After Lin Sen left, Xianglong sat cross-legged in the courtyard all the time, but it was only superficially calm. As Lin Sen went longer, Xianglong's heart became more and more restless. Cheng, if it went well, he should have come back by now, and something happened!

But at this moment, two subtle fluctuations of spiritual power suddenly entered Xianglong's perception.

These two people who sneaked in ignited Xianglong's anger in an instant, and the two star demons dared to act wildly in front of him, and there was a golden light in their suddenly opened eyes, and they gritted their teeth and said, "You really dare to come... .”

The figure suddenly disappeared from the spot, and when it reappeared, it was already above the two people who had sneaked in, with golden and red flames shining in its hands, and suddenly a hideous big gun appeared, the whole body was pitch black, and it was about two feet long. , slammed down fiercely, and shouted loudly, "You who steal chickens and dogs, die to me!"

Xianglong studied the dragon body forging technique, his martial arts are superb, but he saw that the moment the spear was slashed, it suddenly split into two, like two red flame dragons, opening their teeth and claws, tearing apart at the two figures. Bite away.

One of the two is tall, the other is petite, and their demonic aura is tight and restrained. Although they are both Earth Immortal cultivation bases, but when the two of them reacted to the attack of Xianglong, which was close to the attack of a Celestial Immortal, the two scarlet flame dragons were hideous. His face is close at hand.

However, the two of them are not ordinary people. Even so, they still have the power to fight back, but they saw a dark and deformed long spear in the hands of the tall figure. It's a fiery red hook shape.

when! !With a loud bang, the black shadow reacted quickly, blocking the elephant dragon's attack at the last moment.

However, although the coming person is not weak, if compared with the elephant dragon, it is still very different. Although the body of the gun can block it, how can the supernatural power carried by the gun resist it? , hit the black shadow on the chest, and the tall body was knocked out without stopping.

And the other smaller person looks graceful, but she is a woman, her moves are just opposite to that of the strong man just now, very feminine.

The long sword in his hand danced into circles of ribbons, entwining the dragon's spear layer by layer like spirit snakes. The long sword was unknown, but it was powerless and extremely flexible. Every time it is wound around, it will offset a little bit of the strength of the elephant dragon gun.

This woman did not do anything wrong with the method of softness to overcome strength, but what he was facing was an elephant dragon, how could her cultivation be able to restrain that overwhelming strength.

When the strength reaches the limit, rigidity can also break softness, but the soft sword that is wrapped in layers breaks after supporting it for a while.

Fortunately, the sword is extremely tough, and it has withstood the attack of the elephant dragon without breaking. It can be regarded as a good weapon. Unfortunately, the weapon is good, but the skill of the master is not good enough. He couldn't hold back the hilt, and the sword in his hand was knocked out.

The deity was even thrown high into the sky, and was thrown more than ten feet away. Fortunately, the tall man in the lead quickly got up and before he could stand still, he flew up to catch her.

The two looked at each other, their minds interacted, and the aura on their bodies suddenly changed, but they saw that their figures suddenly became blurred, as if hundreds of thousands of weapons were dancing all over the sky in an instant, attacking Xianglong's vital points from all directions place.

"Formation?" Xianglong was stunned for a moment, seeing the yin and yang forces on the two of them converging, he snorted and said angrily, "A mere Liangyi formation, dare to show off in front of me, Long!!"

After finishing speaking, he threw the hideous big gun into the air, pinched a few seals, and instantly a golden flame was ignited on the hideous big gun, and the big gun seemed to come alive in the flames, twisting its body, without any delay. For a moment, it turned into a golden-red dragon with teeth and claws flying in the air.

"Aw..." a dragon groaned, the golden and red dragon circled and danced in the air, and the attacks of thousands of long spears and swords hit the dragon one after another without the slightest leak.

Jingle! !There was a sound of collision, and the thousands of weapons were shaken to their original form under the dragon's flaming dragon body, and the two weapons fell away from their masters.

But Xianglong was relentless, and pointed at those two people with a spell in his hand!

boom!There was a loud noise, and the ferocious dragon transformed by the big gun smashed straight towards the two people. Flames shot out in the darkness, and the golden-red flames set off waves of fire, which hit the black straight of the big gun. Inserted on the ground, as for the two people, they were already blown away.

"Hmph! Two mere earth immortals dare to break ground on your Grandpa Long's head!" Seeing that the two were blown away, Xiang Long stepped forward and said with a cold snort. It's not bad to fight against him with such a few tricks!

Xianglong walked forward slowly, but at this moment, a black whip shadow flashed, and with Xianglong's cultivation base, he couldn't see what the flashing thing was. Suddenly, the flames splattered, and he felt a heart-wrenching pain above his head. pain.

