As soon as Lin Sen finished speaking, Qing Ling immediately smiled and said, "I thought there was a problem! I don't like prostitution at all, and besides, there are more and more masters in this mountain, so I'm the only one left there." !" But under Lin Sen's gaze, the smile on Qing Ling's face stiffened slightly!

Lin Sen sighed and said, "I know your aptitude best. Among the three of you, your aptitude is the highest, but Tianxingfang has really shared too much of your energy these years. If it continues like this , Remember that you don’t want to make progress in your cultivation!" Then he smiled slightly and said, "Now that Hu Xiang'er has joined, your energy can be shared. Seriously, first let your strength reach Xuanxian!"

"Brother! You don't want me to take care of Tianxingfang anymore?" Qing Ling asked back in astonishment!

But seeing Lin Sen smiled slightly, and said softly to Qingling, "This Tianxingfang is just a foreign object. As our strength improves, his help to us will become less and less, and the strength is really our own, I say so Do you understand?" Seeing the serious expression on Lin Sen's face, Qing Ling couldn't help but nodded, she naturally understood this truth, but with the management of Tianxingfang these years, she had already forgotten the star heart!

Seeing that Qingling understood, Lin Sen just smiled, and then put his finger on Qingling's forehead, but a bit of aura did not enter Qingling's mind, and when Qingling saw clearly what Lin Sen had been with After something, his eyes couldn't help but widen and he said, "This is..."

Then Lin Sen laughed and said, "This is the supreme forging method of my monster clan passed down by the sage Nuwa. You are a snake clan, but this method is most suitable for you!" Then he thought for a while Afterwards, he said, "On weekdays, you can also deduce it with Sister Chiyun and Sister-in-law Jinning. Maybe you can speed up the road of cultivation!"

As soon as Lin Sen said this, he obviously agreed with Qingling to pass this on to Chi Yun and Jin Ning, and then a very happy smile appeared on his small face and said, "Thank you, brother!!" Then It is like the cheerful lark, jumping up in the moonlight!

After a night of silence, the entire Hanging Mountain fell into a trance, and after the next morning, Hu Xiang'er was shocked to learn from Lin Sen that the entire Tianxingfang was handed over to their siblings for management. Hu Xiang'er, who had just entered the mountain, was suddenly stunned, and immediately accepted this acceptance with gratitude, approaching Hu Qixiu's inability to make progress, and now he can only feel that he is in the management of Tianxingfang. There are still some uses!

And the tens of thousands of monster soldiers that originally belonged to Yalong Mountain were all returned to the Hanging Mountain. In total, 10,000+ monster soldiers had accumulated on the Hanging Mountain, and these monster soldiers Divided into five teams, each led by Yuan Nie, Xiong Ba, Pipa, Hong Haier, and Yuan Lang!

The banners fluttered all day long in the fairy mountain, and amidst the demonic aura soaring into the sky, this Hanging Mountain can really be regarded as one of the great forces on Hezhou, Xiniu!

But after finishing the processing of the time in the mountains, Lin Sen is a person who is always thinking about sex. After ordering people to keep an eye on the man who traveled to the West, he is going to retreat every day!

And after Qing Ling got the demon body of that day, he finally escaped from the mundane world, so naturally he eagerly pulled that Chi Yun, Jin Ning!

As for Yuan Lang and Yang Lin, under the guidance of Yuan Nie, a master of the monkey clan, their cultivation has also improved by a thousand miles a day!

It can be said that now, the entire Hanging Mountain is thriving, and every day is in the process of rapid development!

The time in the ** is the fastest, and more than a month has passed like this, but I can see a stream of light rushing towards the main hall in the mountain in the Xingfang that day. Who is it if it’s not Hu Xiang’er inside, but Hu Xiang’er, who has always been calm, is slightly anxious at this moment, and after he hurriedly arrived outside the hall, he shouted in a hurry, “Hu Xiang’er begs to see the owner, Something important to report!"

But after he shouted like this, Lin Sen's laughing voice came out of his own ears, "Sister Hu! How many times have I told you not to be so formal, what's the matter!" After the words fell, Lin Sen The figure of Hu Xiang'er was already slowly turning from virtual to real in front of Hu Xiang'er.

Hu Xiang'er now has no time to marvel at Lin Sen's methods. She just said hastily, "Only the little demon will come to report. The Heavenly Court sent 80 troops. The King of Tota is in command, and he wants me to besiege Jilei Mountain!"

"What?" Lin Sen's voice suddenly rose, his eyes suddenly opened wide, staring at Hu Xiang'er as if to confirm the accuracy of the news, and then he said with a frown, "Didn't you just say that Tang Seng and his party came in yesterday?" Is it the territory of Jilei Mountain? Why is the Heavenly Court sending troops today!"

