"Senior brother, the Eight Desolation [***] formation has been completed, that person has already been trapped here, so there is no need to do anything extra!" Hearing what Dongfang Ming said, a person beside the formation immediately asked back, asking for a wise teacher would be very exhausting , it won't be able to recover in a while!

"Be careful, there is no big mistake!" Dongfang Ming said softly, his eyes looked at the great righteousness turning in the big formation in front of him, but he was a little worried in his heart, and he always felt that the person just now was not so easy to kill, although it would take time and effort , but still be careful not to make big mistakes.

Since the order was given by the elder brother, although the group of disciples felt that it was a little redundant, they still stood in their respective positions, their heads slightly lowered, one hand seemed to be holding a scroll in front of their eyes, and the other hand was behind their backs. The air suddenly churned violently.

"Use my noble aura to gather the souls of the sages..." Following the chanting of a group of Confucian disciples, the noble aura in the formation immediately reacted and changed suddenly.

Lin Sen, who was meditating with his eyes closed, only felt a coolness from the soles of his feet to the sky, and bursts of dangerous breaths that made his heart startled woke him up suddenly, and a faint force that made his heart tremble in fear came from the mighty purple air in front of him. .

However, following the chanting of a group of Confucian disciples, the rotation of the awe-inspiring aura became more and more slow. In the end, no matter how Lin Sen turned the aura, he couldn't shake it a bit. Tianshan is as unshakable as the Que.

A stronger pressure than before poured in like a tide, and for a moment Lin Sen only felt that it was extremely difficult to stand up, and his body, which had been tempered all year round, was also creaking under this pressure.

While Lin Sen was struggling and thinking about the way to get out, he suddenly noticed a slight change in the majestic purple aura. On top of the purple clouds, an old man in fine clothes appeared faintly. The face is wise, and the five-color brilliance flashes behind him.

Such a pious and beautiful scene, but Lin Sen felt like seeing a ghost. The person in front of him was too familiar. Even people from later generations clearly knew who this was, a wise teacher of Confucianism, the sage of Confucius, Kong Qiu!

The art of inviting sages mentioned by Dongfang Ming is similar to the Taoist art of inviting gods, but this Confucian disciple is not inviting the gods of that day palace.

Instead, these 14 people used the aura of grandeur tempered in their chests to form a strand through the formation, and using this as a guide, they invited a sage to come from the earth and fairy world.

From the moment the illusory old man appeared, the pressure in the formation suddenly increased, a line of blood suddenly spewed out from Lin Sen's mouth, and the transparent air shield of spiritual thoughts burst into crackling sounds. , slowly cracks appeared on it.

Although the silhouette of Confucius is only an illusory image, the pressure is as powerful as the sky. Although Lin Sen's body has been tempered by the physical skills passed down by the gourd ancestor, his demon body is unmatched.

bump!bump!But how could he be against Sheng Shenwei, several blood lines burst out all over his body, and he knelt down on his knees almost like a blood man, and the divine sense aura suddenly shattered into countless small pieces.

The mighty purple air suddenly suppressed, and the irresistible momentum was like a monstrous flood, instantly submerging Lin Sen's body covered in blood.

Feeling that Lin Sen's aura in the formation was completely suppressed, Dongfang Ming and his party hurriedly revoked the spell in their hands, although it was only a few breaths away.

But the gowns of these dozen or so people were almost completely soaked, their faces were as pale as paper, and they were sweating profusely like rain. Without saying a word, they hurriedly meditated to recover.

It wasn't until dawn that the 14 people came to their senses slowly. The purple condensed formation in front of them had long since disappeared, and Lin Sen had been completely suppressed in this world.

Dongfang Ming looked at the open space in front of him and sighed, "If we hadn't prepared well, we really don't know who will win today!"

The tyranny of Lin Sen was really beyond his expectation, if it wasn't for the few people who invited the spirit of the virtuous teacher regardless of the consumption, or the large formation of the Eight Desolation [***], they might not be able to do anything to this person!

"Indeed!" Another Confucian scholar stood beside Dongfang Ming and sighed, "We are both Earth Immortals, you and I are indeed ashamed!"

The strength of the fellow Earth Immortal Lin Sen really made them gain insight. The Earth Immortal can be so strong, and they couldn't help admiring him. Fortunately, although they took some troubles, they finally sealed him.

