Leaving aside the shock of the people in the mountains after Lin Sen revealed his strength, as well as their respective plans, Lin Sen's battle with the six-eared mica is at the moment of excitement!

"Not bad!!! I heard before that your cultivation base is average, but you only got this family business through business contacts. It seems that you can't believe all the rumors!" The voices, although they are all just phantoms under the extremely fast speed, but at this time, they seem to be all real, so real that although the smile on that face is imaginary, they are not exactly the same, and it is at this moment In the midst of such a fight, there is still time to be distracted and joking. Obviously, it is still far from exerting its full combat power!

"The tentative attack is over, you should use your real strength next!" Lin Sen also said with a smile, judging from that relaxed tone, it is obvious that he is far from exerting his full combat power !

And the conversation between the two now, if it spreads out to the people watching the battle, they will probably fall out of their eyes in horror. Such a mighty battle is just a probing attack by two people. What would happen if he really exerted his full strength, wouldn't even the mountains, rivers and earth be smashed to pieces!

"In that case..." the six-eared micago let out a long cry, and the figure that filled the sky suddenly retracted, and shouted loudly at Lin Sen, "You and I will fight in the sky!!" Then the golden figure rushed straight Facing the sky, that huge body grew longer against the wind, and in an instant it turned into a huge ape that pierced the sky, like the ancient demon god, and let out a long and violent roar to the sky, "Roar... "The sound of fine iron thunder is more harmful than the roar of tigers and dragons!"

"What is this!?" "Where is this demon king?" Naturally, the heavy demon in Xingfang couldn't be seen on the day of the battle between the two of them, but now the six-eared michamus flew into the sky and turned into this The image of the demon god, the huge power, even in the Xingfang that day, the heavy demon was shocked and retreated again and again, shouting in horror!

And among the crowd, there is naturally someone who has a broad vision. When he put it down, he looked at the sky and shouted anxiously, "That's Monkey King!! The Monkey King who made trouble in the Heavenly Palace 500 years ago!! This evil star is not Sui Na Tang Seng Did you come here to learn from the scriptures? Why did you come to this Hanging Mountain, what a good way to do it this time!" And with this shout, he immediately thought that he was not going anywhere, that Sun Wukong was one of the seven great sages of the monster clan, Naturally, it is known all over the world, but most people have only heard the name of Qi, but they have never seen the appearance!

At this time, everyone started to discuss, "Why did Sun Wukong come to Tianxingfang to make trouble!" "It's over! Tianxingfang is over!" What a terrifying cultivation!" "This is Monkey King!"

And the voices of the people talking like this naturally fell into the ears of the six-eared monkey, and this voice was the most disgusting thing, probably because others recognized it as the Monkey King. The language in the mountain in the first hall, which was originally a ferocious face, became even more violent at this time, and uttered a loud howl at that day's Xingfang, "Shut up..."

His body was even bigger than the Hanging Mountain at this time, and his roar was like Tian Tianwei's power, and the expressions of everyone in Tian Xingfang were shocked, but he saw the six-eared monkey again. He yelled at the mountain, "Master Lin Fang, you still dare to fight me!" The towering ape demon god, with his majestic fighting spirit that shattered the clouds, sent out so suddenly at this time, but it made the world Everyone's expression changed, in the eyes of everyone, there was nothing but this violent and ferocious ape!

While this roar shocked everyone, the words in his mouth also made everyone stunned, Fangzhu Lin?The tyrannical monster that was created in the Monkey King battle just now turned out to be Lin Fangzhu of Tian Xingfang?How can it be?

"Why don't you dare!!" Just when everyone was so amazed, a voice slowly sounded in everyone's minds. It didn't have the majestic momentum of the monkey and the tyrannical blood, but it was calm and ethereal. Change, so that the person who hears it doesn't know where the sound is coming from, or even is not sure if anyone is talking!

This kind of method is even more frightening than the tyrannical aura that the six-eared mica confronted directly. It is such invisible and intangible things that make people fear the most!

This voice came out with divine thoughts, but all the little monsters in the mountains could hear it. The reason for such a revealing method was that Lin Sen also wanted to take the opportunity to give the monsters in the Tianxingfang A deterrent, since the yellow-robed monster left, although Tianxingfang has become bigger and bigger, but the deterrent power is getting smaller and smaller, and today Lin Sen wants to take this opportunity to tell all the monsters in the world , there are not only yellow-robed monsters in Tianxingfang, if you want to cause trouble in Tianxingfang, you have to make sure you are not enough!

