Everything starts from the gourd baby

Chapter 54 The Emperor Arrives

Lin Sen and the two took the teacup with a smile, and after Yang Jian and Yang Jian bowed three times and nine times, Lin Sen laughed and said, "After drinking this tea and performing the apprenticeship ceremony, you will be regarded as our disciples, and I can't be stingy! A small gift, it can be regarded as a meeting gift for you!"

Immediately, under the reverent eyes of the crowd, Lin Sen stretched out his palms, but two weapons flew out and landed in front of the two of them.

In front of Yang Jian is a black-golden spear, the breath is contained but not emitted, faintly forming a dragon shape, which is suitable for Yang Jian, the abyss potential dragon, while in front of Yang Lin is a pair of long and short arms. The stick is engraved with a ferocious dragon shape.

"The two weapons, one is the Black Dragon Spear and the other is the Prisoner Dragon Cudgel. They are forged by the master from the Earth's core dark iron that has been tempered for thousands of years in the Earth's core lava and fire. It is suitable for the two of you, so I will give it to you for protection, as a meeting gift!"

"Yang Jian, thank you, master!" "Yang Lin, thank you Master Lin!" Yang Jian and the two hurriedly thanked, holding the weapon in their hands to play.

Seeing these two immortal soldiers, Yang Jian and Yang Jian were immediately overjoyed. After all, Yang Jian is old, calm and calm, and can bear it.But Yang Lin is still a child at this time, and he has a child's surname, so he stared straight at Xianglong with both eyes, looking forward to what his master would give him as a teacher.

When Xianglong saw this, he immediately smiled wryly. Lin Sen came here just to accept his disciples, and he came prepared, but he himself was impromptu. The things I am used to, and these few things can't be used by these two boys.

Turning to see Lin Sen smiling, he was suddenly inspired and sighed, "I am not rich and powerful like Lin Xianshi, and I only use two extraordinary weapons. I have no possessions, so I will wash the scriptures for you two today." Yi Sui, I have the right to be that meeting gift!" After Xianglong finished speaking, he stretched out his big hand and pressed it on the heads of the two children, a burst of anger surged.

However, they saw black and yellow substances slowly flowing out from the bodies of Yang Jian and the two of them. The stench was abnormal. After a while, the whole hall was completely stinky.

Seeing that Xianglong had finished washing his marrow, he said, "You two go down and wash up first!"

Although he is healthy by nature, he is still a child at heart. At this moment, he only felt light and strong, and his strength was boundless. He immediately jumped up to thank Lin Sen and the two, and hurriedly ran out.

But Lin Sen, since Yang Jian kowtowed, he has felt an image in his body, and after Yang Jian finished practicing the power of apprenticeship, he immediately had a clear feeling.

There is some illusory dragon energy of heaven and earth on his body, and it seems that he has somehow connected with something in the void. Although he has only slightly recovered a trace of vitality, it is a good start.

It seems that what Xianglong said is the truth, with the aura of the emperor, it is indeed possible to restore the aura of the emperor in him.

But at this time, a young man in a green coat and a small cap ran to the entrance of the main hall quickly, and shouted anxiously, "To the Duke of Sui, the emperor will drive to the Duke of Sui's mansion, please hurry up to meet him!"

"What? The emperor is here?" Yang Zhongshou was startled, and hurriedly waved his hands, "I'm going, I'm going!" He stood up and prepared to confess to Lin Sen.

"When the Emperor comes, Duke Sui naturally wants to go to meet him, but we are waiting for the savages in the mountains, but it is inconvenient to meet the Emperor!" One of the words was naturally to ask Yang Zhong to go to greet the Emperor.

Lin Sen was so open-minded, which made Yang Zhong very grateful and thanked him again and again. After all, his two sons had just finished their apprenticeship, and it was a bit unreasonable to leave him here. Wait a minute, master! Yang Zhong apologizes in advance!"

"Sui Guogong doesn't need to be too polite, let's go quickly!" Lin Sen couldn't see the anxiety on Yang Zhong's face, let alone Xianglong must have something to say to him at this time.

"Yang Zhong resigns!" With a slight salute, Yang Zhong brought his wife and daughter and rushed to the gate to greet him, at the same time he called for his servants, beckoning the two young masters to go to the gate to welcome Sheng Jia.

"Ask if you have any questions!" When Yang Zhong walked away, Lin Sen glanced at Xianglong, who was hesitant to speak, and said happily, taking a sip of tea.

"How do you know?" Since Lin Sen had made a famous remark, Xianglong no longer concealed it, and asked bluntly.

"Know what?" Looking at the solemn look on Xianglong's face, Lin Sen really wanted to laugh, and immediately pretended to be stupid, and then saw that Xianglong's face became more and more serious, and suddenly smiled and said, "Don't worry! It's not you As I thought, if there is a powerful person behind me, I still need you to speak up? I just saw this Yang Jian once before, and saw that he had the fate of a human emperor, so I naturally paid attention to it, and waited until you told me that I will naturally think of the establishment of the emperor!"

Lin Sen had thought about this interface a long time ago. Anyway, Xianglong didn't know what happened to him in the past, so he pushed it directly to the past, and there would never be any loopholes.

"You're really lucky!" Xianglong nodded and said, it's no good to lie to himself, he believed Lin Sen's words.

"I think so too..." Seeing that Xianglong believed it, Lin Sen slowly took a sip of tea and agreed, but before he finished speaking, Lin Sen stopped drinking tea and hurriedly looked at Xianglong.

And Xianglong also had the same expression of astonishment and murmured, "How can there be people who practice beside the Emperor of Northern Zhou?"

Both of them had profound magical powers, so they could feel the approaching Emperor of the Northern Zhou Dynasty and his party. After all, the emperor was traveling with so much aura that it was impossible for their cultivators not to see them.

But right now, in the emperor's ceremonial tent, there is an obvious aura of a cultivator. Although he is not as good as an earth immortal, he is still at the peak of the monks in the world.

The elephant dragon was wondering, but suddenly he heard Lin Sen yell "No..." The body of the elephant flew out of the hall. Since the elephant dragon can cultivate to the level it is today, it is naturally not that stupid person. After seeing Lin Sen's reaction, he immediately realized why Lin Sen was panicking.

This Yang Jian has the appearance of a human emperor, and his body is full of dragon energy. Although it is hidden, the two of them can see it, and the rest of the practice can naturally be seen.

Normally, it's fine, when a practitioner sees the future Emperor, he may even help him in order to gain some merit, but now that this practitioner is by the emperor's side, he is naturally deeply trusted.

If someone who practiced like this told the Emperor of the Northern Zhou Dynasty about Yang Jian's emperor's appearance, the consequences would be...

Any emperor in this world, knowing that the person in front of him will overthrow his rule and replace his position in the future, will always have only one reaction, to kill the grass and roots.

It's no wonder Lin Sen was so anxious all of a sudden, thinking that Xianglong could still sit still, this Human Sovereign was involved in whether he could ascend to the sky, and rushed out of the hall after Lin Sen.

ps: In order to relieve the pain of going to work tomorrow, the third son decided that tomorrow will be five more! ! !I hope you will support us a lot!

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