"Aw..." Even Xianglong, with his cultivation base, couldn't help crying out in pain. He couldn't help but spit out flames from his mouth, covered his head and jumped, his eyes were burning with anger when he was neutral, watching the two who took the opportunity The fleeing black shadow shouted, "You two are dead!"

But it said that Lin Sen was on the Huashan Mountain, surrounded by fourteen Confucian disciples with a large array of eight wastes[***], no matter which direction Lin Sen broke through, he would be blocked by the 14 people's strength in the formation.

And that Dongfang Ming was even more dependent on the dragon's veins, allowing Lin Senkong to have such a treasure as the Bichan Great Seal, but he couldn't use it with all his strength.

That Dongfang Ming stood on the eastern seat, cupped his hands and said with a smile, "Friend Lin, I hope you will forgive me!" and then took the lead to drive the entire formation.

"Everyone is in a confrontation, each relying on his means!" Lin Sen said with a smile, he really didn't mean to blame this Confucian disciple, if it were him, he would do the same, not to mention that the other party was just planning to seal him, If it were me, I would cut the grass and roots directly.

"I am good at cultivating my noble spirit..." Under the leadership of Dongfang Ming, the fourteen Confucian disciples shouted loudly at the same time, and the righteous spirit was released from their bodies. The purple breath was majestic and boundless. Under the connection of the big formation, it was implicitly connected into one strand, forming a mountain-like momentum, pressing down on Lin Sen.

This seemed to be boundless power, Lin Sen hastily dispersed his spiritual thoughts, forming a circular shield around himself, resisting the majestic purple righteousness outside.

"Spiritual will?" Dongfang Ming immediately yelled in astonishment, "I didn't expect you to have such a strong spiritual will. Fortunately, I have prepared well, otherwise I really can't take you down today!"

This thing of divine sense is illusory, and it has been the most difficult thing to train since ancient times, but Dongfang Ming did not expect that Lin Sen had such a trump card.

"Oh! Then you have the confidence to take me down now?" The majestic righteousness was suppressed like a towering mountain. Even with Lin Sen's divine sense, he was still pale and sweating against Fourteen at this time. Down.

"If it's one-on-one, no... if there is no big formation... even if we 14 fight together, we may not be able to win you! It's a pity..." Dongfang Ming smiled confidently, although Lin Sen had Unexpectedly tyrannical Divine Sense, but this is still in his calculations, he has enough confidence in the Eight Desolation [***] formation!

But seeing the 14 people as if they were one person, at the same time he said loudly, "A man of great power, his spirit is also the most powerful..."

The voices of the 14 people reciting became louder and louder, and there were more and more voices. After a while, it was as if tens of thousands of people were reciting at the same time. , in which faintly appeared a classic text recited by Confucian disciples.

Lin Sen's intuition that the weight was like a huge mountain suddenly increased exponentially, but in a short while, the veins were exposed, and the headache was splitting.

What is even more unbearable is the boundless power and power. This bright and righteous energy is formed by the condensation of the heaven and earth and the positive energy. Thanks to Lin Sen's resting Taoist skills, his spirit is tyrannical. It has vanished under the air.

But even so, Lin Sen still felt that there was a faint sign of a fall in his soul, and he hurriedly hugged Yuan Shouyi.

Looking out with bloodshot eyes, his eyes were completely covered in purple, and there was no trace of Confucian disciples in sight.

We must think of a way!Lin Sen said to himself, there is no way to carry on like this, and it will be a matter of time before he can't stand it.

Under the full power of the divine mind, the round transparent air shield around the body faintly formed a substance, and the dots of light on the air shield shone like starlight. They were the tens of thousands of refined and pure fighting spirits in the purple mansion's spiritual consciousness. Thoughts appeared above the gas mask.

Lin Sen's heart suddenly moved, and he controlled the tens of thousands of thoughts to squirm regularly. With the rotation of the thoughts themselves, the air shield formed by the spiritual thoughts also rotated.

The gas mask is rotating to counteract the huge pressure coming from all directions, and these pressures make the gas mask rotate more rapidly, the faster the rotation, the stronger the counteracting force.

After such a good cycle, after a few breaths, Lin Sen only felt that the pressure around his body was gone, but it was the rotating circular shield that withstood the pressure of the big formation.

Lin Sen only felt that he had a splitting headache, but this was the damage caused by the burst of spiritual thoughts before. He hurriedly meditated cross-legged and adjusted his breath to heal the wound. If it hurts the soul, it is not obvious now, but it will be troublesome in the future.

"Brother, something is wrong!" The Confucian disciple standing in the west looked at Haoran in front of him and said doubtfully. Their seniors had practiced this battle before, but such a scene had never happened before.

I saw that fluttering majestic righteousness suddenly began to rotate, at first it was extremely slow and almost imperceptible, but now it is getting faster and faster, almost like a hurricane.

"Hmph!" But Dongfang Ming sneered and said, "You are really tricky, start your battle, and invite a wise teacher!"

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