Among the crowd, Xiong Ba should be the only bear. Since that monkey had fought against him before, he naturally knew the monkey's skills well. Seeing what he said, Lin Sen nodded slightly, but the look of doubt in his eyes was not. Deduct points, if it is really that monkey, how can it be unarmed? Is there some kind of conspiracy behind it!

Seeing the look in Lin Sen's eyes, Qing Ling also said, "Sister Luosha has also seen that monkey, and she will definitely not admit it wrong. If it wasn't for Sister Luosha, the monkey might really have voted for that thing!"

As soon as Qingling finished speaking, Lin Sen immediately gave him a questioning look, and then Qingling followed up and said, "After that day, when Monkey King saw that he couldn't exchange the treasure, he couldn't even grab it by force. Changing the light to darkness, it actually sneaked into the Hanging Mountain without a sound, but it happened to be met by Sister Luo Sha, and a fan sent it flying!" Speaking of this, Qing Ling couldn't help but admire, this The name Iron Fan Princess is really not for nothing, that fan is definitely the most powerful treasure in my cognition!

Hearing what Qing Ling said, Lin Sen cupped his hands to Princess Iron Fan again and again, "Thank you, sister, for saving me!" Then he asked suspiciously, "I just don't know where that brother-in-law is now!"

After being thanked by Lin Sen, Princess Iron Fan had a smile on her face, but Lin Sen's subsequent inquiry made her complexion suddenly darken, and then she said angrily, "Brother, don't you Thanks to me, this Hanging Mountain is my home, and I will do it when I meet a foreigner, if you are so polite, this sister of Hanging Mountain will not be able to live anymore!!" After finishing speaking, this is He gritted his silver teeth and said, "As for the dead cow, it has nothing to do with our mother and I, whoever he wants to go!"

After Princess Iron Fan said this, Lin Sen couldn't help laughing secretly. It seems that the Bull Demon King has gone back to Jilei Mountain, and there is nothing wrong now. If something happened, how could he be so peaceful now? Sitting here, I'm afraid he would have rushed to the Jilei Mountain a long time ago!

Although Princess Iron Fan was very depressed at the moment, Lin Sen finally felt relieved now. It seems that the man from Journey to the West still hadn't reached the Flame Mountain, so he smiled and asked Qing Ling again, "Say After a long time, you still haven't told me what kind of treasure you took!"

As soon as Lin Sen finished asking, Qing Ling immediately laughed and said, "That thing is in the hall now, if you want to see it, take it out yourself, but it took us a lot of effort to move it in. !"

move in!After Qing Ling finished speaking, Lin Sen understood slightly, it seemed that the thing was not small!At the moment, there was no leaving the Xiang'an Hall, only a slight movement of the divine mind, and everything in the hall clearly appeared in Lin Sen's mind.

However, a round stone pillar can be seen lying flat in the hall, the pillar is about three feet high, and it is as thick as two hands clasped. It is full of potholes. Like ordinary stalagmites dug out of caves!

However, Lin Sen absolutely does not believe that this thing will be ordinary. He still has confidence in Qingling's eyesight, so he immediately pulled towards the stone pillar with his spiritual sense. It was only then that Lin Sen showed a look of astonishment on his face and said, "It's so heavy!!!"

And Qingling and the others naturally knew what Lin Sen was talking about, so Jie covered his mouth and laughed!

Once he didn't move, Lin Sen knew the extraordinaryness of this thing. Immediately, his divine sense went all out, but he saw the stone pillar rising from the ground of the hall, and the diameter of it flew out and landed in front of everyone's eyes!

But the people all showed the look of astonishment on their faces, they got this thing in, and the weight is naturally very clear, but Lin Sen took it out so lightly, Qing Ling immediately smiled and said, "Brother's methods are becoming more and more mysterious!" Then he looked at the stone pillar in front of him and said, "This is the thing. Although it looks simple and unpretentious, it is extremely heavy. We have studied it for a long time. If you have a clue, big brother knows the mystery!"

Knowing that it was a good thing, but Qingling and the others felt that they had no way to deal with it. Now that Lin Sen came back, his elder brother often knew some secrets that others didn't know. Maybe he could really recognize what this treasure was!

"This thing...?" Lin Sen immediately hesitated slightly. In the eyes of everyone, he punched hard on the stone pillar, and the stone pillar trembled intermittently. , but the stalagmites on it are constantly falling at this time!