Then he looked at a red glow in the sky and said, "Fourth Junior Brother, go and remove the seal on the dragon vein!"

"Withdrawn?" A long-clothed Confucian scholar in the crowd asked strangely, thinking in his heart, didn't he say that he wanted to extract the dragon veins from this place to nourish the luck of the Northern Zhou Dynasty?After working so hard to arrange it for so long, why is it withdrawn!

"Although the Northern Zhou Dynasty is in full swing, the Emperor's ethics have their own rules. How can we interfere without authorization? Today's purpose is to get rid of the disturber." Dongfang Ming said seriously when he saw his junior brother was puzzled.

"Yes, Senior Brother!" The four Junior Brothers immediately respectfully saluted and accepted the teaching, and then walked towards the seal of the dragon veins, pinched out the seals one after another, and scattered the formation on the rock wall to extract the dragon's energy.

"Fourteenth brother!" But Dongfang Ming said again, and then a person walked out of the crowd, it was Mr. Xian who was beside Yu Wentai, bowed and said, "Senior brother!"

"Now is the critical period. You should hurry back to the Northern Zhou Emperor's side. As for the matter here, I will report to the master myself!"

"Yes, Senior Brother!" Mr. Na Xian replied, purple air was born under his feet, and he quickly disappeared into the canyon.

"Senior brother, what about the Yang family...?" Another person asked after he was born, obviously wanting to ask how to deal with the child of the Yang family who has the aura of a king.

Why didn't Dongfang Ming know what his junior brother wanted to say, and immediately said, "The current emperor is Yuwentai, the emperor of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, and the son of the Yang family will board the plane to become the emperor, and it will be decades later. We still need to wait." Grasp the present, besides the chaos of the heavens and the dragon spirit, it is hard to say what will happen in the future! I will go to the Yang family first to have a look. If the son of the Yang family really has that extraordinary appearance, I can also assist the emperor and open up a new dynasty for him It is said that I can wear it and I teach the Dao to the world! If the qualifications are mediocre, we should get rid of them early to avoid future troubles."

"Yes, brother!" A kind of Confucian scholar was immediately taught.

"Let's go!" Dongfang Mingyou glanced at the empty ground, and a group of people together gave birth to purple air, forming a purple cloud, floating towards the sky.

"You said you came here to find someone?" Xianglong looked at two monsters in front of him, a man and a woman, with a puzzled face. The two monsters were full of monsters, and they didn't seem to be familiar with Lin Sen, a Taoist monk.

"Yes! Yes! This senior, what we said is absolutely true. We are indeed here to find someone! It's just that it's not convenient during the day, so we sneaked in at night!" The charming woman hurriedly explained, with The entangled golden ropes were made of something unknown, and the scorching and terrifying energy in them scared the two monsters into not daring to move, but they only had sincere begging expressions on their faces.

They cursed bad luck in their hearts, the person in front of them was too powerful, but they didn't even have time to speak, so they suffered such a meal for nothing.

If it wasn't for taking advantage of that opportunity, the two of us would have been refined by the reckless dragon in front of us if we were confused. It's just that the previous attack really offended this person, although he didn't embarrass her as a woman. , but the brawny man was not lightly repaired.

"Forgive you for the time being!" Xianglong saw that what the woman said was not true, but he didn't let it go, so he said, "When Lin Sen comes back, if what you two said is false, then...huh snort..."

Although the words were not finished, the murderous intent in the cold snort made the two of them shudder unconsciously and hurriedly said, "I must know each other!! Absolutely true!"

"Wake up... wake up... Jian'er wake up..." Lu's joyful voice came from the backyard immediately, and then ran towards the lobby at a trot regardless of etiquette.

Xianglong, who was waiting in the lobby, stood up immediately, and said in surprise, "Jian'er is awake?"

Mrs. Lu nodded happily, and Xianglong said in surprise, "Let me see!" Lin Sen's trip lasted only one night, not to mention a trip to Huayin. Yang Jian woke up, it seems that Lin Sen has succeeded!

"Alas! Alas!! You let us go!"

The elephant dragon rushed out like a gust of wind, and the two people who were tied up in the hall shouted anxiously, but the elephant dragon had already gone far away, and under the eagerness, there would be no way to separate the two.


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