However, after the giant spirit god led the troops out, Li Jing naturally knew the methods of the giant spirit god. To deal with a small force that has only risen for more than ten years, even if the number is not dominant, it is absolutely no problem to drive it away. The matter of the Hanging Mountain at the moment was left behind by him. After all, the main thing now is the Bull Demon King of Hejilei Mountain. Is this the evil of the sky?

I don't know how many eyes are looking at me now. This battle is related to whether the majesty of the heaven can be restored, and there is absolutely no room for loss.

"Sound the horn! Beat the drum!" Li Jing flicked the command flag in his hand, and when the army stood up, the drums and horns sounded in unison.

And following his order, those huge soldiers came out on top of the cloud, and at the same time opened their mouths and shouted into the Jilei Mountain, "Jilei Mountain heavy demon, listen, wait for the cholera world to come!" If you don't release your Journey to the West monk today, my 80 celestial army will surely raze your Journey to the West to the ground!"

This kind of shouting is definitely not a waste of time by going through the motions. Naturally, the Bull Demon King would not come out and surrender just because of these few shouts.

The teacher is famous, but this time Tianting took action, it was based on the rescue of Tang Monk, if it is said that the Bull Demon King really let Tang Monk go, how can he beat him!

And the shouting now is undoubtedly blocking the back of the Bull Demon King. Either fight or call out Tang Seng. It seems that there are two choices, but at this moment, in front of so many eyes in the world, the Bull Demon King is How could it be possible to show weakness after such a threatening cry and hand over that monk!

Even if he didn't have the heart to embarrass the Tang monk before, he must be detained now. If he is allowed to leave like this, wouldn't it make the world think that he is afraid of the eighty heavenly soldiers and the heavenly court? This is how to let people go!

Therefore, although Li Jing's move seems superfluous, the implication is extremely vicious!

Such a shouting sound, amidst the sound of the drums and trumpets, seemed powerful and powerful. If it was an ordinary demon king, facing such an aura at this time, he might have lost his fighting spirit long ago. The moment is to go out of the mountain and surrender.

But this Jilei Mountain is the cave of the Bull Demon King, a big demon king who presumably rules over half of Xiniu Hezhou, how can the Bull Demon King be compared to such an ordinary demon king, so the soldiers under Li Jing shouted three or four times After that, bursts of laughter suddenly resounded in the Jilei Mountain!

At the beginning, the voice was very low, but it was very thick, as if the Jilei Mountains stretching for hundreds of thousands of miles were whispering, but as your voice gradually became higher and higher, that soaring laughter, domineering The full power and influence suddenly suppressed the 80 heavenly soldiers stretching endlessly on the mountain of accumulation!

And this soaring laughter, at this time, the people in Lin Sen who were dealing with the surrendered heavenly soldier not far away could not help but change their expressions slightly, and the one whose face changed the most was the belligerent Yuan Nie , staring at the direction of Jilei Mountain, couldn't help but murmured excitedly, "Is this the Bull Demon King? What a powerful force!"

And that Xiong Ba is also a militant, at this time he couldn't help holding the big gun in his hand tightly and said, "I really want to fight with him!"

Yuan Nie, on the other hand, was staring at the direction of Jilei Mountain, and the fighting spirit in his heart was involuntarily emerging layer upon layer, and Lin Sen also smiled when he got up, "You have won some today, so let's take these first." Let the fighting spirit explode until then!" After Lin Sen finished speaking like this, Yuan Nie's aura gradually dissipated, but the impulsive excitement in his eyes became more and more intense. It's diffused, just waiting for the time to explode!

The bursts of wild laughter were so domineering that they shocked the world, even the 80 heavenly soldiers were completely shocked by this breath, and fell silent for a while, their eyes just looked at the mountain of thunder in astonishment The tall and tall figure like a mountain slowly emerged!

Facing an army of 80, the Bull Demon King slowly emerged from the Thunder Mountain alone without a single soldier. Even so, judging by the expression on his face, the 80 army was in front of him. It's like nothing.

But the Bull Demon King said with a faint sarcasm smile on his face, "Li Jing, you are not afraid to flash your tongue with such a big tone!" Then he looked at Li Jing in the air and said, "Where did you come from? You dared to rush to me to accumulate money!" Lei Shan is wild!"

"Bold..." Li Jing hadn't spoken yet, but the officer behind him saw the marshal being humiliated, so he stood up and pointed at the Bull Demon King and yelled at him loudly, but he didn't say anything. The bull demon king in the middle glanced at him contemptuously, the brilliance flashed in those bull eyes, and the lieutenant general who scolded was like a lightning strike, with blood gushing out from the corner of his mouth, staggering cunningly, and immediately step back!