Although the Journey to the West only passed through the border of Jilei Mountain, Lin Sen still paid close attention to the person who traveled to the West every day, and even took pictures of the little demon who followed him from time to time. I wanted to report myself for a while, but I really didn't expect that yesterday it was fine, but today it is like this!

Hu Xiang'er then said very seriously, "The little demon reported that it should be that Sun Wukong couldn't pick up the banana fan, but that Monk Sha accidentally hurt the jade-faced princess, so that the Bull Demon King was furious and detained Tang Monk and his party." Come down!" This is naturally seen by the superficial perfection!

"Monk Sha!!" Lin Sen couldn't help but said coldly. It is not difficult to see that this matter was ordered by the heavens. There was no Princess Iron Fan, but the reason was given to Princess Yumian, and this side only let the population down. , the Heavenly Court sent troops over there, and it was obvious that they had already prepared well, and they were just waiting for Tang Seng and his party to arrive, so as to give them a pretext!

"Then how does Jilei Mountain react?" Lin Sendang even asked, 80 heavenly soldiers is not a small number, and Jilei Mountain has hundreds of thousands of demon soldiers, but the strength is obviously not equal. Li, if you are in a hurry now for the various demon kings in Xiniu Hezhou, hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers are naturally no problem, but Lin Sen is worried that time is too late.

And the other great sages of the monster clan are all on their own side at this time, and the heavens suddenly launched an attack. Even Lin Sen, who was close at hand, felt caught off guard. The rest of them waited until they reacted. It's already over!

"Jilei Mountain hasn't made any moves yet, it's just that the mountain is strictly guarded, and it seems that it wants to resist the 80 heavenly soldiers alone!" Hu Xiang'er also said slightly hesitantly, the action of the Bull Demon King seemed a bit strange to her!

"Hey!" Lin Sen couldn't help sighing. The Bull Demon King has his own arrogance, and he doesn't want to waste the little bit of strength that the monster race has finally accumulated. And out, spread all over the mountains and plains!

In an instant, the brilliance shone. Yuan Nie, Xiong Ba, Pipa, and even the secluded Qingling sisters, as well as Princess Iron Fan, mother and son, all arrived. They all looked at Lin Sen strangely, but in the end Qingling opened his mouth He asked, "Brother, what happened, you called us here so anxiously!"

Lin Sen immediately frowned and said, "Heavenly Court sent 80 soldiers to besiege Jilei Mountain!" As soon as Lin Sen said this, almost everyone gasped, 80 heavenly soldiers, what a concept this is!

But when everyone's complexion changed slightly, only Princess Iron Fan's complexion remained the same, not only did she not have the slightest worry, but she showed a faint sneer on her face, "80 Heavenly Soldiers?" , seems to disdain the 80 heavenly soldiers!

Seeing Princess Iron Fan's expression, Lin Sen asked suspiciously, "Sister, why are you not worried?" Princess Iron Fan is the first wife of the Bull Demon King, and judging from the previous situation, she still has something to do with the Bull Demon King. Deep feelings, such an expression at this moment, is there any secret in it!

But I heard the iron fan princess laughing, "Don't worry about that stupid cow! Although that stupid cow is not good in character! But its strength is tyrannical, but only 80 heavenly soldiers can't take him down!" In this world In fact, maybe no one understands the Bull Demon King better than the Iron Fan Princess, even the Jade Face Princess who is very beloved by the Bull Demon King.

As soon as Princess Iron Fan finished speaking like this, the worry in Lin Sen's heart not only did not subside, but became more vigorous, and immediately asked doubtfully, "Sister, are you sure? This is not a trivial matter!" Bull Demon King It is absolutely impossible to fall now, if it falls, the monster clan in Xiniu Hezhou will also disperse!

Moreover, Lin Sen clearly remembered that the Bull Demon King was defeated by that day's soldiers. Was it just because Princess Iron Fan and his wife were hostages?

"I'm sure!!" Princess Iron Fan said confidently and somewhat proudly, "Brother, what do you think of your brother-in-law's cultivation level!?"

When asked by him, Lin Sen was stunned. He had never seen through the cultivation of the Bull Demon King. He hesitated for a moment and said, "Brother-in-law's cultivation is as high as the sky, because he has the cultivation of the peak of the Golden Immortal." Why!" After all, in the original book, the Bull Demon King was eventually placed under Nezha's command. Although it was besieged by everyone, according to Lin Sen's estimation, his cultivation should be at the level of a golden immortal, or at the peak of a golden immortal. !

However, Princess Iron Fan cast her beautiful eyes away, but shook her head slightly, and this denial made the red boy also interested, and immediately asked anxiously, "Mother, my father How is your current cultivation?" In my heart, I was thinking about how much I should improve my cultivation so that I could clean up that heartbroken man for my mother!

Under the curious eyes of everyone around, Princess Iron Fan slightly opened her mouth and uttered two words, but it completely shocked everyone. What are these two words?But it's just the "two characters of Taiyi..." (to be continued.)

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