The scene in front of me did not form a systematic picture like the previous ones. It was obviously formed in a hurry, or it was just some residual fragments with a deeper memory.

Although the scene is messy, it is extremely tragic, the howling battle, the blood sprinkled all over the prehistoric, the countless tyrannical and boundless breaths in the sky, the bright rays like the sun, the towering towers, and the wind, thunder and lightning controlled by the whole body. , the berserk giant in the red flames, and the last scene is the clearest, slowly falling down, melting, and then closing the eyes, the whole world is pitch black! (To be continued.)

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