It's just that although Lin Sen knew it at this time, he was hesitant now. If he gave the stick to Liu Er, then he would naturally go to find the Monkey King and die in the Western Paradise!

Naturally, Lin Sen didn't want to see this. After the name of the six-eared macaque popped up in his heart, it suddenly magnified in his mind. The six-eared macaque is definitely not a loser For the genius of Monkey King, even that day is far above that of Monkey King who has been arranged step by step since he was born!

When Sun Wukong was apprenticed to a teacher, the Bodhi Patriarch would naturally teach the skills suitable for Sun Wukong, and the supernatural powers suitable for Sun Wukong were naturally suitable for the six-eared monkey who was also one of the four monkeys in the chaos and learned from the sidelines.

Some people will say that it is normal for these six ears to have the same ability as Monkey King for the same learning, but don’t forget that if Monkey King is a teacher who is very fond of him, he will open a small stove in private and answer all questions. , the six-eared macaque is an auditor that even the teacher dare not enter.

Although it is normal listening, the difference is huge. Although the two monkeys have average aptitude, they are two creatures after all, and their thinking is naturally different. When the ancestor gave lectures, Sun Wukong may understand something. Ask, but what Sun Wukong doesn't understand is not necessarily what the six-eared monkey doesn't understand.

Therefore, the six-eared macaque has been learning by eavesdropping and its own understanding, while the Monkey King is taught by a famous teacher all the time. This gap can be described as a world of difference!

Afterwards, the gap was indeed even greater. Although Sun Wukong committed boundless crimes by making troubles in the sky, he received a lot of benefits. Jun Jindan, the immortal fruit of the fairy family, is countless, and later it was refined into the indestructible golden body in the old gentleman's alchemy furnace, and these are not available in the six-eared miraculous monkey!

All he had was in an unknown place, silently gritted his teeth and practiced, while listening to the monkey who had the same background as him but was ignorant of the world, getting opportunities again and again!

It can be said that if Sun Wukong finally had this magical power through continuous chance and the calculations of the people, then the six-eared macaque reached the height it is today purely by virtue of its own efforts. Talent is naturally visible at a glance!

To be honest, seeing such a monster genius go to die, Lin Sen is naturally a little bit reluctant, but if he wants to dissuade him, Lin Sen also knows that he will never be able to persuade the six-eared monkey. It's all because he can't hide it from his ears. In terms of knowledge and knowledge, he doesn't know how much stronger than Monkey King. I'm afraid that when he is about to prove himself, he is already ready to die!

"Haven't you figured it out yet?" Seeing Lin Sen staring at him in a daze, the six-eared macaque immediately had a weird expression on his face, and asked again, and at the same time kept muttering in his heart, this Lin Sen What the hell are you planning!

As for the six-eared macaque's questioning again, Lin Sen woke up from the thoughts in his head, and then looked at the six-eared macaque, with a smile on his face and said, "You are to yourself. Be confident in your strength!"

"Of course!!" The six-eared monkey said confidently. He was wearing a Golden Immortal's early stage cultivation, which he had accumulated bit by bit. Sun Wukong, who has always had opportunities since he was born, will definitely not be inferior in the slightest!

Seeing his self-confidence, Lin Sen immediately smiled and said, "Since this is the case, then I have an idea!" After the six-eared monkey nodded, Lin Sen smiled and said, "You fight with me!" One game, if you win, I will give you this stick, if you lose, then promise me one thing!"

Lin Sen himself just wanted to test his current strength, and didn't the six-eared macaque come to his door?The Monkey King is now the focus of attention, but the six-eared monkey doesn't have many eyes, so he can confidently and boldly show his full strength and compete with him!

As soon as Lin Sen finished speaking, Qingling and the others immediately yelled, "Brother!! How can this be possible, this monkey is really powerful!" "Master, no!"

Before Lin Sen could speak, he saw the bear and said with a smile, "Okay! Alright! Be quiet, I don't think Master Lin is necessarily weaker than this six-eared macaque!" He had just fought against Lin Sen. , The strength sent back from the big gun is not much different from the strength of Monkey King and the monkey in front of him!

"Brother, are you sure?" Qing Ling stepped forward and said with a smile, "Sister Pipa and Brother Xiong Ba both said that this monkey is definitely not worse than that Monkey King, if not, let's change the terms!" Although he spoke in a low voice at the beginning, but after saying a few words, he remembered that the ears of the six-eared mica can be heard by the whole world, not to mention the words that are so close now, he said them louder now!

"Is there anything in this world that is absolutely sure!" Lin Sen immediately looked at the six-eared mica and said with a smile, and then looked at Lin Sen with a smile and said, "Don't worry, if I I really lost your stick, I must find you a similar baby back!!" After the Qingling showed a satisfied look on his face, Lin Sen laughed secretly in his heart, this Qingling was not born as a dragon The battle was lost, but the money-greedy son, Bi Nalong, didn't check at all!

And after everyone backed away, the six-eared monkey looked at Lin Sen and said, "Are you sure you don't regret it? I don't want to hurt you, but once a fight starts, I may not be able to hold back my hands and feet!" "The least people who can recognize it at a glance, the six-eared macaque really doesn't want to hurt Lin Sen!

Immediately, Lin Sen danced the Wujin stick in his hand, then looked at the six-eared monkey and said with a smile, "You can rest assured that you can use your full strength."

Looking at this very serious and serious snail at this time, Lin Sen couldn't help but feel a little bit sad, just because the Taoist ancestor's joke that he didn't pass on the scorpion made the snail's life His tragic fate, what kind of aptitude is that of the four monkeys in the chaotic world, as soon as he was born, there were so many people scrambling to accept apprentices, and he learned all-round skills.

But this six-eared macaque is just the opposite. Not only is it bumping into walls everywhere, and no one teaches its way, but the current ability is also learned secretly when Monkey King was studying art, and because of this, he owes him a debt and even makes him The great karma of repaying with one's life!

And now it turns out that even the identified weapon can be given up, and the reason for giving up is that Lin Sen didn't recognize it as a trivial matter like Monkey King! (To be continued.)

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