"No rules!!" The Bull Demon King said with a slight smile, "Even if you want to bark, you have to change to a decent dog!" Then he looked at Li Jing playfully and said, "Don't you think so! King Tota !!" Although Li Jing's title was called out in his mouth, it was not just to make people feel the slightest sense of respect, but subconsciously to make it easier for those decent dogs to be associated together!

And next to Li Jing, the third prince of Nezha saw this, looked at the Bull Demon King lightly with his eyes, and then glanced at Li Jing quietly with a sneer on his face, not only did he not intend to help, but on the contrary He showed a faint sneer, and glanced at Li Jing indifferently with his eyes, and the coldness in his eyes flashed quietly.

Seeing the aura of the Bull Demon King, Sun Wukong frowned slightly, his eyes flickered with doubts, while Zhu Bajie always had such a smiling face watching the fun, as for Monk Sha, who was like the bottom of a pot. The black face, at this time, is a little dark red under the excitement!

Naturally, Sun Wukong would not fight against the Bull Demon King, and in Li Jing's army, only Nezha could barely fight against the Bull Demon King, but Li Jing naturally knew better than anyone else the relationship between Nezha and him. Heavenly King Tota is just a timid person who dare not let go of the pagoda in his hand. He understands that if he lets go of the pagoda in his hand, this Nezha will be the first one to kill him. At this moment, Li Jing is also counting on No more Nezha!

Fortunately, after he ascended to the Heavenly Court, as one of the four marshals of the Heavenly Court, he did not have the strength to match him. Over the years, Li Jing has experienced countless embarrassing things, and now he is being treated like this in front of others. He scolded, but his face remained unchanged, instead he said with a smile, "Bull Demon King, even if you have a cultivation base as high as the sky, how can you do it against the sky? Today you have only one way to lose your army. If you don't know the current affairs, you will surrender at this time." I can save a life!"

"Hmph!!" A cold snort, but it was like thunder, and the continuous black cloud trembled under the cold snort, but the Bull Demon King stood with his arms folded, looking straight at Li Jing and said, "My lord!" I'm here today, I want to see if you can help me!"

There is absolute confidence in the words, domineering!

"Who is going to fight and take down this monster!" Li Jing shouted immediately, pointing at the bull demon king and scolding him. He has led the army for many years, so he naturally knows that he can't let it go here. If it goes on like this, the army No momentum at all, what else is there to fight!

It's just that no one answered Li Jing's cry, and it was then that he suddenly remembered that the Giant Spirit God hadn't come back until now!

Nezha didn't pay attention to him at all, and besides the giant spirit god who is not very smart, who else would dare to step forward to fight the bull demon king at this time!

With a burst of shouting, although Li Jing was full of power, but no one responded, this is good, not only did not pull back the momentum of the rapid fall, on the contrary, he became more and more depressed!

Seeing this, Li Jing was naturally anxious, but he didn't dare to show it on that face. The commander is brave, but he couldn't lose his sense of control, so he could only bow slightly to Sun Wukong and say, "This monster's mana is tyrannical." , I hope the Great Sage will help you!"

Although this is a bit of a drop in price, it is invisibly throwing this burden to Monkey King. Facing the Bull Demon King, should he do it or not!

If he did it, he would naturally abandon the old friendship and become the unrighteous person most despised by the monster clan. If he didn't do it, he would be under the eaves at this time, but he really couldn't be missed!

Seeing Li Jing throwing this burden on himself, Sun Wukong couldn't help flashing a ruthless look in his eyes, resisting the urge to swing the iron bar and beat him to death with one stick, Sun Wukong was just about to open his mouth to speak, but he heard a smile from the side The voice said: "It is the military affairs of the King of Tota to calm down the Jilei Mountain, and it is a great contribution. How dare we take credit from the King of Heaven, not to mention the marshal's army is full of talents, and the third prince is powerful. A bull demon king It's not just hand-made!"

These words were understated in the flattery, and Li Jing's embarrassment was blocked back again. At this moment, he was a monkey who was entangled in his heart. Who is that Zhu Bajie who keeps smiling.

Houzi still didn't expect that Zhu Bajie, who had been pretending to be crazy and foolish all day long, would come out to help him at this time. If it comes to such official means, monkey can't keep up with the canopy marshal. He hurriedly gave him a grateful look, but immediately returned Zhu Bajie's smiles!

It's all about this, if Li Jing resigns at this time, he will not be humiliated alone, but he will lose all face in the entire Li family army, even if he knows it is difficult, he can only stand up The neck stiffened, and the diameter shouted loudly, "Where is the giant spirit god!?"

The loud shout was accompanied by the rolling thunder, and it was transmitted to the distance. (To be continued.)

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