Just when everyone was shocked by Lin Sen's methods, they only saw the berserk giant ape. Suddenly, the huge mountain-like fist violently smashed towards the mountain, and the violent force surrounding the fist, However, everyone in the mountain couldn't help being terrified. If this punch is real, will this fairy mountain be smashed to pieces?

Just when everyone was panicking, the sharp-eyed Ran suddenly pointed at the mountain and shouted loudly, "Look, where is it!!" Following that gaze, another brilliance flashed across the mountain. , and then a black-robed Taoist slowly grew and flew out from the mountain, and also transformed into a huge giant. The fist that was also growing, flew out of the body, and at the same time it suddenly flew towards the arm of the giant ape. smash it!

Boom! !A loud noise resounded through the heaven and earth, and the violent vigor was that the clouds on that day also spread in all directions suddenly. Even with the protection of the prohibition outside the fairy mountain, the fairy mountain was swept by a hurricane, howling Among them, I don't know how many monsters were blown away by the wind!

But the Yalong Mountain under the Hanging Mountain was not so lucky. Under the violent energy of the collision, with the two of them as the center, the entire Yalong Mountain was avalanche, vegetation rolled up, and earth and rocks were cracked.

When the earth and rocks caused by the violent air wave blew past, looking up, Yalong Mountain, the real brother, had almost completely disappeared, and what remained on the ground was only a huge and continuous pothole, and the underground At this time, the water flow is continuously flowing into the pothole!

The power of one blow was so powerful that it turned Yalong Mountain into Yalong Lake from now on!

While the stunned observers watched the battle, they stared blankly at the two giants confronting each other in the sky, and then blankly looked at the big lake below the mountain. After going back and forth several times like this, they looked at each other again immediately. Look, after confirming that he was not dreaming, he couldn't help but shuddered all over his body, screaming in his heart, "It's mine! How much strength must be put on this punch!"

Then he stared blankly at the giant Yu the giant ape that day, what kind of cultivation these two people are, they are simply monsters!

"You actually know how to manipulate the heavens and the earth!" Liumihou looked at Lin Sen with a little astonishment and said, this supernatural power is different from magic spells, there are only so many supernatural powers in this world, and This kind of magic power consumes very little, but it is a supernatural power with great power, but it is naturally controlled by major forces and some ancient powers, and rarely spread to the outside world, and the supernatural power of the six-eared monkey is naturally Stealing it from the Bodhi Patriarch, he thought he could win with one blow, but he didn't expect that Lin Sen was also proficient in this supernatural power!

Lin Sen didn't answer him, but a faint smile curled up on the corner of his mouth, and then his eyes looked up to the ground. His body was newly trained, but Lin Sen didn't expect that this punch would have such an impact. With such power, if they continue to fight like this, it won't take long for the surrounding mountains and rivers to be smashed to pieces by them. When the time comes, their lives will be ruined, and the power of sin will be wrapped around the two of them.

At that moment, he smiled and said to the six-eared monkey, "I can't stretch my fists here, but you dare to follow me to that outer starry sky to fight!" The outer starry sky is barren, where can you fully unfold your arms and legs .

The six-eared monkey immediately laughed loudly and said, "Why don't you dare!!"

Seeing his agreement, Lin Sen just smiled slightly, and then flew up, above the clouds to the starry sky outside the domain, and the miraculous monkey would naturally follow in a hurry!

"Oh! Oh!! How did you go away!" A monster in Tianxingfang who was looking at the fascinated monster saw Lin Sen suddenly soaring into the sky and disappearing into the sky, he was in a hurry shouted, and there are naturally not a few people who have thoughts like them, and the excitement is watching, why is there no more!

And among the crowd, there is naturally someone who understands, and immediately explained to the confused people around him, "You wild monsters, you don't even know this. The strength of the two of you is too strong. If you fight here !! See you!!" Then he pointed to the huge lake below him and said, "I'm afraid that this will happen in a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles, and then the power of sin will be great!"

"Oh!!" Chong Yao suddenly realized, and then asked, "Then where are they going now!?"

And then the knowing demon proudly said, "Today, I will let you all know, but whenever the big monk fights, he will go to the starry sky outside the territory!"

"External starry sky?" Immediately, the little demon asked, "Where is it? What does it look like?"

And this inquiry, everyone was completely silent, the Nine Heavens Stellar Wind in the outer starry sky can blow even fine steel, how could they have the opportunity to see the scene of that place with their strength! (To be continued.)

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