"What a strong force! What a hard fist!" Xiong Ba couldn't help but smacked his tongue secretly. Everyone naturally thought that the secret might be inside the stone pillar. As the most powerful person in the mountain, Xiong Ba had also hit it before. , but only knocked out a piece of stone, and smashing down so many stones like Lin Sen, this is how much strength is needed to do it. At this time, Xiong Ba couldn't help but feel a little dazed. How tyrannical is his cultivation!

"Hey! This thing is really hard!!" Seeing that his punch had only scratched some skin, Lin Sen couldn't help but whispered in surprise. No one knows the strength of his physical body better than himself. At first, he thought that at least It was possible to punch a punch hole on this stone pillar, but now it is just some skin, and now Li Linsen is even more curious about the stone pillar!

In the astonished eyes of everyone, the smiling Lin Sen suddenly turned into a violent maniac, waving his arms like a hot wheel, and the afterimages of his arms seemed to be hundreds of It was as if the arms were waving at the same time, but while the arms were waving, pieces of stone skin kept flying down from the stone pillar!

"Ah..." While his arms were flying, Lin Sen suddenly let out a shout, and then smashed his hands together on the extremely shrunken stone pillar that was already beaten by Lin Sen!

Calipers! !Calipers! !Under this last punch, there were bursts of cracking sounds from above the stone pillar, and then a dense crack spread along the stone pillar with Lin Sen's fist as the center.

With the sound of shattering, the moon and the urgency became dense, and suddenly coaxed!With a bang, countless shattered stones swayed down.

When the stones scattered all over the sky, what stood in front of everyone was a pitch-black pillar, smooth and shiny, definitely not a natural formation.

But on this pitch-black pillar, there are several strange golden pictures and texts engraved on it.

"Hunyuan Yiqi Fenghuo stick..." Lin Sen murmured as he looked at the golden picture and text, and there was a faint look in his eyes. The seal on the stick turned out to be that of the ancient monster clan. Word.

But Qingling and the others were even more astonished at this moment, looking at the golden pattern on the stick, Qingling couldn't help asking softly, "Brother, do you know what's on it?"

Lin Sen nodded slightly at the moment and said, "This is the ancient monster script. I have studied it recently. What is written on it is the name of this thing, Hunyuan Qifenghuo!!" And with Lin Sen's voice Words, a brilliant thick black light suddenly appeared on the Fenghuo stick.

It's just that the originally plain and unpretentious pitch-black pillars are suddenly filled with sunlight, and the sky is full of light, and the unyielding fighting spirit is wrapped in the bright brilliance, as if to poke a big hole in the sky Come!

The majestic fighting spirit in the stick made Lin Sen more and more certain that this thing must belong to the ancient demon court, and only the great demon of the ancient demon court could cultivate such an unyielding fighting spirit !

It seems that because of being in the dust for many years, at this moment, he finally met someone he knew, and after the stick swayed bursts of brilliance, it finally returned to peace slowly!

"Stick? Weapon?" Qing Ling murmured suspiciously, then looked up at the stick that was about three feet high, and murmured involuntarily, "How could there be such a big weapon!"

But Lin Sen didn't answer, but looked at the stick and asked suddenly, "Xiong, you just said that Monkey King fought with you with his bare hands?"

"That's right!!" Xiong Ba nodded again and again, but he didn't repeat it. After all, bullying others empty-handed and not defeating them is nothing to brag about!

Lin Sen just nodded slightly. According to the words of Xiong Ba and the others, Lin Sen couldn't help but understand the whole story of this matter after contacting this thing, and a name appeared in it immediately It seems that everyone has misunderstood, that monkey is definitely not Sun Wukong, but someone else, and in this fairy world, who has the same ability as that monkey, who else is there? Woolen cloth!

Lin Sen smiled slightly, and then directly shouted loudly, "I know you can hear me, and I know you want this stick, so just show up and promise me one condition, if not, I dare to promise you here , no matter how powerful you are, you will never see this stick for a second time in this life!"

Lin Sen's sudden cry caused everyone to be puzzled, who was Lin Sen talking to?Could it be that Monkey King is right next to him, how is it possible!If the monkey was in the mountain, how could everyone not know about such a tight defense!

And amidst the doubts of the crowd, a voice suddenly sounded from behind the crowd, "What conditions do you have!!!!"

Someone, everyone couldn't help being horrified, there are so many people here, but they didn't realize when someone came in, and listening to that voice, who could it be if it wasn't the dead monkey! ?

After the voice sounded, Lin Sen couldn't help showing a smile on his face, then looked behind the crowd, and said with a soft smile, "It really is you!!" (To be continued.)

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