But he said that like a gust of dragon rushing into the back hall, as soon as Fang entered the door, he saw a person standing in front of Yang Jian's bed. But no one came in at all.

"Uncle Long!" Yang Jian, who was lying on the bed, immediately shouted happily when he saw Xianglong's figure, his face was ruddy, his heart was full of energy, and he didn't look like he was sick.

And the figure beside the bed also turned around, looking at the vigilant Xianglong with a smile on his face.

"Brother, when did you come back? What is this?" Xianglong exclaimed suddenly, and the person standing in front of the bed was none other than Lin Sen.

But seeing Lin Sen standing quietly on the bedside, the ethereal aura of the fairy family on his body has changed drastically at this time, like stars and stars, mysterious and unpredictable, as far as the eye can see, it seems to be in front of the eyes, and it seems to be far away in the sky.

That's why Xianglong rushed in, but he didn't recognize him from behind.

However, it is true that Lin Sen was sealed by fourteen Confucian disciples with the Eight Desolation Formation, but how could he appear here? This matter has to start from the appearance of the Confucian spirit.

But Dongfang Ming and the others used the power of a large formation to condense the righteousness of the 14 people, thus attracting a trace of Confucian spirituality, hoping to completely defeat Lin Sen.

Dongfang Ming's purpose was indeed achieved. When the divine mind of Confucius in the great formation came, even Lin Sen's spiritual mind was powerful, but he couldn't compare with the real prehistoric power. Even if it was just a slight trace of divine sense, the power and influence shattered Lin Sen's divine sense aura.

Suppressed by the boundless awe-inspiring righteousness in the formation, Lin Sen should have fallen into a coma and fell into a deep sleep if nothing happened, just like passing through the white phosphorus, he would not wake up until at least a thousand years later, or when someone broke the formation.

It's a pity that Dongfang Ming didn't expect that there was a strange treasure in Lin Sen's purple mansion's consciousness, the book of Hongjun's preaching, Huang Ting Dao Jingjing, which saved Lin Sen again.

Although he was not driven by Lin Sen, the spontaneous power of the Taoist scriptures prevented the boundless purple energy from approaching, thus revealing a flaw, allowing Lin Sen to maintain a trace of clarity.

Overwhelmed by the awe-inspiring righteousness like a torrential flood, at the moment when the air mask shattered, Lin Sen's intuition was damaged, and his intuition felt like a splitting headache, and he fell unconscious when his eyes darkened.

Afterwards, he just felt drifting and groggy, not knowing what the world was like, but just drifting up and down with the waves, and he woke up after an unknown amount of time, only to see broken crystal objects in front of him, and he himself was exactly the same. Float along with these broken objects.

But beyond this, there is the endless purple righteousness, which fills the whole world in a mighty way, with no end in sight.

Lin Sen suddenly understood that at this moment, he was already in the sea of ​​consciousness in his purple mansion, and this piece of purple was the bright righteousness that sealed him.

At the moment, he was about to run his divine thoughts, but just as soon as he had this thought, he felt a tingling pain, his eyes darkened and he almost fainted, only then did he realize that the crystal fragments beside him were actually those fighting one by one. The soul thought, however, was shattered together with the divine sense aura by the blow just now, and the tyrannical divine sense that came to him by accident was abolished. Although it came easily, but at this moment, it was lost. Lin Sen couldn't help but feel a little sad.

"But I'm arrogant!" Lin Sen slowly sat down and smiled wryly before the severe pain passed after a while.

Although I always warned myself, but my divine sense, after passing through the catastrophe, I was still arrogant without knowing it, thinking that I was a fairy, and I could escape calmly even if I lost.

Knowing that it was a plan, but going straight to the future, it was justified. Fortunately, although the divine sense was abolished, his own life was still alive, so it was better than those unlucky ghosts who stumbled and had no chance of turning over.

Sighing in his mouth, Lin Sen sat down cross-legged. Since he was still awake, he couldn't just catch him without a fight, but he had to find a way to get out of trouble.

But after a while, he opened his eyes with a wry smile. The seal was really tight. He could only feel the boundless purple energy. Even my own body can't feel it at all.

The divine sense can't be used, and I can't sense it myself. Is it really necessary to seal it here for hundreds or thousands of years?Lin Sen asked secretly in his heart, and then felt his body once unwillingly.

Once, again and again!In this consciousness, there is no time passing by, and Lin Sen doesn't know how long it has passed. There is nothing but this mighty purple energy. After countless failures, this induction is already a numb instinct!

Just like that, after an unknown amount of time, Lin Sen was suddenly awakened by a slight dissonance, just like a drowning person grabbing a life-saving straw.

Lin Sen, who was already in a daze, suddenly woke up, and hurriedly sensed the disharmony.

It was an extremely weak, extremely faint aura. If he hadn't carefully discerned it among the boundless purple aura, he would not have been able to detect it at all. Therefore, Lin Sen was able to detect the existence of this aura in an unknown number of years. .

But once found, this spot is like a faint spark in the dark night sky. Although dim, it is the most conspicuous place in the entire night sky.

After washing and savoring for a long time, Lin Sen finally found out what this trace of incongruity with the awe-inspiring purple aura was, but it was the jade medal presented by Yang Zhong, which he held for playing with it every day, but it was kept close to him.

But at this time, the mixed aura in this jade tablet of unknown origin could not be blocked even by the awe-inspiring righteousness that filled the sky.

It seemed that he had sensed Lin Sen's existence, and that mass of mixed spiritual energy was actually moving towards him slowly under Lin Sen's induction. Entering the Purple Mansion, I'm afraid I won't be able to preserve the last trace of clarity immediately.

If the soul is polluted at this time, it is still a matter of whether the waiter can wake up.

Thinking of this, Lin Sen could still sit still, and hurriedly stopped him, but unfortunately he let him obstruct him in every possible way, and instead of slowing down, the cloud of mixed spiritual energy went faster and faster.

Even the mighty and mighty Ziqi in that great formation couldn't stop its speed at a slight bit.

The breath moved faster and faster, and the perception became clearer. After a few breaths, the mixed spiritual energy appeared beside Lin Sen's last clear land.

"It's over!" Lin Sen muttered silently in his heart, but he saw that Huang Tingjing didn't do anything to stop the spiritual energy, allowing the spiritual energy to rush into the Purple Mansion.

The moment the spiritual energy entered, Lin Sen only felt a loud noise of "Coax!!" in his head, as if the world was shaking, and the purple aura that had not changed for many years in front of his eyes gradually faded.

The aura was infinitely magnified, and in just an instant, it stained Lin Sen's last clear land into a pitch-black color like night.


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