Even if the emperor travels lightly, the ceremonial guards are very complicated. From a distance, there is a large group of people and horses, like a long dragon, with flags fluttering, sheng and drums beeping, and they are slowly walking towards the Sui Kingdom's mansion.

The originally crowded carriages and horses in front of Sui Guogong's mansion suddenly moved to both sides, leaving a vacancy in the center of the road, and they knelt on the ground waiting for the emperor's arrival.

Seeing this situation, they couldn't help sighing in their hearts. This Sui Guogong is worthy of being a figure who fought the world with the emperor. He is as close as a brother. Come to congratulate, if you are an ordinary person, even if you have a message, you are already deeply favored!

The guard of honor of the emperor of the Northern Zhou Dynasty did not move forward quickly. Firstly, it was to allow the subjects on both sides of the road to visit and admire the majesty of the emperor.

The emperor came suddenly, and if the emperor arrived and the Sui Guogong was not ready to welcome the holy driver, neither the emperor nor the Sui Guogong would look good.

The Northern Zhou Emperor Yu Wentai and his party came in a mighty way. Yang Zhong, his family, servants and servants, as well as congratulatory guests, stood respectfully at the door.

After Yu Wentai and his party walked in, the group knelt down in unison and said, "Welcome to the holy driver...."

"Please get up quickly...please get up..." Yu Wentai laughed heartily and stepped forward, helped Yang Zhong up and said, "You and I are brothers, you need to be so polite, haha... get up quickly! "

After helping Yang Zhong up, Yu Wentai looked around at the crowd behind Yang Zhong and said, "You and I are celebrating guests today, get up!"

"Thank you, Lord Ron..." After everyone thanked you, they stood up.

Yu Wentai took Yang Zhong and walked towards Duke Sui's mansion, and said as he walked, "There are quite a lot of people here to celebrate, my brother is not small!"

The speaker had no intention of listening, but the listener was interested, Yu Wentai's words, Yang Zhong's heart suddenly thumped, he was afraid of something, before he was afraid that it would be too publicized to reach the emperor's ears, but now it is good, but let the emperor see it with his own eyes!

Yu Wentai hurriedly bowed and said, "This is not the emperor's favor, what face do the ministers have, these clan ministers all came here for the emperor's face!"

Yu Wentai nodded, but he didn't speak, but walked towards the mansion with Yang Zhong's support.

But at this moment, "Huh!?", Yu Wentai suddenly stopped, and looked at the person behind him who made the sound.

However, he saw that this person was thin and thin, wearing a white gown, although he had black hair, he could not tell his age at all, and the purple aura was faintly visible between his eyes, and the eyes of the audience were like ants.

This person was walking behind the emperor, it could be said that he served him personally and received great favor, but at this moment he suddenly stopped, looking straight at Yang Zhi who was behind Yang Zhong.

As soon as Yu Wentai saw this person stop, he immediately asked strangely, "Mr. Xian, what's the difference?" Not only did he not have the slightest majesty of the emperor, but there was even a lot of reverence in his words.

"I don't know who this woman is Sui Guogong?" Mr. Na Xian pointed to Yang Zhi and asked Yang Zhong. This woman walked behind Yang Zhong, so she had a close relationship with Yang Zhong.

"This is the little girl!" Seeing that the emperor Yu Wentai was very respectful to this person, Yang Zhong dared to show no disrespect, and looked at Mr. Xian with the police chief in his heart.

On this person, he faintly felt the feeling he had when facing Lin Sen and the two. He didn't know where he was.Why is it that this person who is rarely seen in the immortals on weekdays has seen three of them today!

"Sui Guogong's daughter is really good-looking!" Mr. Na Xian nodded and sighed, and then said to Yu Wentai, "This girl is the appearance of a queen, and the image of her mother's appearance in the world. If your majesty recruits this girl as a daughter-in-law, he will do it for you." The Lord of the Eastern Palace!"

Yang Zhong had just heard what Lin Sen and the other two had said, and now seeing what Mr. Xian said, he was immediately sure that this person also had the means of the immortal family.

