However, since Lin Sen persuaded the six-eared mihou, the two of them finally let go of one thing. Lin Sen, who was eager to let Yuan Nie integrate into the Hanging Mountain, naturally would not let him stay here. After saying that, let him go to find the bear and discuss the celebration together tonight!

And Yuan Nie just walked away, Qingling walked in behind, and said with a smile, "Brother! The news has spread!"

"How? What's the effect?" Lin Sen also asked with a smile. With the death of the yellow-robed monster, all the heavy monsters thought that Tianxingfang was in danger, but Lin Sen suddenly threw out a series of The blockbuster bomb is to let the focus demon know that the strength of Xuankong Mountain will always be something he looks up to!

"What else!" Qingling laughed immediately, "The entire Fangshi was ignited, and the disappearance is still spreading to the surroundings. In less than ten days, the entire Xiniu Hezhou will be able to know what happened today. Something!" Speaking of this, Qingling's tone could not help but be proud, as one of the four major continents, how big Xiniu Hezhou is, it is difficult for everyone to summarize, but the management of the past few years has made Qingling Ling has this confidence!

"That's right! Our King Qingling has hands and feet that reach the sky now!" Lin Sen laughed at the moment, and at the same time he was very relieved. If there was no Qingling, Tianxingfang would definitely be different now, and what would happen now? He said gratefully, "Qing Ling, you have worked hard all these years. If Tianxingfang didn't have you, how would it be today's scale!"

Qingling also smiled at the moment, "What did you say, brother! They are all from my family, so why bother to thank you so much! Tonight, brother will be punished with a drink!" Seeing Qingling's mischievous smile, Lin Sen laughed immediately I got up and said, "This law!! You should be punished!! Haha!!"

After the two laughed like this, Lin Sen asked with a smile, "Qing Ling, do you know where the man from Journey to the West has gone?" Now that the six-eared monkey matter is settled, Then Lin Sen will put all his mind on the Journey to the West!

"Just passed the Daughter Country!" Lin Sen just asked, but Qing Ling answered without thinking!

But Lin Sen couldn't help being slightly taken aback. How could Qingling know so clearly? It's not that he doubted Qingling, but subconsciously found it strange. He asked with a smile, "Why do you suddenly care about Journey to the West? Something is coming!"

Qingling smiled immediately, and glanced at Lin Sen with bright eyes, "Brother still said it! Obviously I said it myself, so I don't want to interfere with the Journey to the West, but after the matter came to an end, I still intervened many times. Brother understands that this matter is definitely not going to end so easily, and brother must have other plans later on, so of course I must keep an eye on this Westward Journey!"

As soon as Qingling finished speaking, Lin Sen saw Qingling's little complacent look, and immediately smiled and said, "You're the only one with a smart brain!" The catastrophe after that was almost wiped out by myself, and what was left to face the monkey and his party was the impenetrable Flame Mountain, which meant that the monkey and his party were about to bump into the bull demon king!

To be honest, except for Lin Sen, no one in the Earth Immortal Realm can be sure. The Journey to the West is also aimed at the Bull Demon King. After all, neither Jilei Mountain nor Cuiyun Mountain is on the Westward Journey Road!

While the two were chatting like this, a piece of jade on Qingling's neck suddenly lit up, and then a calm voice came out of it, "My lord, Fangzhu Hu, together with his younger brother, are paying homage outside. Mountain!"

Lin Sen was slightly taken aback, and then said, "Let them in!" The voice on the other end, after hearing that it was Lin Sen's voice, was obviously a little excited, "Yes!!"

"Hu Xiang'er? What are they doing here!" Lin Sen said to himself in confusion. Although Xingfang was also in the Hanging Mountain that day, other than Lin Sen, who is in the Hanging Mountain, no one else has the right to enter the Hanging Mountain. In the realm, once you enter, not to mention the horrific restrictions all over the mountains and plains, the ten steps, one post, and five to one less in the mountain are absolutely daunting. Therefore, although Hu Xiang'er is also one of the owners of Tianxingfang, but If you want to enter the range of the Hanging Mountain, you still have to notify and ask for Lin Sen's consent!

Qingling smiled slightly at the moment and said, "What else could it be? But be careful not to get lost!"

These young Lingling and Hu Xianger's business in the market can be described as fighting openly and secretly. Although Qingling has the upper hand everywhere with the advantage of a huge backing, but he is also well aware of Hu Xianger's methods!

"Haha! Then it's all up to King Qingling to order!" Seeing Qingling's vigilant look, Lin Sen said with a smile, but Qingling gave him another hard look!

In the midst of the jokes between the two, the two sisters, Hu Xianger and brother, were led by the little demon to the outside of the hall. After the little demon left in a hurry, Hu Xianger was right. Looking at the main hall, he called out, "Hu Xiang'er, together with my younger brother, pay homage to Master Lin Senfang!"

"Hahaha!!!" There was a burst of hearty laughter, but Lin Sen walked out of the hall with Qingling quickly, and greeted Hu Xiang'er very affectionately, "Sister Xiang'er, it's been a long time Haven't seen each other!" Lin Sen's words were really not mysterious at all, since the opening of this Tianxingfang, everyone was busy on their own, although the distance is not far, but they haven't seen each other for many years!

Hu Xiang'er also smiled at the moment, "I haven't seen it for many years, Brother Lin's change makes Xiang'er ashamed!" The change in his words obviously refers to Lin Sen's cultivation!

"Thank you! Thank you!" Lin Sen replied casually with a smile on his face!

And Qingling came forward with a smile and said, "Sister Xiang'er has a lot of things to do, why do you have time to come and play in my mountain today! Why don't I send someone to make an idea for you!"

As soon as Qing Ling finished speaking, Hu Xiang'er did not fight back as before, but looked at Lin Sen with straight eyes and said, "I'm taking the liberty to come here today, but if I want to talk to you Master Lin to discuss!" After finishing speaking, without waiting for Lin Sen and the two to ask questions, he said directly, "Return to Fang Master Lin and take back the rights and interests of Tianxing Fang in Xiang'er's hands!" (To be continued.)

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