Hearing Mr. Xian's words, Yu Wentai immediately laughed and said, "The queen's appearance? Isn't that born to be my daughter-in-law... Haha... I don't think my virtuous brother will have any objections!?"

Yu Wentai spoke with a smile, but his eyes wanted to look at Yang Zhong, watching Yang Zhong's reaction.

However, Yang Zhong was surprised first, and then said excitedly, "How can I have any objection, this is the royal favor! It's too late for my high heart!"

"Okay!" Yu Wentai patted Yang Zhong's shoulder and said, "Today's matter is settled. You girl will marry my Yong'er. From now on, you and I will not only be brothers, but also the daughter of that girl." How is your family?"

"Yang Zhong thanked Lord Long En." Yu Wentai had a discussing tone on his lips, but Huang Yanjing spoke up, and there was room for the master to refuse, so he brought the whole family to visit and thank him.

But at this time, Mr. Na Xian smiled again, pointed at Yang Jian and said, "These two are the sons of Sui Guogong!"

"It's the dog," Yang Zhong replied respectfully.

"Mr. Sui Guo is so lucky! Both young masters are peerless, talented generals! Huh..." Mr. Na Xian suddenly stopped and his face was full of doubts. When the other closed his mouth, Yang Zhong's heart thumped. , is there any problem?

But at this moment in the open space in front of Yang Jian, Lin Sen secretly touched the sweat on his head. His hard work was due to his quick response. Otherwise, it would be troublesome for this person to see Yang Jian's emperor's appearance.

It was Lin Sen who arrived in time to cover up the emperor's appearance on Yang Jian's body.

Mr. Na Xian was surprised, but suddenly felt that something was wrong, but he didn't realize what went wrong.

"Sir?...Mr.?" Yu Wentai yelled softly a few times before Mr. Na Xian came to his senses and said, "It's nothing, I just sighed for Sui Guogong's good fortune. These two sons must be the pillars of the country in the future!"

The national pillar, the pillar of a country, this evaluation cannot be higher!

Yu Wentai immediately patted Yang Zhong on the shoulder with emotion and praised, "Brother is so lucky!"

Then he suddenly stopped and said, "I'm busy with state affairs, so I won't continue to harass you! Haha...with me here, you can't let go!" Yu Wentai seemed to be in a good mood, but he didn't drive too much. Not a small joke said.

Then, the eunuch behind Yu Wentai said, "Send me back to the palace..."

This Yu Wentai and his party were released for a while, and then they went back home.

"Send off the holy car..." A group of people knelt to send the holy car off, and they didn't get up until Yu Wentai was far away, and the scene became lively again without the presence of the emperor.

However, under the emperor's guard of honor, Yu Wentai completely lost the bold expression just now and said coldly, "Mr. Xian, what about Yang Zhong?"

"The posture of a tiger general is the pillar of the country!" Mr. Xian said softly.

"So, he has no problem?" Yu Wentai's face immediately relaxed. After all, he was an old brother who fought together in the battlefield. If he turned his face, he really couldn't bear it.

"But..." Mr. Xian changed the subject, Yu Wentai's heart skipped a beat and he said, "But how?"

"Your Majesty, don't be nervous..." Mr. Xian said with a smile, "It's just that Yang Zhong's eldest son has some abnormalities in his appearance, but his breath is the same!"

But although Lin Sen blocked Yang Jian's breath, he couldn't change Yang Jian's appearance.

Yu Wentai frowned slightly, as an emperor, he would rather kill the wrong man than let him go.

After thinking for a while, he said softly, "Observe first, if there is something wrong, kill it!"

Mr. Xian nodded immediately.

After the emperor's guard of honor walked away, a person in a black Taoist robe and a sneer on his face appeared silently in the place he had just passed. It was Lin Sen.

Looking at Yu Wentai who was going away, Lin Sen couldn't help thinking in his heart, he deserves to be the founder of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, if there was a trace of suspicion, he was ready to kill him, and the killing was decisive!

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